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Messages - turom

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General / Re: Top 10 Favorite Video Game Soundtracks
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:28:10 pm »
Damnit guys this is so hard to keep only 10!  :-X

1. Journey
2. Ôkami
3. Genji: Dawn of the Samurai
4. Drag-on Dragoon
5. Zone of the Enders 2: The 2nd Runner
6. Panzer Dragoon series
7. Sonic CD (JP)
8. Seiken Densetsu 2
9. Final Fantasy XI
10. Catlevania: Symphony of the Night

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: June 05, 2015, 10:33:07 am »
That was one of the most fun platinum trophies to get. I felt the same way as you about Fury Mode. I went in thinking it would be impossible but it ended up being my favorite mode. I'm sure you know this already, but always keep a supply of Whetstone on you since your sword's stamina bars are your new life bars. Other than that, have a great time and don't worry about cursing on Momohime's last boss. Those f***ing falling rocks are AWFUL.

Yeah Whetstones FTW! I like the fact that you have to actually build a strategy for each boss battles and select your swords both for DPS and invincibility frames/stun potential of their special attacks. I heard the DLCs bosses were really tough on Fury mode, I'm looking forward to take the challenge!

Off Topic / Re: Where I've Been...
« on: June 05, 2015, 10:26:05 am »
GG ^^

Our house is constructing as well and will be finished in 4 months, we have a gaming room project too, so exciting indeed!

Hardware and Tech / Re: How do you guys hook up your PS2?
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:51:42 pm »
Ah that's interesting. I've wondered how s-video compares to component. My CRT TV supports both.

In order of signal quality: HDMI > VGA > Component > SCART > S-Video > Composite > RF

Of course it's true only when the source signal is matching the supported resolution of the connectivity and when you're not upscaling.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:47:53 am »
I finally decided to get the last trophies for that damn platinum on Muramasa Rebirth, so everyday I progress a bit more into the Fury Mode play through (you have 1HP and everything kills you in one hit). This is really exciting and a lot more enjoyable than I expected, but.. yeah I have like 50+ retry on every boss battle. That's tough but now I realize that's how the gameplay of this fantastic game shines at its best.

And on evenings my wife and myself goof around in Zelda Skyward Sword, very linear game but truely enjoyable. i just wish I could play it with a controller :|

Can you specify more ?
  • What region are you from? Are you in the US or in NTSC area?
  • The console you own, you say it's a model 1 Mega Drive, is it a PAL console or a JP console? Or maybe you mean it's a Genesis console, US model? If you're not sure post pics.
  • What method do you use to connect it to the TV? You tried RF and it's not detected by the TV if I understand correctly? You say you bough two RGB cables, you mean SCART? Where do they come from, can you show me a link or something about these cables?
I know some flat TV models got trouble rendering some analog signals trough SCART but if the problems remains on two different TVs that's probably not a TV problem. Should try a CRT though.

The SCART cables are not structured the same way for japanese and other models so it may be a compatibility issue. I have little knowledge of how TVs work in the US though, I only have experience on EU CRTs.

General / Re: Favorite Opening Cinematic To A Game?
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:33:17 am »
Great stuff!

I think there are many openings that I love but the first that came into my mind and that I love the most is obviously this one:

General / Re: amiibo
« on: May 27, 2015, 02:13:00 pm »
Nice to find some others amiibo collectors! ..Or ex-collectors for those who quit.

I like to take pics of those cute figures ;D

I'm looking forward to the June wave and once again this won't be easy to get them all I'm afraid.

Off Topic / Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: May 27, 2015, 11:26:53 am »
maybe it's because I do like the fan service and big boobs in Anime, come on be honest who doesn't like them ?

I can say for instance that I pretty much dislike fanservice, that was for example the reason that made me stop watching Gurren Lagan after a few episodes, that was just irritating nonsense. I'm not against nudity or sex themes but it should be brought by narrative reasons IMO, like it is done in Berserk for example.

Marketplace / Re: WTB : Arcade Power Stick 6B SJ-6600
« on: May 27, 2015, 04:32:08 am »
I found it on ebay in like 10 seconds: 
More likely than not though you're looking for a deal price wise, which you won't find here.

The model you linked is a 3 button HAA-2650 one and it's pretty common but I'm looking for a 6B SJ-6600, and believe me I wish it would be this cheap...

Video Game Deals, Sales and Promotions / Re: Humble Nintendo Bundle
« on: May 26, 2015, 05:12:56 pm »
Note: This bundle does not seem to be available in Europe. Thanks, Nintendo! Your shenanigans never fail to surprise me.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Marketplace / WTB : Arcade Power Stick 6B SJ-6600
« on: May 26, 2015, 12:48:15 pm »
I already got one of these for JP Mega Drive (pics below), but I'm looking for a second one and I can't find it anywhere.

It doesn't need to be in box, it can be loose but I want it to be in good condition and working. It must be a 6B Japanese model code SJ-6600, I don't take PAL/US ones.

If you got one to sell or know a contact, please share!  ;D

Pics of the one I currently own :

General / Re: Dealing with spouses. Wait, it's not what you think!
« on: May 26, 2015, 11:23:48 am »
My wife has been a PC gamer and a tabletop RPG player since her being a teenager 20 years ago so even if we focus on different types of games we both have a thing for gaming and that's awesome. She loves to take screnshots, it's like a photo hobby but in videogames. She uses a capture software when she's playing or she takes snaps while i'm playing and she gathers them in albums on Flickr.

At every occasion she gifts me stuff from my wishlist and understands the true value those old boxes and hardware have, that's why she's totally excited about our retrogaming room project we will work on next year in our newly constructed house.

Since she's more into modern PC gaming or plays old stuff with digital GoG library on her PC she doesn't really collect anything, all that is listed here is "my" collection but she likes to play with me on console games time to time.

General / Re: Favorite controller?
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:47:16 am »
Dual Shock 4 is as well my best modern controller but for retrogaming the Saturn HSS-0101-S is my favorite, here are the ones I have:

Hardware and Tech / Re: How do you guys hook up your PS2?
« on: May 24, 2015, 07:21:28 am »
I'm using a RGB SCART cable and use the PS2 on a 30' 4:3 CRT TV with 480i RGB output since the PS2 doesn't take advantage of EDTV/480p/16:9 correctly in most cases with its faked wide-screen cropping the image..

In short the PS2 lacks the power to handle EDTV with its games designed for SDTV, that's why I use it on SDTV RGB 480i where it's at its best, where the Wii is the only console that is good to use on a EDTV IMO since most of its games were designed for it by default.

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