Author Topic: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?  (Read 4445 times)

What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« on: October 03, 2017, 06:20:08 pm »
Nowadays, a lot of media have taken the responsability of reporting back what happens in video games.
Be it about hard games, role playing games, walkthroughs, magazines, gear etc...
What do you think is missing out there ? I'm wondering

Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2017, 11:12:47 pm »
Nowadays, a lot of media have taken the responsability of reporting back what happens in video games.
Be it about hard games, role playing games, walkthroughs, magazines, gear etc...
What do you think is missing out there ? I'm wondering

I think what's missing is original ideas.  It seems that ideas are just rehashed over and over. 

Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2017, 01:37:21 pm »
Tomba 3


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Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2017, 03:40:01 pm »
I don't think it's lacking much, but there is too much emphasis on . Overall:

- Over obsession with having some sort of 'gimmick' for hardware. Waggle controls, a touchpad on the controller, a screen inside the controller, a camera that records your movements, VR, 3D... like ok, we get it. What are you going to DO with all this tech? The answer is usually 'nothing worthwhile'.

- Market oversaturation. The sheer quantity of games every month and year is insane, to the point that nobody can keep up, and most are middle-of-the-road in quality. A handful get the bulk of marketing, the rest just get thrown at the wall in hopes they stick. Any that succeed are then driven into the ground with sequels (Asassin's Creed, Call of Duty, etc), while riskier efforts fall by the wayside. We're at the point where selling 6M can be considered a failure, which is absolutely idiotic.

- Indie games. I don't believe all indie games are bad, but there are far too many flooding the market, and most of them suck. Funny thing about having no publisher is that there's nobody standing behind you to tell you that your game is trash. Curiously, a US indie studio can release a game with horrible graphics and it's a 9.0 score, but a small Japanese studio doing the same gets taken down several notches for it, despite similarly limited resources.

- Consumers and companies who fixate way too much on "games journalism" and fabricated controveries. I don't really care what Kotaku, IGN, or GameSpot have to say about anything, and it's kind of bizarre that so many other people hang on every bit of crap they churn out.

So on and so forth. We need less of all this garbage, more focus on crafting quality games, more attention paid to developers and publishers who actively try to put out good work. CD Projekt comes to mind as a particularly great example for others to follow.


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Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2017, 04:54:11 pm »
To be honest they mostly lack is backbone & to tell those motherfuckers of SJWs AKA Social Justice Warriors/special snowflakes,Anita & Zoe Quinn to shut the fuck up & fuck off it's my game I'm making not yours if you don't like it then don't buy it,don't look at it don't even think of buying you know give them a piece of our mind & stand up against those motherfuckers of SJWs AKA Social Justice Warriors/special snowflakestheir,their BS & most of all stand against their censorships & forced censorships.

I can go on and on so I leave it here or at least for now if you know what I mean & yes I'm including how they are attacking us otakus & gamers male & female & attacking what we love :).

Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2017, 08:23:22 pm »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 03:23:24 pm by jce3000gt »

Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2017, 10:01:00 pm »
Needs less bitchy "fans" that complain about something when they don't even know the first thing about game development. There's so many entitled, self-centered commenters that'll just bitch and moan when they don't get a free content patch every month. Its the kind of folks who feel the game is truely theirs, and not simply a product that they bought.
Then theirs the types who talk about game engines and graphics when they've never even step foot in an editor or attempted to program a game, and then act as if they're know what they talk about. I can't watch Gaming Youtube channels anymore. None of them know their right foot from their left.


Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2017, 10:42:35 pm »
- Originality.
- New franchise/series.
- Prevalence of the physical media option.
- HD games that emulate the graphical style of early 3D.
- Consoles other than Nintendo that feature significant exclusive content... I'm hardly the owner of a PS4 (and not an owner of XB1) for the must-have exclusive content, but rather because they offer the often multi-plat content that opts not to be on Nintendo platforms.


Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2017, 08:08:21 am »
Needs less bitchy "fans" that complain about something when they don't even know the first thing about game development. There's so many entitled, self-centered commenters that'll just bitch and moan when they don't get a free content patch every month. Its the kind of folks who feel the game is truely theirs, and not simply a product that they bought.
Then theirs the types who talk about game engines and graphics when they've never even step foot in an editor or attempted to program a game, and then act as if they're know what they talk about. I can't watch Gaming Youtube channels anymore. None of them know their right foot from their left.

If I had a mic, I'd give it to you so you could drop it.

I think the games and consoles are fine for the most part. It's a good chunk of the participants that aggravate me the most.


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Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2017, 09:14:39 am »
What does the gaming industry lack? 

There's nothing that's not out there.  Do you like big flashy AAA titles?  There's plenty.  Do you like quirky, 2D indie games?  You need to check out Steam.  Do you like any of the hundreds of thousands of games that have come out in the last 40 years?  Those are all still out there to play. 

There's been tons of stuff tried.  Some worked. Some didn't.

I'm sure there will be something that hasn't been invented yet that the game industry just won't survive without, but we'll have to wait and see.

Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2017, 11:24:41 am »
I don't think it's lacking anything tbh.
And I agree with the comments about the fans, I hate how a lot of people just try to find every little bad things in a game and then call it a bad game just because they didn't like it. Like for example the current gens Assassin's Creed, imo they're very good games but a lot of people will act like theyre some superman 64 type of games, really draggin it tbh
People just need to learn how to appreciate video games instead of constantly complaining about everything.


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Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2017, 12:51:44 pm »
We're lacking those middle ground games that had a budget, but also experimented.

We have plenty of AAA titles from big franchises. And we have plenty of quirky indie-titles. We even have plenty of retro-themed games.

But there was a time from the 8-bit to PS2/XBox era where we'd get games from big game companies that experimented, and tried new things. They weren't exactly AAA, but they weren't indie-either. And it was great to get all these new ideas that didn't feel like B-movie in game form.

I know indie-titles experiment more. But most of the time, they definitely feel like budget games. It's not the same.

Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2017, 03:19:03 pm »
More shovelware please !


Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2017, 04:40:19 pm »
How about more racing games? In particular, more arcade-style racing games. We have enough driving sims.


Re: What do you think the gaming industry lacks in ?
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2017, 06:28:34 pm »
- Indie games. I don't believe all indie games are bad, but there are far too many flooding the market, and most of them suck. Funny thing about having no publisher is that there's nobody standing behind you to tell you that your game is trash. Curiously, a US indie studio can release a game with horrible graphics and it's a 9.0 score, but a small Japanese studio doing the same gets taken down several notches for it, despite similarly limited resources.

Publishers care about quality?  Ubisoft Published Beyond Good & Evil & Assassin's Creed Unity, RE Umbrella Corps and VII were published by Capcom, Sonic Mania & Sonic Boom published by Sega.   All HUGE names which are 'marketable' because that's what the publishers care about, they have exhibited multiple time that they're content with shipping gold or garbage because they can get away with it and fix it later 'maybe'.  Skullgirls lost Konami as its publisher and it's still a great fighting game that went Indie. Yooka-Laylee & Mighty No. 9 picked up a Publisher midway through development, and it appears to have done sod-all for their quality. 

I'm sorry for nitpicking but there's so much wrong with this statement.  I understand what you mean though, the ratio of indie games worth playing at all is heavily skewed against the guys giving it there all.  But surely this is down to lack of industry experience and poor planning, not 'has a publisher Yes / No'.