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Messages - turom

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Since I got my PSVita 3 years ago, despise all the great games I hear there is on DS systems I just could never cope with the screen resolution and quality, so I never had any. Even retro 2D games look gorgeous on the Vita screen.

Too bad they didn't seem to improve on this revision.. :(

Here's a couple pic's from my game room to give you an idea.  ;)

Dear God !!  :o

Tried it on PS+ and it's a game where you need to practice a lot, you die REALLY FAST. Kinda cool if you like dexterity/reflexes based games I suppose.

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:44:02 am »
Cleared Lords of the Fallen on PS4 today.

All the trophies that were obtainable before NG++ are done, I'll do the 2 other runs for the 2 remaining endings later. Not sure about the DLC, it looks too expensive for now and not really interesting, I may get it when it gets cheaper for the trophies..

As a big Souls fan I enjoyed the game, the Darksiders-like artstyle was neat and the boss fights were entertaining. It doesn't match the greatness of a real Souls game thought.

News / Re: Two New Staff Members
« on: July 30, 2015, 03:57:21 am »
Cheers !

It's puzzle time! 8)

Puyo Puyo SUN (SAT)

More pics:

Puzzle Bobble 3 (SAT)

More pics:

Those arcade puzzlers can never get old!

Modern Video Games / Atelier series
« on: July 29, 2015, 08:57:21 am »
Hi all,

After hearing so much good about those games I started playing the Atelier series (Arland) with Rorona + on PSVita. I find this game very enjoyable and I'm willing to play the next episodes (Arland and Dusk series).

Though here's my dilemma, I can't decide on which platform I will play the series between the PS3 and the PSVita.

For now the Rorona "+" game is cross save and is identical on both platform so I can play on both, but it won't be the case for Totori, Meruru and so on. I'm talking about EU versions BTW.

I was thinking of doing the series on PS3:

PS3 versions pros:
  • Boxes! I like having the game boxes to put on my shelf and there's no Vita physical version of those games in Europe while the PS3 versions exist.
  • Games on disc are cheaper than the digital PSVita versions.
  • I like playing games on my TV
  • Better performance than the PSVita versions? (framerate, texture definition, etc.)

PS3 versions cons:
  • The Ayesha episode on PS3 version doesn't have JP voices while the Vita version does, that's kind of a a big deal for me since I really want to play with original audio whenever possible.
  • DLC and bonus features from the PSVita + versions not included on PS3
  • Can't play them on the go with the PSVita but that's kinda rare, I often play Vita games at home lol

So I'm asking for those of you which may be knowledgeable about those games:
  • How much do the PS3 versions improve compared to Vita versions? (framerate, texture resolution, artwork resolution, general aspect)
  • How much do the "+" Vita versions improve compared to the PS3 versions? Are the DLC worth it? Are there key gameplay features that were added in the "+" versions?
  • I've seen that you can import your saves from one game to another. What does it do?
  • I was thinking maybe getting the Vita versions and play them on a PSTV, but how crap does the PSTV rendering look compared to a PS3 native version?

I see three options:

1) Get all PS3 versions but the Ayesha dub thing annoys me and I don't know exactly what i'm missing from the + versions?
2) Get all Vita versions but i don't know how crap this will look on my TV through PSTV? Even if it looks amazing on the Vita I don't like doing long gaming sessions on the Vita, I prefer TV for RPGs.
3) Get all PS3 versions except Ayesha on Vita? But I don't know what's the benefit of importing saves between games?

It's a very long post, thanks for reading if you did and if you have any advice on this please share!

General / Re: If anyone wants new cases for their genesis games.
« on: July 29, 2015, 07:40:49 am »
Luckily enough it seems that sports games are a dime a dozen and usually have cases (at least by me) so you can probably find those second-hand easily.

You're right, i did this as well for US Saturn cases. I should even find some in Europe since there was only one format for EA yellow-tabbed games I believe.

General / Re: If anyone wants new cases for their genesis games.
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:59:27 am »
Cool stuff !

Too bad there's no case format for the "yellow tab" EA cartridges, I would have picked one to replace a half-destroyed box.

I can help if you want.  8)

If you can purchase the statue and use a US shipping address, you could send it to me and I can pass it along to you when it arrives. (usually you can put a different shipping address from the billing address).

I've done a lot of international eBay trades with no problems. In fact I just sent off a figure to Austria this morning. :)

Awesome !! ;D

Thanks a lot kind sir, sending PM.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 22, 2015, 08:29:56 am »
Opps duplicate sorry  :(

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 22, 2015, 08:29:47 am »
Odd. I did what tafk suggested, and then I get this message.

"Hi, I just saw the invoice but it was the same before, can't you offer a shipping discount since both items will be shipped together?"

Am I able to do this? I didn't see any option for "Offer Shipping Discount" anywhere. @_@ eBay is really starting to confuse me.

Yes this is common practice, that's mainly the point of having a "ask for invoice" option. I always try to buy items on the same seller when available precisely to save on shipping costs.

Picked up Wipeout XL for a hair over 5 dollars

That's crazy when I think of the prices of the the Saturn JP version !  :o

Marketplace / Need help ordering this wonderful Journey collectible!
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:43:20 am »
Hi fellow US collectors, I need your help!

I saw this on the news today and I desperately need the glorious Journey collector statue :

Sadly they don't ship outside of the U.S.  :'(

So i'm looking for someone that lives in the U.S. that would order it for me and send it back to France. Of course I pay all the item costs and transport fees in advance via Paypal.

You can check my eBay profile, i'm a very serious person.

My only concern is the packaging from U.S. to France will need to be very well protected since it's a fragile product...

Your help would be very appreciated, for love and peace !!!

Marketplace / Re: Looking For / Help Me Find Thread
« on: July 21, 2015, 12:11:53 pm »
After going to read the manual for the copy of Jeanne d'Arc (PSP) I bought today, I found out that it's the French manual. Whoever had this last just threw out the English one I'm guessing. Canadian problems. :-\ Sooo...
That's a sucky situation lol.
Sure is. I was really looking forward to reading the manual before I started the game. :'(

Post some pics! I'll translate it! ;D

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