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Messages - kingrat101

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General / Re: Your Specializations/Areas of Expertise?
« on: February 01, 2014, 07:23:38 pm »
I'd say mine "expertise" is 2D and 3D fighters and SNK

General / Re: Knock off games
« on: February 01, 2014, 02:21:54 am »
Golden Axe Warrior is great but for me personally I love Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting, at first were they considered Street Fighter clones, especially AOF with Ryo... Major Ryu clone, but they have enough of their own thing going for them.
I guess Metal Slug can be considered a Contra knock-off too
Here's a fun fact: Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury were co-designed by Hiroshi Matsumoto and Takashi Nishiyama,  two dudes who worked on the original Street Fighter. Both of the original games are still tons better than the heap of garbage that SF1 was.

And sorry, Ryu clone? At least Ryo has a personality other than "I MUST FIGHT TO MAKE MYSELF STRONGER." Sure, Ryo wants to be stronger. But he's got a life and a family too. :P

*wears an Art of Fighting fan badge with pride since 1992
Oh man! I totally forgot Hiroshi designed AOF
Haha and I'm totally with you man, I recently played through AOF 1 and 2 and man they are tough but great fun.
I also love the fact that Ryo has the balls to ride a motorcycle in a gi and sandals :)
"Ora! Ora!"

Classic Video Games / Re: Poll: How do you pronounce NES
« on: January 31, 2014, 04:01:45 am »
I say 8-bit Nintendo and N.E.S
On the playstation thing I will admit is a fantastic system... Unfortunately for us 2-d fighting fans, it's terrible, D-pad is stiff, and the ports are just awful. Marvel Superheroes vs Street fighter has hideous loading times and it took out the "tag" feature and to top it all off the animation is pretty bad too. Stick with Saturn and Dreamcast for Capcom fighters

Classic Video Games / Re: alright boysss
« on: January 31, 2014, 03:53:42 am »
Shinobi is great, Kung-fu Kid, Hang-On and Outrun

General / Re: Knock off games
« on: January 31, 2014, 03:49:52 am »
Golden Axe Warrior is great but for me personally I love Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting, at first were they considered Street Fighter clones, especially AOF with Ryo... Major Ryu clone, but they have enough of their own thing going for them.
I guess Metal Slug can be considered a Contra knock-off too

Modern Video Games / Re: Another Wii U stat
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:25:40 pm »
I think I saw somewhere that Michael Pachter, said basically the same thing. In that Nintendo should drop the wii u and develop games on other consoles and smartphones and then seven years down the line release a new console, it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It would be insane to drop the wii u, like everyone else has said they'd lose consumer confidence. Nobody wants to spend 300 bucks on a worthless product... No irony intended, ha, but I think Nintendo just really needs to get games out there. They need something to sell the Wii U gamepad, that's their gimmick and they haven't been doing a good job on selling it. I don't think most people really truly care about superior graphics, people want something different and that's where Nintendo has an edge... But they aren't showing that, realistically I cant think of one worthwhile game that really utilizes the pad well and I don't see any coming out that have that either. I personally would love to see a new Metroid game that is third person one the TV and first person on the gamepad, kind of like Other M, but actually feel like a Metroid game. I also agree though too, they need new franchises

Classic Video Games / Re: 3DO
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:55:36 am »
Return Fire and Maps o Death

oh and didn't we already have this discussion?,2213.0.html

Haha! Oh wow! Im an idiot, guess I should search, jeeze it was even started by me. Sorry guys

Classic Video Games / 3DO
« on: January 22, 2014, 01:15:38 am »
Im thinking of picking up a 3DO, hopefully the Fz-1, I was just wondering what are some good games to pick up?
Im already planning on getting:
Crash n' Burn
Alone in the Dark 1 and 2
Im not sure what else to get, what are some underrated games?

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:56:35 pm »
What do you mean "a few minutes"? Nintendo has always been family-friendly. Remember the original Mortal Kombat being neutered on SNES? Or Wolfenstein 3-D on SNES having all Nazi symbols removed from the game?
Right but money changed that very quickly and they didn't censor the second one. Although I hate "kiddie" system I can see where that comes from, and I think it started with the N64, Nintendo really stayed the same while the PS1 had more adult games on it. In the same sense though I don't think the wii u is "kiddie," for example the Wonderful 101 is a tough game and has adult references in it and it's also paying homage to stuff like power rangers and voltron, I don't think younger kids would get that. It was also nice to play a new Mario game and actually die a couple times, to me, "hardcore" doesn't only apply to games simulating war

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Wii U!!!
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:34:27 pm »
I really love the Wii U as well, and I am definitely sticking with Nintendo for this generation. The sad thing though is that it is not doing so well, I think Nintendo can pull through that, they did with the gamecube, but I really think they need to market that controller much more and make some games that really utilize it well, because to be honest, yeah it is underpowered but they've got a unique item, that neither the Xbox one or PS4 have. From what I've seen you'll be able to get games on the xbox one and PS4 on a nice PC for cheaper. Nintendo needs to realize they have something unique so that people will pay attention

Classic Video Games / Re: Cleaning Cart Games
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:55:33 am »
Mr. Clean magic erasers work well to get permanent marker off, just don't use it on labels, it's basically very fine sandpaper and will ruin the label

General / Re: Where do you buy your games?
« on: January 17, 2014, 08:32:07 am »
Thrift Stores, forums, some retro stores around here and sometimes ebay

Modern Video Games / Re: Projected Rare Titles
« on: January 17, 2014, 08:24:50 am »
Nintendo license games, not "rare" but expensive, The Last Story and Xenoblade
As for the rest, I cant really say

General / Re: Biggest improvement from a console redesign
« on: January 16, 2014, 07:44:14 pm »
I like the SNES model 2, smaller fits better with multiple consoles and it seems to work better than the original
Neo Geo CD and CDZ- Made the Neo Geo actually affordable
NES Top Loader-of course we all know why
Im in between with the GBA SP, my hands get cramped quickly when I play and I have tiny hands, but it's backlit and protected

Modern Video Games / Re: handheld consoles
« on: January 10, 2014, 12:13:08 am »
Oh man, I love anything SNK/Neo geo, so for the pocket color, it does have a lot of amazing 2d fighters but there are some pretty good RPG's and puzzle games as well, SNK vs Capcom: Card fighters is a pokemon style game, not too sure if you'll like it if you don't know a lot of Capcom and SNK fighting game characters but still cool games, crush roller is a fun puzzle ,arcade classic game, Bust-a-move is fun. From what I've heard Beast Busters is an awesome RPG as well as both Dive Alert games, and pretty much all the SNK sports games are cool... Pocket Tennis, Neo Turf Masters and Baseball Stars Color. If you do plan on getting one, definitely get some of the fighting games as well, Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, The Last Blade, SNK vs Capcom... And I cant forget the two AMAZING Metal Slug games, absolutely fantastic arcade run n gun games

Question for you Kingrat. I was reading more on the neo geo pocket and I have read there is no backlight for it.  I know me personally, I cannot play the Game boy advance because the screen is too dark.  Is the neo geo pocket color still bright enough to see fine on it?  Can you hook it to a tv or anything?

Oh man, looks like you've made your decision haha. To be honest, the screen isn't as nice as the first model GBA, you cant hook it into a TV, and you basically have to be on the surface of the sun to see anything haha. I use mine with a little desk light that works really well. You can also mod them and put a backlight in but it is kind of tough to do and doesn't last very well. If I were you, check out some Neo Geo arcade games on mame or something and see if you like them at all or if you like them enough to want stripped down versions on a handheld 

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