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Messages - badATchaos

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General / Re: What is the Best Zelda Game Ever?
« on: November 29, 2017, 09:54:32 pm »
Twilight or Awakening

Classic Video Games / Re: Anyone played any visual novel games?
« on: November 28, 2017, 11:24:45 pm »
Do you mean things like Life is Strange?

Video Showcase / Re: Lesser Known Gaming Channels?
« on: November 20, 2017, 09:26:59 am »
That bad@chaos guy is pretty good.

General / Re: Our Gaming Forum Avatars And Why We Chosen them
« on: November 16, 2017, 08:16:33 pm »

For a long time I used this avatar and I still do on some sites. When I first bought my Famicom I took a series of photos of it. A few years later I traced it in Adobe Illustrator and colored it in. The dark blue/purple background was chosen to kind of match some of the Famicom's original TV ads which used a similar color gradient background.

I recently switched to this illustration of Link. The Zelda series isn't necessarily my favorite Nintendo franchise, but I've always adored the early Zelda art the most. I find it better than other contemporary Nintendo art. Mario and Metroid promotional material took a few years to mature into consistent styles.

Probably because no one has any.

General / Re: Making extra money for games purchases,
« on: November 08, 2017, 07:42:13 pm »
Don't eat.

But seriously though. One way I save money is remain sober. Alcoholic can be expensive. ;D That's not the only reason why I don't drink, but its definitely a plus.

I know in collector circles the term isn't used much, but I personally prefer "Press copy" for modern games because that's what they are: Copies sent out to magazines, news sites and streamers. That's generally what people in the industry call them.
"Press" would not 100% apply to older Not for Resale cartridges however, because that same labeling was used for store demos.
Since modern store displays use compilation demo discs, most of the Not for Resale discs (discs that solely have one game on them) we see today are Press copies.

As we know Wii Shop and Wii Virtual Console is being discontinued. Before Nintendo removes these games off their official website we should try to fill in as much as we can into our database before that info is gone. Sure, some of this info can be found on other sites but Nintendo's site does have the official images which many of these third-party sites may not be hosting.

Add missing games
Add info to existing games:
"Front" image
Release date
Developer if listed
Optional: Descriptions

Links to Wii Shop categories:

Got the Mario Odessey system bundle when that came out, and yesterday I picked up an Orange 64 with controller. I'm super happy as I've wanted one since I was ten years old.

Modern Video Games / Re: Mario Odyssey Discussion!
« on: November 05, 2017, 12:21:09 pm »
I was really hoping for the best May-rio game yet, but all I did was get my hopes up. For those who wanted a Mario 64, that's pretty much what you got with some minor improvements here and there.
To me Mario should be about pure platforming which is why I prefer Galaxy 2 and 3D World. Much like the 8 and 16 bit games, the main point is simply to get to the end of level and move on.
64, Sunshine and Odyssey focuses on doing a plethora medial tasks in sandbox environments in order to unlock the next area where you just do more of the same. You do have the occasional absract level floating in a void, but for the most part you're catching rabbits, ground-pounding glowy spots, and running to a star before time runs out.
This in my opinion this is just a copout. Instead of doing a bunch of creative levels, they make these large simple environments you just run around in completing meaningless tasks.
To me this just isn't as exciting or interesting as completing a multitude of well constructed levels. By having more levels the designers are able to experiment and in the end have more variety.
After explaining this I think you can understand why I find it funny when people bunch Super Mario 64 in with the rest of the original/main line of Super Mario games. It's fundimentally different in design and technology.
Even though some people straight up dismiss 3D World/Land as a part of the "main" line of games, I would argue they have more in common with the originals than 64 and Odessey do. Hell, they even brought back the flagpole for Pete sakes.


Nintendo's North American site is selling "refurbished" copies of Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii for 15 dollars. That's cheaper than whats trending on Price Charting. Does not come with metal case or manual however.

General / Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« on: November 01, 2017, 02:15:38 am »
1 )  Vectrex
2 )  Vectrex
3 )  Vectrex
4 )  GameCube
5 )  Dreamcast
6 )  Vectrex
7 )  Wonderswan
8 )  Vectrex
9 )  Switch
10) PlayStation 2

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: ACA NEOGEO on Nintendo Switch
« on: October 30, 2017, 10:05:23 pm »
Colon sounds best to me

I couldn't possibly rank them. They're all products of their own time.

Video Game Database Discussion / ACA NEOGEO on Nintendo Switch
« on: October 29, 2017, 12:58:45 pm »
Pulisher Hamster has been releasing a bunch of NeoGeo games on Switch this year under their "ACA NEOGEO" series. These games have ACA NEOGEO in the name of the product and read as such on main menu of the game system and in the online store. For example Aero Fighters 2 is labelled as ACA NEOGEO Aero Fighters 2.

Currently in our database these have been simplified to their original name, and remove ACA NeoGeo. My question is; should we continue to remove the ACA NeoGeo from the product names despite the fact that's actually what there are called in the system itself?

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