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Messages - teck

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Site Feedback / Re: A Now Playing List or Backlog List
« on: October 29, 2013, 12:20:35 pm »
haha, either that or you'll stop posting in the forums :P

Well luckily sarcasm is my middle name


My first name should be Cynical, my middle name should be Sarcastic, and my last should be Skeptical  ;)

CSS it is, mah man

It does roll off the tongue quite well....

General / Re: Your best gaming deal
« on: October 29, 2013, 02:13:37 am »
wow best deals.... here's a few off the top of my head in the last couple years.

SNES - Mega Man 7 $5
SNES - Earthbound $5
SNES - Chrono Trigger $5
SNES - Pocky & Rocky $1
SNES - Final Fight 3 (CIB) $5
SNES - Ghoul Patrol $2
SNES - Hagane $20

NES - Tengen Tetris $15
NES - Panic Restaurant $30 (this made a local game store owner mad at me) lol
NES - Zombie Nation $40

GEN - Madden NFL 95 Championship Edition $1 (sells for $100)

Sharp NES TV Combo system $100

An $80 Laseractive Game for $5

Those Remote Atari Controller CIB for $6

The CD-I 220 lot I picked up with 15 games (including Zelda: Link Faces of Evil) and rollerball controller for $40.

The Bally Arcade lot with 20+ games, 6 controllers and many extras including an extremely rare game worth well over $200 alone all for $120.

That CIB Sega SG-1000 MK II lot that came 13 games 4 where CIB for $250, sounds like a lot but when you value everything it would sell well over $1000.

A complete Nintendo Virtual Boy for 25 cents, When I first posted this find when I tested it one eye didn't work. But then later I tested it out again and it worked great, both eyes. I tested it many times after and it always worked. So yay got a working VB for 25c lol

A lot of Sega Saturn system & 25 games all CIB (some sealed) for $20

I'm sure there's more, but these are the highlights that I can recall from the last couple years that where awesome deals.

You seem to do quite well....

Off Topic / Re: Japanese?
« on: October 29, 2013, 02:11:05 am »
I'm pretty good at Japanese, but not really fluent....  I can recognize maybe 800-900 kanji but probably can only write a couple hundred from memory anymore....  Haven't really been keeping up the last several years....  Keep in mind that this is from studying during highschool and college as well....  I've found that my friend who learned a little from the 4 years he lived in Japan as a child STILL obliterates my 7 years studying in school, so in depth questions would dumbfound me likely....

800 kanji is still a great accomplishment!  Have you ever played a game in japanese and understood it?

Yes, in the past I would play around with some VNs with my kanji dictionary handy....  There are always some things here and there that throw me off though....

Modern Video Games / Re: PSP??
« on: October 29, 2013, 02:09:35 am »
I believe he means that using a Vita means having to buy PSP games digitally, and forgoing physical releases. But who would want to do that?  :P

Yep, exactly. I really do wish there were a means of playing UMDs on the Vita, even if it meant slaving the PSP to it, but alas, no such luck :/

Still, even on its own, the PSP is really an underrated handheld. I always hear how there are no games for it, but that really only applies to Western-developed stuff... but I'd be hard-pressed to think of any handheld that really has a substantial number of those games, apart from disposable side games meant to squeeze a little more blood from certain franchises.

Hmmm....  Makes me want to experiment with a hardware mod....

General / Re: What are your biggest surprises from this site?
« on: October 29, 2013, 02:08:07 am »
I guess my biggest surprise is that so many of us are on the same wavelength about certain things. Cave shooters, Megami Tensei, Nippon Ichi, Wizardry, SNK fighters... Doesn't matter what it is, there's always at least one or two people who get really excited about the same stuff that I do. Most other sites, or people I meet here in the city, give me looks like, "What are you talking about???" if I mention anything that's not part of a mainstream franchise.

The other is the collective maturity of people here. We may disagree sometimes, but it's very rare I see people mumbling console war nonsense back and forth, flaming each other, or writing like they don't have a clue. The majority of us know our stuff, and respect each other's knowledge and enthusiasm, which is honestly something that I find so rare, that this is literally the ONLY forum I'm willing to post in. Of any kind.

