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Messages - BinaryMessiah

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Site Feedback / Re: Edit button losing data on collection page
« on: July 22, 2023, 10:07:55 pm »
Still happening to me. I just lost a bunch of edits today without realizing this was happening. I went back and changed everything, dozens of items are either at 0.00 or 0000 for year.

Modern Video Games / Re: Limited Run Games Showcase 2023
« on: July 12, 2023, 02:51:26 pm »
They're turn-around time pre-pandemic was okay. Some pre-orders during that time took 18 months or more to ship. It got pretty stupid, but most of that was out of there hands. I remember getting an email from them for the Quake collector's edition (big box) saying they just needed the die cast metal figures made and it would ship at the end of that month. It wound up shipping some 8 months later.

I also found the quality of the items aren't exactly what they were described or shown to be. For example, the BloodRayne: Fresh Bites deluxe edition extras were pretty bad. The pen was terribly made and looked cheap. Probably had to cut corners on some stuff to get things made. Here's hoping now that supply chains have eased up that the quality will go back up.


There seems to be a misunderstanding for a Box Text for a strategy guide. I was told in the rejection comments "do not denote where the text is located." However, this specific text is actually printed on the guide. It's also on a different variant.

The misunderstanding might be where it starts with "[it's back]" That's actually on the back of the guide in brackets as well right at the top. It's not me notating where the text is located. This is where I copied the text from as it's the exact same except for a single bullet point that's different.

Maybe I did type something in wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was it.

General / Re: Anyone else suck at finishing RPGs?
« on: July 09, 2023, 02:52:34 am »
Story of my life. RPGs (specifically JRPGs) are the bane of my existence. I purposefully have to set aside all of my gaming time to finish one. I have to not play any other games and just dedicate a couple of weeks to that RPG. I usually have to make sure it's worth doing this such as having a good story. The last JRPG I finished was Persona 5 Royal and it took me about two weeks and 90 something hours. I rarely ever finish them. Usually, if the story doesn't capture me I stop around 4-6 hours in and don't bother again.

You should make a retro XP machine as games that came out during Windows 7 work on Windows 10/11 just fine.

That's actually not accurate at all. Literally 2/3 of my physical PC games won't work on the current Windows 10. That's because at some point maybe 2-3 years ago Microsoft brought a security update that straight-up refuses to run some older CD/DVD software that have a security "certificate" that is obsolete today, rendering at least 2/3 of CD/DVD games uninstallable.

Didn't know this. I don't have a disc drive on my computers. Haven't had one in 7 years. I was basing this off of using Steam for Windows 7 stuff. Maybe it's not an issue with digital content.

To explain due to censorships,censorship of what we love,wokeness,politically correctness & people who support censorships & people who support censorship of what we love I had to ask.

& like I said that I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff.

& yes I know I know that sooner or later they will make the games that I love & I still love & the games I want to play unplayable on new & modern pcs. So I acted like fine then if I have to I don't mind to build myself a retro gaming pc.

& sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & to end it here or at least for now don't worry I'm including mods too as well

Political views aside, do you mean as a dedicated retro gaming PC? Microsoft stopped updating Windows 7 so you shouldn't have either connected to the internet. Both OS support different eras. By the time Windows 7 came out the support for XP wasn't great at all. You should make a retro XP machine as games that came out during Windows 7 work on Windows 10/11 just fine. XP was built around 32-bit architecture with very little supporting or working on XP 64-bit. XP retro PCs are becoming really popular, laptops as well, so expect era appropriate hardware to be a bit pricey.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Epic Games now has a category!
« on: July 02, 2023, 02:08:50 pm »
I always thought the PC-Digital category was digital games without launchers which are pretty much non-existent these days. Back in the day when Steam was young, there were sites like Direct2Drive (a shadow of its former self these days) and directly from Microsoft's Windows store site where you could buy PC games digitally and had to redownload them through that website. I remember buying Gears of War for PC and I nol longer have it because that service is gone and MS never migrated those games anywhere. They are all gone now. Every site just offers a code to a launcher. I feel each launcher (Ubisoft, EA, etc) should have its own category as well, but that might be too much work for when they disappear like recently with Bethesda.

General / Re: Steelbooks with Games
« on: July 02, 2023, 01:57:32 pm »
I remember getting the Rage 2 Collector's Edition and in my steelbook there was a cardboard disc with the code printed on it. I've never been more offended.

General / Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« on: December 28, 2022, 08:55:46 am »
1. Get back to collecting. I don't just hoard games. I have a very curated wishlist of games I want. My goal has always been, "If you won't play it, don't buy it". We have been saving since the pandemic started so I have hardly bought any retro games since. We can finally start doing fun stuff in a few months.
2. Complete my modded handheld collection. I need an Atari Lynx, NeoGeo Pocket Color, Wonderswan, Sega Nomad, and TurboGrafx Express to complete my main handheld collection. I have most of my handhelds with modded screens (some I've done myself), so they're more enjoyable to use.
3. Play more retro games. I have several hundred and have so many I need to play if not finish, or at the minimum spend an hour in.
4. Get better lighting and a photo booth/box setup and get back to Instagram posting. I was doing fairly well and stopped because I don't have a dedicated setup for it.

General / Re: Witcher 3 New Gen Release and General Chat Thread
« on: December 28, 2022, 08:40:50 am »
I still haven't finished this game so it was nice to get this update. I've had it installed on my PC since launch and just keep poking at it and getting distracted. I also have it on my Steam Deck. Sadly, the next-gen update on PC is awful. Ray tracing is broken. DLSS and FSR don't work at all (just 2-3 fps gain), and framerate fluctuates around 15-30 fps when you swing the camera around. Thankfully they kept the DX11 mode in without ray-tracing. DX12 is still broken even with ray-tracing disabled. I have an RTX 3080ti and it can't maintain 60fps with ray-tracing disabled and DLSS on Performance. That's incredibly sad and clearly broken. Hopefully, they can patch it up soon.

XB1 didn't become Backwards Compatible until 2017, so that wouldn't be the reason for those dates. It didn't even come out until the end of 2013.

According to this article, it became available November 12, 2015.

I added release dates for the Fallout 3 Xbox 360 DLC and whoever flagged these said the release dates were 2012-2013. That is completely wrong. They were released all throughout 2009. The person added the link in the rejection comments but it says 2012-2013 most likely due to a relisting of some sort when backwards compatibility was added for Xbox One.

Best Buy has been selling LRGames for over a year at least. Are you sure the pre-orders aren't LRG's? I have maybe 10-12 LRG's and I've never ordered from them, just bought them in store at Best Buy.

They currently have a ton of games available for online purchase as well.

Edit: Here are their current LRG pre-orders. All the ones you mentioned are here.

They've been selling to Best Buy for nearly four years actually. I first bouth an LRG game from them back at the beginning of 2019.

Thanks! I stopped uploading via mobile because of this. Was super frustrating. Glad it's been fixed.

Classic Video Games / Re: PlayStation Vita turns 10 years old.
« on: March 05, 2022, 02:36:55 am »
I have a single memory attached to the Vita. The day it launched I wound up with appendicitis. That may not seem like a big deal, but I didn't realize it until two days later when I went septic and nearly died in the hospital. I thought I just had a bad flu and waited it out for two days. My family and girlfriend noticed I wasn't getting up anymore and stopped going to the bathroom and was weak. They took me to the ER and I wound up staying for 3 days puking my guts out trying to recover. I had my family bring my Vita because I thought I would play it, but every time I looked at the screen I started puking. Not a fun way to spend the weekend of a console launch.

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