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Messages - badATchaos

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I enjoy the system, but I wish there were more games. It still kind of feels like the Wii U to me. With the amount of units sold hopefully more developers will start looking at it more seriously.

Site Feedback / Re: Site Feature Suggestion!
« on: January 04, 2018, 09:39:23 pm »
If you're interesting in printing I would suggest exporting your collection. You can then open it with Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets. Once there you can edit it to your hearts content, and print. Exporting can be found on the Settings page.

General / Re: Is PlayStation VR a good addition to my collection
« on: December 23, 2017, 09:48:04 am »
I would say if you're really interested in VR and have the deep enough pockets, spring for a Vive or Rift. The technology in those are a generation ahead of PlayStation's solution.

Overall their system isn't bad per say. There's just some compromises they made to better match the consoles preformance, and get that price point down.

The game library is slowly starting to grow.  I think we'll see a lot more games being made and ported to the platform as developers are starting to see how big of a market share PSVR truly has over the VR space.

From a collector's standpoint, it's obvious. Buy everything!

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Movie of 2017
« on: December 17, 2017, 05:54:17 pm »
In no particular order:

Blade Runner 2049
The Shape or Water
The Disaster Artist
Baby Driver
The LEGO Batman Movie
The Last Jedi

General / Re: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
« on: December 15, 2017, 11:44:33 pm »
Dude that white Mega Drive is sick, and I don't even care for Sega stuff.

Also: I don't understand the thread. You're talking about alternate colors and form-factors of game systems? lol
If that's the case my favorite alternate/rare color variant is the red "Char's Custom" GameCube with a black front plate. I picked one up a few years ago. I still need to mod it for US games however.

I use Logitech's G430 headphones at work. I liked them enough to buy a pair for myself at home.  If you bother to download Logitech's drivers they can emulate 7.1 surround. It's not the best but its the thought that counts.

General / Re: Remasters are cop outs? Agree or disagree?
« on: December 13, 2017, 02:09:37 pm »
To me it kind of matters how the game is marketed. If they try to bill it as a Remaster but all it does is go from <720p up to 1080p or 4K? Screw that. Its even more pathetic if the game in question was running on PC, because PC games are generally expected to scale to a wide variety of resolutions and aspect ratios. Simply flicking a switch to make the game render at higher resolutions is trivial. -Granted, this new console is a more powerful one of course.

To me the minimum for a HD remaster/remake would be something like Wind Waker HD. Better/new lighting, higher resolution textures, new/alternate control scheme, a few new bits of content here and there, bug fixes.

Modern Video Games / Re: Romancing SaGa 2 finally coming to the west!
« on: December 09, 2017, 08:38:46 pm »
There's a lot of people who play RPGs for their stories alone.

Modern Video Games / Re: Romancing SaGa 2 finally coming to the west!
« on: December 09, 2017, 05:12:03 pm »
Oooo. Comes out on Steam too

To me Super Famicom is better in almost every capacity. Console styling, packaging, game box art in general. It uses the same power supply brick the original Famicom used, so that's kind of useful. They actually made use of the bottom expansion slot.  There was special kiosks where customers could download games onto a cartridge. The game library is also just... bigger. Support for SFC ran all the way to 2003 in Japan.

The only obvious bad thing about it was their controller cables were really short.

Classic Video Games / Re: Why do many retro gamers hate on the Xbox?
« on: December 06, 2017, 04:55:01 pm »
Naw I just mean in general. For a long time when I would say I'm a PC gamer they would just assume "Oh, you play World of Warcraft?" -as if its the only thing to be played.

Classic Video Games / Re: Why do many retro gamers hate on the Xbox?
« on: December 06, 2017, 02:19:05 pm »
Its the first time I've ever seen someone call Fable, Knights of the Old Republic, Morrowind, or Stubbs the Zombie exclusive titles. I'll give you Jade Empire because it was a couple years until that was on PC.

When you aren't a PC gamer, PC games don't matter.

Yeah I just think its funny that people dismiss PC out right. And people say PC gamers have a superiority complex?

Classic Video Games / Re: Why do many retro gamers hate on the Xbox?
« on: December 05, 2017, 07:28:56 pm »
Its the first time I've ever seen someone call Fable, Knights of the Old Republic, Morrowind, or Stubbs the Zombie exclusive titles. I'll give you Jade Empire because it was a couple years until that was on PC.

Site Feedback / Re: Items Badge Broken
« on: December 04, 2017, 02:37:44 am »
Any idea what milestone you were up to? My 600 one works.

I played it on and off since alpha. Upon release I lost track of it. I can see some of the appeal, but I don't understand the mass hysteria surrounding it.

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