Looks like this has been most people's experience here....  Maybe I'm just lucky, but I  have never really invested myself in to a gaming community before now so this IS my first time and I apparently struck gold~!

General / Re: Guess the Game System!!
« on: October 28, 2013, 05:26:12 pm »
Teck & JC tie for this one, Yes 149 is the GameWave.

Again sorry about the poor quality, this is why I'm flexible about numbers being off by a few.  ;)

Between my collection and what is available at work, I could probably get high res photos of a good majority of those systems....  Maybe I should invest some time in that....

Modern Video Games / Re: PSP??
« on: October 28, 2013, 05:23:37 pm »
jeanne d'arc ftw!  Great game for psp

Been on my radar for years, but I can never find a local copy w/ the original case. :(

Bummer....  I see them all the time in my area....  Maybe I'll grab one next time I spot it and pay it forward for ya....  They're usually STUPID cheap....

General / Re: Your best gaming deal
« on: October 28, 2013, 05:22:16 pm »
Oh yeah!  I flipped it for like....  %25000 profit within a week~!

Site Feedback / Re: A Now Playing List or Backlog List
« on: October 28, 2013, 05:21:22 pm »
haha, either that or you'll stop posting in the forums :P

Well luckily sarcasm is my middle name because I would not be willing to do either honeslty....

General / Re: What are your biggest surprises from this site?
« on: October 28, 2013, 05:18:53 pm »
I'm kinda surprised how a fairly open system (in terms of anyone being able to add something) hasn't turned to complete crap.

I'm also surprised a bit at how well forum trading, buying, and selling goes.

All of the above speaks to the community.

This is my thought. But again, it goes to the actual community here. The people that come here and actually interact instead of just posting their collection seem to be all good people and are about the gaming community instead of just out to make a quick buck on someone. I have talked to a lot of people and consider people on here to be an honest friend.


General / Re: Save Your Change, Folks the 3rd
« on: October 28, 2013, 08:42:27 am »

You've peaked my interest. You've got a crazy yard sale guy?

Yeah, its kind of great~!  He's like 10 houses down the street right on the corner and he has random shit all over his lawn as decorations....  Like a unicorn made of scrap metal....  All of his yard sales are interesting even if you don't find something you want because it is literally as random as it gets....  He very rarely has any kind of idea what the value of his stuff is, but I don't think he really cares....  Best kind of yard sales man....

General / What are your biggest surprises from this site?
« on: October 28, 2013, 07:08:57 am »
I realized two things tonight and it led me to ponder, what has surprised (both good and bad) everyone here?  I started randomly browsing some collections in my insomniac state and here are the realizations that caught me off guard tonight that led to this....

1.)  I do not consider ANY hardware, memorabilia, PC games, games that are not CIB, or digital content to be a part of my collection....  Apparently most other people do....  Now the CIB one, I'll admit, is a little over kill but I have been consciously avoiding adding any items to the site here that fall under those categories....

2.)  Kimimi has the greatest damn import collection around....  Seriously, check her out~!  She makes me jelly....  I have been following a few collections for a little bit in order to broaden my horizons, but I missed the one that the most up my alley~!  My wishlist is going to grow SOOOOO much now....

What kind of unexpected impacts have you guys experienced around here~?

Off Topic / Re: Japanese?
« on: October 28, 2013, 06:46:52 am »
I'm pretty good at Japanese, but not really fluent....  I can recognize maybe 800-900 kanji but probably can only write a couple hundred from memory anymore....  Haven't really been keeping up the last several years....  Keep in mind that this is from studying during highschool and college as well....  I've found that my friend who learned a little from the 4 years he lived in Japan as a child STILL obliterates my 7 years studying in school, so in depth questions would dumbfound me likely....

Modern Video Games / Re: EXtreme Sports!
« on: October 28, 2013, 06:39:46 am »
SSX for sure, but Skate isn't bad....  I just don't think it can replace the original Tony Hawks....  Shaun White was a breath of fresh air, but had no staying power for me....

Modern Video Games / Re: Dark Souls II Collector's Edition
« on: October 28, 2013, 06:38:03 am »
I am very psyched about this....  I plan on picking up the PS3 version and dying over and over and over again....

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