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Messages - teck

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Site Feedback / Re: VGCollect v3 Support Thread
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:01:13 am »
So I'm not sure if this affect anyone else, but the new version does not display very well on cell phones (or at least a Galaxy S3)....  The predominant issue being that it is quite difficult to redirect from one section of your collection to another....  To jump from ps2 to ps3 I have to edit the address bar for example from ***/***/PS2 to ***/***/PS3....  It can be mildly cumbersome....

Site Feedback / Re: VGCollect v3 Support Thread
« on: January 28, 2014, 04:46:56 am »
Seems that info pages for games are not correctly displaying Japanese and Korean languages....  Might be others as well, but those are the only ones in my collection to my knowledge....  Sorry if this has been brought up already, my mother's illness has kept me too busy the last few weeks to stay active....

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: November 25, 2013, 04:38:05 pm »
My PS4 works like a charm and so does both my borthers' and two of my friends' systems as well....  I have not seen a PS4 problem first hand yet so I wouldn't be too worried....

I'm still waiting on my Good Smile Samus Aran statue that somehow got pushed back....  Also Watch Dogs still of course....

User Feedback / Re: Scott
« on: November 24, 2013, 12:58:28 am »
Bought Robotica on Saturn from him and it looks good.  Nice snug packaging, much appreciated!

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 24, 2013, 12:54:33 am »
Man I loved that series tho. But then again, I'm a huge nerd for Three Kingdoms China.

Yes!  Fellow "Warriors" nerds....

Modern Video Games / Re: COD only 720p on XBOX1
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:57:08 am »
Thinking more on it, and I wouldn't treat CoD as a great benchmark. Last gen, the series was almost entirely sub-720p, except Black Ops II, and it still drops resolution to cope at certain points. The first Black Ops was so poorly programmed, it was damn near 480p.

It's hard to optimize performance or visuals when a new game is being churned out every single year, and the underlying engine used has only been modestly upgraded over almost a 7 year period. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy.


General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:55:48 am »
I started playing WoW again like an idiot....

Hardware and Tech / Re: NES Blue Screen
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:53:23 am »
The lockout chip won't cause the game not to come on at all. It only solves that occasional problem of the game starting normally but then reseting over and over.

It doesn't surprise me that bending the connectors wouldn't work. Once you start bending the connectors it's hard to have them line up exactly at the same angle where they all would make good solid contact with the cartridge pins.
I'd  recommend getting a new 72 pin connector you can get one on ebay in $7-8 USD range. Even if it doesn't fix your problem you'd still have it for your next NES.

What you can try doing as a last ditch effort to save that old 72 connector is take a piece of sandpaper fold it over something like a credit card and insert it in and out of the connector. (not side to side) If there's something like a bit of rust or corrosion that's causing a connectivity issue that will make short work of it.

This is not necessarily true....  In bad cases a lockout pin can indirectly cause blue screens....  I have had many, many blue screens fixed at work by only disabling the the chip sometimes....  Not all times, but sometimes....  That's why I always do a new 72 pin at the same time these days because that seems to take care of 95% of our NES systems without other work....  It's just faster in the long run for us and customers appreciate the brand new pin set in ever NES we sell....

Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: November 17, 2013, 12:47:33 am »
Only got Battlefield 4 here....  Thinking about getting Need for Speed, but want to see it hands on a little more first....

Got my PS4 at midnight, but didn't pick up Battlefield 4 until following afternoon, hahaha....

Site Feedback / Re: Release Date
« on: November 13, 2013, 02:08:35 am »
Not sure if it's related to the date fix... but I was putting in some comics and item numbers and barcodes don't seem to be working now on submitted items. Not sure on edits though.

I'm not so sure putting barcodes on comics is a good idea, anyways.

Since the early 80s, the majority comics have come out in both "Newstand" edition and "Direct Sales" edition. Newstand are the ones sent to grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. and have the barcode. Direct sales editions are the ones sold directly in comic book shops, and don't have the bardcodes.

We could also get into Whitman and Baxter versions, too, which ran in the 80s.

Suffice to say, it's probably more of a headache than it's worth to put the bardcodes in. Because then we'd need 2 of each comic in the database to represent both versions.

Comic books are atrocious to manage and catalog anyways....  You've got variants, first print/subsequent prints, and not to mention randomly dropping new number ones and other crazy numbering schemes....  I hate collecting comics because its fucking rocket science to manage the damn things....

Site Feedback / Re: Reproduction carts
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:12:53 pm »
I think there is a certain level of mysticism people see when dealing with cart games. I think that is a large part of the argument. Notice we aren't talking about reproduction Sega CD. This is because everyone has a cd burner. Not everyone has the equipment to reprogram a cart. But it is the same thing as burning a CD. Just a different format.

If I burnt a whole bunch of copies of Sega CD's Night Striker, removed the region, put it in a nice package made from cover project images, put a nice laser engraving on the CD, and sold them, I imagine most people would call me a thief. But with carts it's different. I don't get it. If burnt and sold Sega CD games can't make the cut. Why do burnt and sold NES games make the cut? Believe me it is not about translation. Where is that Golden Axe 3 translation? Some games are just in English. But I do understand that people do like to list some of them. I would admit that I would like to have Golden Axe 3 right next to Golden Axe 1 and 2.... But at what cost.... (That last bit should be read in a very dramatic voice. Maybe some *dun dun dunnn* music)

Just because you pay someone money to do this for you doesn't make it part of the system's library.

Hilariously, I actually did have a subconscious looming disembodied voice thing going before I even read the follow up sentence....  Also the Sega CD comment is DEAD on....  I hadn't even considered it that far, but yes it is true....  I remember similar scenarios with the Dreamcast where a kid was trying to trade bootlegs and was literally laughed out of our trading cirlcle....

Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:08:44 pm »
Huh... I just OnLive sort of pointless to have if you have a PC, it doesn't really seem to fit into any segment of the market IMO. Anything you can play on OnLive, you can play on PC. Meh.

As for Ouya... I've had one since a bit before launch (one of the lucky ones who actually got his kickstarter console before the retail release) and I still think it's a bad console. 500 games is nice, it'd be nicer if more than 1 or 2 of those were interesting. I've been hooking it up every few weeks to navigate through the discover store thing, and I never come out downloading anything.


General / Re: The Top 10 Most Wanted Items on Your Wishlist
« on: November 10, 2013, 11:55:18 pm »
Today could be your lucky day.

I saw that actually, but it is just impossible for me right now....  With the way things are, I'll be paying my mom's bills until at least March....

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