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Messages - teck

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Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: October 16, 2013, 07:51:10 am »
Now that we're almost exactly a month out, I am starting to panic at my lack of funds for a new TV to play my PS4 on at launch....  Taking care of my sickly mother clearly comes first, but I will cry if I have to stare at a shiny new PS4 box that can't get any use....

I feel your pain. I quit my old job back in June, was back to work in late July, but that brief period of unemployment tapped out my savings. I keep trying to get a bit more of a surplus built up, and I'm making a couple bucks more an hour than I was, but it's still an agonizingly slow process when you're basically working from 0 again. Can't even imagine how it is to be paying someone elses bills on top of your own right now.

I've determined that the most precise term to describe this complex squall of emotional detriment to be....  poopy....

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: October 15, 2013, 05:47:57 am »
I have been putting far too much time into GTA V. It is one of the few games that I actually enjoy playing online though.

Same here....  I can solo online, or play with strangers, or my brother and neighbor....  The online experience is very robust, so I can play it no matter what mood I am in....

Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: October 14, 2013, 06:55:09 pm »
I can babysit the shiny box for you if it comes to that. :D

Lol, I'm sure you would....  My worst case scenario plan that I'm currently mulling over is to sell my NeoGeo to pay for a cheap TV in the short term, but I really don't want to do that....  Especially since I may being paying my mother's bills in the next year at this rate too....

Site Feedback / Re: "In Collections" (Attn: Matt, Scott, Fox, etc)
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:12:45 am »
Ya its been like that the whole time. I noticed it back when I got dupes of my castlevania games.

I forget if I mentioned it to Matt or not.

Is this a variable issue?  I tend to see that page a lot when I'm popping back and forth to make sure I entered new items to my collection correctly, but I have never noticed this error....

Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:08:25 am »
Now that we're almost exactly a month out, I am starting to panic at my lack of funds for a new TV to play my PS4 on at launch....  Taking care of my sickly mother clearly comes first, but I will cry if I have to stare at a shiny new PS4 box that can't get any use....

Site Feedback / Re: Achievement system
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:06:07 am »

And then he was never seen again :(

Yes, well apparently foxhack is more impervious to taunting than I'd initially presumed....  Well played sir....  Well played....

Site Feedback / Re: Most wanted list?
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:03:43 am »
I'm really meticulous about organizing and stylizing spreadsheets....  I have 3 separate multi-page spreadsheets for my comic book collecting alone, and managing that has proven to be an incredible time drain....  I don't think I could handle doing the same for video games to be honest....  I've never tried any of the other resources listed here though....  Backloggery seems to be a popular one however....

Site Feedback / Re: Most wanted list?
« on: October 12, 2013, 10:06:37 pm »
I think the point at hand here being discussed is more in reference to the fact that the wishlist feature on the site can get unwieldly for some....  I, for example, am looking for about 300 games or something probably, but there are about twenty that I REALLY want and take special care to scout for....  I think this was what OP was trying to reference....

Oh yeah, I get that. That's why I said use the site for the unweildy 300 games list. And Microsoft Word for the small list of 20 most wanted games.

I don't know how hard it would be to add this option. But I'd imagine making a top 20 list on Microsoft Word that takes a minute and a half is a lot easier than adding a bunch of programming code to the website.

I pull the site up on my phone on the go a lot, as I'm sure others do as well....  I don't believe I have very much compatibility with .rtf files and the like....  I feel like promoting the site would be vastly easier with the more integrated support for specific collector features that are niche like this....  I mean, that's kind of the market that vgcollect natively appeals to anyways....  I dunno....  Regardless of how much use it gets, I can understand the demand for it even if I personally wouldn't use it....  Though, admittedly, I'd probably try it out....

Site Feedback / Re: Achievement system
« on: October 12, 2013, 09:58:55 pm »
Yeah, nobody needs to know I can ban anyone's ass at any time I mean that I'm an approver either. 8)

I know that I sure wouldn't like to know that.
I ban around 30 spambots every day.



Site Feedback / Re: Achievement system
« on: October 12, 2013, 12:06:51 am »
I'm not too worried about badges. No one needs to know who did beta testing for the site... I mean don't blame us!

Well, I'm more concerned with the milestone badges....  It was nice to see I've down over 500 edits at a glance and stuff like that....

Modern Video Games / Re: Diablo III
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:25:55 pm »
I play by myself. I dont really have any friends that would be able to hang out and play with me at my weird times either. Im still playing daily however so if you do find you have some specific times you are able to log on and play, let me know. I could run with ya. Im mostly legendary/set gear farming lately. About to hit level 20 paragon.

I might take you up on that....  I play on PSN as TeckNikael or Teck_Nikael, though I don't recall which right now....

General / Re: Collection Achievements thread
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:23:09 pm »
Thinking about it now, my biggest achievement will definitely be when I actually log it all on here....  Everyday I try to catch up I spend a week falling further behind....

Preaching to the choir, my friend  8)

Its nice to know I'm not the only one....  I realized that I don't have any SNES/NES//N64 on here the other day and then I grimaced at the idea of adding them....  My collection isn't even organized, so I have SNES on 3 different, non-alphabatized, shelves randomly mixed up....  It is terrible....

Site Feedback / Re: Achievement system
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:07:21 pm »
Yeah there is an order in place.

#1 - Soera's wishes
#2 - Anything else.

Ha!  Okay, well that narrows it down....

Site Feedback / Re: Most wanted list?
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:06:34 pm »
I think the point at hand here being discussed is more in reference to the fact that the wishlist feature on the site can get unwieldly for some....  I, for example, am looking for about 300 games or something probably, but there are about twenty that I REALLY want and take special care to scout for....  I think this was what OP was trying to reference....

Site Feedback / Re: Just an idea...for new members
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:43:03 pm »
Maybe we can display a welcome message to anyone who has an empty collection. Right now it just kinda dumps them there with little guidance.

This is somewhat of an issue, albeit a small one....  A friend of mine joined but feels too overwhelmed to really get started archiving here and other than do it for him, I'm not sure what to recommend....

Overwhelmed by his collection or by the website?  When I first started, I just sat down with the site itself and "browsed" the category I knew I had the most of (PS2, I think), and started checking off the ones I already knew I owned or wanted to add to my wishlist.  Once I did that, that gave me a better feel of how everything looks, so I then moved on to another category and eventually doing the same while next to my physical collection.  Made me want to organize my games and check what had manuals, etc.

It's about time I go through and inventory everything again...

A little of each to be honest....  I know from personal experience for example, that the style guide doesn't quite cover 100% of what is needed and on several instances I've had to make certain calls based on inspecting other pages....  Also the search function is almost TOO specific with inputs....  I've found myself second guessing certain titles based on punctuation and the like when I could not find a return I was looking for even though it was in fact listed here already....  Several other little issues can get confusing as well too someone who is not new like how the wish, sell, and collection lists are not linked at all....  I think most people would assume that a modification on one list would effect an entry on another....  I guess I think we just need a little more hand holding around here to make it more newbie friendly....

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