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Messages - instantreplay

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General / Re: Most BS thing in video games
« on: July 08, 2018, 11:36:25 am »
Getting pinned into a corner by an enemy so you can't escape. It's so fucking infuriating like in Castlevania when a boss pins you against a wall, and they just stand on top of you and you take damage just touching them so you're pretty much fucked.

General / Re: Your Least Favorite Gaming Device
« on: June 08, 2018, 10:31:14 pm »
The switch because it has no games. I burned through the entire library of physical games within 2 months.

General / Advice on Signatures (what should I get signed)
« on: June 08, 2018, 02:10:38 pm »
I'm going to ConnectiCon next month and Steve Blum is gonna be there. Here's the thing, I have nearly a dozen games that he's been in, but I don't know what I should have him sign. I can only get like three things signed at most because it costs money to get a signature so I wanted to see what you guys thing.
Here's what he's been in that I own:

The Bouncer - Kou Leifoh
Killer 7 - Kenjiro Matsuoka
Valkyria Chronicles - Zaka
Mass Effect 2 – Grunt
Vanquish – Robert Burns
Prey – Walther Dahl
Lawbreakers – Faust
God of War – Ares
Madworld – Jack Cayman
Bulletstorm – Grayson Hunt
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War – Sauron
The Punisher - Bullseye

I'm gonna have him sign my Mass Effect Trilogy box because its one of my favorite franchises of all time. After that, I'm torn between whether I should get something signed to increase the value of my collection or because I really like the game.

One thing I'm really torn on is whether I should get my copy of lawbreakers signed. For those of you that don't know, its one of the worst selling games in history and only sold a few thousand copies on launch. The PS4 version literally only had about 300 people playing on launch. The only reason I bought a copy is because it had a limited physical release through limited run games. Now that makes me think it could be really valuable one day because there were so few copies made, on the other hand its a game no one bought and most people forgot existed.

General / Re: Do you check game prices on your phone and
« on: June 08, 2018, 10:30:31 am »
I don't check prices for cheap games. Like if its a game I know isn't worth much but I find a copy that has everything and its in good shape I'll buy it without checking online. When it comes to rare games I always check online.

The more common thing I check online when I'm browsing a store is if I can save money by buying just the disk. Sometimes I'll find a rare game without the case or manual so I'll see if those are available via ebay at a price that can save me some money. If I can't, then it's not worth the hassle.

Before I buy a retro game, I always ask myself "If this breaks, will I be willing to replace it?"
There are a ton of games I want but I just can't justify spending nearly $300 because if it breaks I'm fucked.

Classic Video Games / Help me find this game from my childhood?
« on: June 02, 2018, 01:44:41 am »
Hey everyone!
So I'm trying to find a game from my childhood. I used to play it at Pizza hut when I was a kid (like 15-20 years ago) but here's what I remember.
-It was a side scroller/run and gun
-the gameplay was kinda like metal slug/contra
-probably the most standout thing was that the two playable characters (only differentiated by their colors of orange and blue) and that they had armored backs and tails like an Ankylosaurus.
-first section was standard run and gun but the second section was a vehicle section (never got passed it because I was like 7)

Anyone have any idea what game this might be?

Both. Also if something is objectively terrible to play with friends and laugh. Like I literally bought a copy of The Bee Movie Video Game for that reason XD

Modern Video Games / When Video Games Die
« on: May 23, 2018, 10:27:20 am »
One thing that's truly depressing about current gen gaming is that video games can now truly die and never be played again. Sure it's been happening with MMORPGs for a while now but we're starting to see it more and more with the rise of multiplayer only games; once a game goes offline, you can never play it again.

I recently booted up Paragon only to learn that its servers officially shut down and its really depressing finding out you'll never be able to play a game that you really enjoyed (personally I don't spend money on loot boxes or shit because of this very reason).

General / Re: Do you prefer new games or retro games?
« on: May 22, 2018, 10:10:30 am »
Newer games hands down. Retro games only have the nostalgia factor especially since you have indie developers making retro style games that are better made than the old ones.

Classic Video Games / Re: Your Favorite Mech Game
« on: May 18, 2018, 01:02:51 pm »
Armored Core 2 for the PS2.
I remember so much about that game that I REALLY shouldn't XD

Classic Video Games / Zelda Collection Advice
« on: May 08, 2018, 04:31:56 pm »
Hey everyone!
I want to start a themed portion of my collection in which I collect all the Zelda games, but there's some things I'm stuck on.

1) Should I collect remakes, or just the originals?
2) *updated* If I go for remakes,which versions should I aim for because there are soooo many. Like there's the Nintendo selects (Which is nintendo's take on Playstation Greatest Hits and Xbox Platinum games), skyward sword has a "world edition". I would assume go for which ever one is more valuable/rarer but its hard for someone like me to tell

The Thin Red Line. I thought it was boring and it was rather laughably obvious they were on a set at times. I rarely stop watching a movie but I didn't even make it half way through this one.

Classic Video Games / Spotting a bootleg CDI game
« on: April 19, 2018, 03:22:17 pm »
Hey everyone,
I plan on buying some rare CD-I games. Before I do want to look into some ways to spot bootlegs. I know they're out there because I saw someone selling a reproduction of the Wand of Gamelon (the guy was straight forward that it was a repro).

General / Re: Video Game Protector Boxes
« on: April 15, 2018, 04:48:17 pm »
Whatever you use "DO NOT USE CD WALLETS" always use either DVD or Bluray cases or even Fat Jewel cases of thin ones if you prefer.

CD Wallets leave the  Game or DVD/CD/Bluray unprotected and can even damage them with excessive use never buy the CD wallets. You actually better off leaving the CD Exposed rather then inside one of them wallets from my experience.

guess ill take everything out of my cd wallets....

General / Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« on: April 15, 2018, 11:17:35 am »
Anyone else see the irony of whining about people whining too much?

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