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Messages - badATchaos

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 130
Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Wii Shop Channel closing in 2019.
« on: October 05, 2017, 03:35:15 pm »
and when they do bring it back I hope they release them faster. At this point one would hope they have their emulation down packed.

General / Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« on: October 05, 2017, 03:19:03 pm »
More shovelware please !

General / Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« on: October 04, 2017, 10:01:00 pm »
Needs less bitchy "fans" that complain about something when they don't even know the first thing about game development. There's so many entitled, self-centered commenters that'll just bitch and moan when they don't get a free content patch every month. Its the kind of folks who feel the game is truely theirs, and not simply a product that they bought.
Then theirs the types who talk about game engines and graphics when they've never even step foot in an editor or attempted to program a game, and then act as if they're know what they talk about. I can't watch Gaming Youtube channels anymore. None of them know their right foot from their left.

Classic Video Games / Re: Best Famicom Games not released in the US
« on: October 03, 2017, 10:50:14 pm »
Battle City - Digdug and Combat had a baby .
Crisis Force - BEST 8-bit shmup period. Somewhat pricey.
King Kong 2 - Konami top-down beat'em up.
Quarth - Better visuals and music over the GB counterpart released over here.
Sky Destroyer - Taito shmup where you play as a Zero pilot shooting at, presumably, American planes. It's like a slower Afterburner.
Yume Penguin Monogatari - Fantastically Japanese platformer by Konami. Also features shump stages.
Super Mario Bros. 3 - Subtle differences in level design make some levels tricky, and taking damage automatically bumps you down to small Mario. Overall harder than international release.
Ganbare Goemon series - Known in the west as Mystic Ninja

Disk System Games:
Vs. Excite Bike - A port of the arcade version to FDS.
Mysterious Murasame Castle - Basically a more linear and action based version of Zelda. Only recently got western release on VC.
Famicom Grand Prix: F1 Race - Similar to R.C. Pro-Am

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: October 03, 2017, 05:43:58 pm »
For me All-Stars 2 would have to include 3D World

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: October 03, 2017, 02:36:51 am »
Did anyone else see this?

(Penguin-kun Giragira WARS trailer)

Someone cared enough to make a new entry in the Penguin Wars series. Not only that, they plan on localizing it. It's almost like an alternate dimension collided with our own.

General / Re: SNES Classic
« on: October 02, 2017, 02:53:37 am »
I mean... 20 units?

General / Re: SNES Classic
« on: September 30, 2017, 07:35:13 pm »

Modern Video Games / Re: Nintendo Wii Shop Channel closing in 2019.
« on: September 29, 2017, 09:56:17 pm »
about time

Stopped by a local game store and apparently someone traded in a huge container full of complete in box SNES and N64 games. The box itself was somewhat hidden away as the store owner had not gotten around to fully assessing the small treasure trove. I ask him if I could rifle through it. There were a lot of gems in there far outside of my price range like Knights of the Round, Final Fantasy III, Super Smash Bros just to name a few. He was nice enough to separate the box from the carts as I already had them. I ended up settling on these three....

Mario Kart 64, Rogue Squadron, Shadows of the Empire.

General / Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:57:11 pm »
In terms of priority, Microsoft places Japan in the third world category. Xbox has and will continue to do poorly in Japan. Without a doubt Switch will beat them in Nihon-koku.

Classic Video Games / Re: NES Classic Help
« on: September 28, 2017, 06:07:59 pm »
did you blow in it?

Site Feedback / Re: Still broke...
« on: September 27, 2017, 05:22:44 pm »
Delete your cache.

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