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Messages - aliensstudios

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Hardware and Tech / Re: Mystery GBA SP EXT.2 cable
« on: December 22, 2022, 11:52:39 am »
I'm almost 100% positive that cable came with this accessory:
I used to have this exact accessory (or something like it) and what you did was you plugged your DS charger into the battery pack charger, and it came with a male to male-cable-that connected from the battery pack charger to the DS so you could charge a battery in the dock and the internal one in the DS at the same time. The amazon customer reviews on this product are a bit vague, but they seem to echo this sentiment. If I recall it didn't work very well, but I haven't had the item since 2007 or 2008, so it's been a long time at this point.

Someone is selling one on Facebook Marketplace:
It has a picture of the back of the box showing that it came with the male-to-male cable for DS/GBA SP

Site Feedback / Re: Extra Option requested for "Release Type"
« on: December 16, 2022, 01:56:02 pm »
What physical games have early access?

I don't think I used the Wii-motes for a single Wii U exclusive game.
The only game I can think of that I used the Wii remote for was DKC Tropical Freeze. I actually really like the Wii Remote control scheme in DKC Returns so that's why I eschewed the traditional control scheme in Tropical Freeze. I also used Wii motes in stuff like Wii sports Club and Wii Party U which are both really fun party games on the system.

The one feature I regret this system didn't have was a way to upscale original Wii games - It can play them but still in 480p quality... That alone would have made his console very valuable but sadly as it offered no enhancements to play the previous gen and has now had most of its big titlse put forward to the Switch it does come across as very redundant to me.
It does technically scale Wii games to 720p / 1080p from their original 480p resolution, much like the way a PS3 does with PS1 / PS2 discs, but the end result isn't much different than plugging a 480p Wii into a 1080p monitor so the scaling isn't great. The Wii U doesn't render Wii games at higher resolutions like the PS5 can do with certain PS4 titles or what the Dolphin emulator can do for GameCube / Wii. Personally, I use the Wii in 480p mode into my OSSC which perfectly doubles each pixel to a resolution of 960 pixels which is shy of full HD (1080p) but north of HD (720p). The end result is slightly blockier but much less blurry than the Wii U's Wii software scaling which I prefer.

Always loved the Wii U and never thought it got a fair shake. Honestly, most of what makes the Switch great is just Wii U and PS3/ XBox 360 ports.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind there, though.

First, Bayonetta is a historically underperforming franchise.  Platinum had to partner with Nintendo just get part 2 made, which did better than the first game, but was still originally a Wii U game which limited potential sales until the Switch re-release.

Second, she's not the only voice actress for the character, just the English one.  They still have to pay the entire Japanese (and any other translated language) cast.

Third, she was replaced by Jennifer Hale, one if the most prolific VAs in the business, who almost certainly cost more than they offered Taylor.  It's sounding more and more like the low offer was because they didn't want to work with her anymore.
That's all speculation  ;)

This is probably also a good place to talk about Hellena Taylor being lowballed out of voicing Bayonetta for the third game.  She was offered essentially the bare minimum to voice the lead in a pretty big release, so she turned it down, and they hired Jennifer Hale, who was almost certainly more expensive.  Lots of rumors swirling around that one.
Wasn't that disproven or at the very least challenged?

Yeah, way more has come out since I posted this, and probably the most generous read of the situation is that she unintentionally understated the offer they made with poor phrasing.  I'll refrain from any further speculation just to say that voice actors are drastically underpaid in general.
It sort of flashed a light on the whole situation for me in general. "How much is a voice actress / actor worth?" She wanted +100k for her role as Bayonetta. Ok.... Is that truly unreasonable? I love her voice in those games as well as Smash Brothers. Underperforming athletes make more than that in one day. The game will make that amount in sales on release day within a few hours. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have enjoyed Bayonetta in one which way or the other. The look of Bayonetta and her voice in the newest game don't look or feel like Bayonetta to me. It's like some money grubbing imposter.
Nintendo hasn't turned away from money grubbing practices over the last two decades, with ports and rereleases of older games for full or greater price (especially recently), is 100k or a bit more even a drop in the bucket to them?

This is probably also a good place to talk about Hellena Taylor being lowballed out of voicing Bayonetta for the third game.  She was offered essentially the bare minimum to voice the lead in a pretty big release, so she turned it down, and they hired Jennifer Hale, who was almost certainly more expensive.  Lots of rumors swirling around that one.
Wasn't that disproven or at the very least challenged?

General / Re: Good Video Game Documentaries
« on: October 08, 2022, 11:24:50 am »
If you're into Twin Galaxies and Billy Mitchell, King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters is also great. Watched that for a college English paper.
That guy was outed as a huge cheater so that documentary doesn't hold up unless you just want to laugh at it.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: October 04, 2022, 08:31:36 pm »
Watched B.J. Novak's (that douche from The Office) directorial debut, Vengeance. This film is incredible. It hits the nail on the head so hard and I really hope more people see it. It is so much better than the vapid crap Hollywood has been shilling out in the past 5+ years.

Nowadays, most people have nothing better to do than to be offended by things and create problems where none exist. That's why so many people are so political or overly opinionated on the internet.
The mere fact that you felt obligated to make this post when you probably only heard about this controversy because the 0.2% of people who were actually offended got their opinions validated by other internet lemmings is a perfect example of this domino effect in action. 

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: September 19, 2022, 05:50:43 pm »
Timesplitters 4
When was this announced? That would probably be the most exciting game release for me in years

It's been in the works for a good long while, but here's a tweet from Dr. Doak letting folks know they're hiring.
Cool! I knew it was in development hell for some time and I thought it was canceled.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: September 18, 2022, 02:03:58 pm »
Timesplitters 4
When was this announced? That would probably be the most exciting game release for me in years

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Direct 9.13.22 thoughts?
« on: September 18, 2022, 01:56:01 pm »
With every Nintendo Direct I'm reminded more and more that I am no longer Nintendo's target audience.

I'll tune in for the big games like the new Zelda and Mario titles, but it seems anime JRPG style games sell more than the games I like. Sign of the times I suppose
Yeah, I feel you. Aside from Pikmin 4 they have nothing coming out that I'm interested in. Even the new Zelda looks like an involved expansion of BotW which I wasn't the biggest fan of either. I've been pining for a more focused and down-to-earth Zelda adventure like Twilight Princess or Wind Waker. I'm not sure how something like F-Zero or Donkey Kong would do nowadays, but it's a shame that Nintendo just keeps relying on remastering it's backlog of older titles and making games that are turn-key like Fire Emblem and Zelda.

Too many to count. I'm honestly extremely grateful that most of my collection was purchased pre-2020, some of the stuff I own would be impossible for me to purchase now.

I'm right there with you on being thankful I got into collecting when I did. I'd even go as far as to say I'm glad I had the bulk of what I wanted pre-2015 or so when this hobby exploded. Little did we know how bad it would really become in recent years, even back then. But I started out when few other people were collecting and those are the years I look back on most fondly and remember enjoying doing this the most. Outside a few instances here and there, collecting has been pretty shitty and unfun for the past 5 or 6 years, especially the last 2 or 3. That's why I've started to focus way more on playing games rather than buying them.
Yeah, prices were still somewhat outrageous in the late 2010s, but nowhere near the level they are now. I got 85% of what I have now pre-2019 I'd say. I bought my first home in 2020 and since then, the entertainment budget is much slimmer and I try to spend less than 150 dollars a month on games / movies (though I sometimes deviate). I have bought a ton of blu-rays though, dirt cheap at places like 2nd & Charles.

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