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Messages - abe

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Modern Video Games / Re: Club Nintendo reminder
« on: June 18, 2014, 03:49:12 pm »
I think for gamecube and stuff, they don't give coins anymore when you register them.

I'm pretty sure GameCube games never gave any coins to begin with in NA's Club Nintendo, since they all released long before we even got Club Nintendo. The codes that come with older games like GameCube and GBA games were meant for Nintendo's old rewards program thing, "My Nintendo", which never had a coin system or actual physical rewards as far as I can remember. It was mostly for warranty extensions and whatnot.
Well that makes sense! I'm new to Club Nintendo this year so this is all new to me. It's cool you can still register that stuff.

I had some older DS games that didn't give me any coins.  I think one was Metroid Prime Pinball.  They last longer than 2 years though.

Metroid Prime Pinball also released long before NA got Club Nintendo, though I did just find this on the Club Nintendo website, since I was curious about the expiry dates:

"Retail software has a registration timeframe of four years from the game's initial release date. For example: PINs included with Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (released 6/27/10) will expire on 6/27/14."

Kinda good to know. I would've never looked it up if it weren't for this thread.

*Just checked again. The unused coins on your account expire after two Club Nintendo Years. If you check under the Coins & Status section of your Account & Coins when you're logged in, it will tell you if you have any coins that expire at the end of this Club Nintendo Year.

Don't forget the two 3DS remakes of the first two Dragon Warrior Monsters games! DQ VII's remake and DQ X aren't the only releases SquareEnix have been neglecting. :'(

*Fixed part of this for you. :) *

Modern Video Games / Re: Club Nintendo reminder
« on: June 18, 2014, 02:58:53 pm »
I think for gamecube and stuff, they don't give coins anymore when you register them.

I'm pretty sure GameCube games never gave any coins to begin with in NA's Club Nintendo, since they all released long before we even got Club Nintendo. The codes that come with older games like GameCube and GBA games were meant for Nintendo's old rewards program thing, "My Nintendo", which never had a coin system or actual physical rewards as far as I can remember. It was mostly for warranty extensions and whatnot.

Modern Video Games / Re: Club Nintendo reminder
« on: June 18, 2014, 02:44:11 pm »
Dont you have a time limit (about 2 years) on the codes?

For registering codes? I've bought some games that have been out of print for a while and the codes have always been fine. The only thing I have noticed is that sometimes the codes for older games are worth fewer coins than usual.

Since we're on the subject and all, was there any cheaper re-releases of DW IV on NES? That was by far my favorite NES entry in the series, but it goes for extraordinary prices.

There's a DS remake of DW IV called Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the chosen. Although it's not as expensive to get as the NES original, it's starting to go up in price.

It's been waaaaaaaay too long since SquareEnix localized any DQ games. I really hope petitions like these can make a difference. :)

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Repro Carts
« on: June 18, 2014, 01:57:45 pm »
Alright, thanks for the clarification. :)

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:47:28 pm »
I've never been unsatisfied with any Logitech products I've bought. They're pretty sturdy and last a long time too. I've got an old Logitech Dual Action PC controller from many years ago and it still works just as well as the day I bought it. I even like the feel of it better than some of my 1st party console controllers. The prices on Logitech's stuff is generally pretty good too.

General / Re: Games that are too expensive
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:19:02 pm »
Shantae is pretty expensive now as well. I think it might even be more expensive than Earthbound now. :(

Video Game Database Discussion / Repro Carts
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:16:59 pm »
I was wondering if repro carts of old games (or sometimes relatively new ones) were allowed in the database. Games like english-patched carts of Japan-only games in the case of Mother, or Mother 3 to name a couple of examples. I don't have any to add now, but I was wondering for future reference.

Classic Video Games / Re: Game Boy Games in Cassette Cases?
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:27:12 am »
Fire Red.

Ooooh, thanks. It looks way more orange in that picture than in person. :P

Classic Video Games / Re: Game Boy Games in Cassette Cases?
« on: June 17, 2014, 10:41:27 pm »
What's that orange GBA cartridge that's next to Pokemon Ruby? ???

A new Mega Man without any direction from Inafune would be weird. Weren't Mega Man 9 & 10 from a few years ago sorta reboots anyways, minus graphical upgrades? Mighty No. 9 seems like the closest thing we'll ever get to a Mega Man reboot now. I forgot about Capcom having Monster Hunter though. I was joking about them not having any good IPs they having ruined yet. I've just been really bitter towards Capcom since the departure of Inafune and cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, which was essentially the death of the Mega Man franchise (one of my all-time favorite franchises). :-\

I wonder who would actually want to buy Crapcom. ::) How would a takeover turn out for Capcom anyways? Do they even have any good IPs left that they haven't already killed off aside from Street Fighter? I'm kidding, sorta. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

I really want that spice GC. I already have black/indigo/silver and want some more. :D GC is my favorite Nintendo system.

Good to see someone else like the Gamecube! I love it too, but it somehow seems to get a lot of hate when compared to PS2 and Xbox.

As for my finds, I got all this stuff for $46! The PS2 has the broadband adapter, so it's even more worth the deal. I'm not entirely sure about what the grey cables are though, but I got 2 more spare PS2 AV cables! And the weird controller with a keyboard on it is a Nyko ITYPE2. Seems like it's worth more than $2 like I originally thought it would.

Oh hey, I have a set of those Pokemon playing cards. Those are pretty old. :P
The GameCube gets way more hate than it deserves. If it weren't for the SNES, the Gamecube would be my favorite Nintendo console. Aside from having a pretty good library, the GameCube is also a pretty well-designed console. It's nice and compact, the Gameboy Player is an amazing add-on, and the carry handle on the back is awesome. :D

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