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Messages - raiden58237

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General / Re: Which Atari 2600 is which?
« on: January 26, 2015, 06:32:59 am »
Thanks everyone! Appreciate it :)

General / Re: Which Atari 2600 is which?
« on: January 25, 2015, 01:18:30 pm »
Is that literally the only difference?

General / Which Atari 2600 is which?
« on: January 25, 2015, 11:03:38 am »
Hey guys!
I have an Atari 2600 6 switch but am unsure if it is a Atari 2600 Light or Atari 2600 Heavy. Please can someone tell me how you identify the difference please. Thank you in advance :)

I know it's a 9 volt plug and you can get a power adapter for £5 off fleebay but like I said I am after an official one. I'm trying to get a complete set which is why I am asking for officials only. Thank you for the recommendation anyway :)

Hey guys!
I recently acquired an Atari 2600 but I need a UK Power Supply unit and also 2 official controllers. I'm also looking for a few games to add to the collection. If anyone has any lying around and would be willing to sell to me that would be great! Please provide a picture below and when stating the price, please can you include the postage cost in that price. Thank you!

General / YouTube Channel to YouTube Channel
« on: January 22, 2015, 06:15:36 pm »
Hey guys n girls!
I've posted something similar to this before and just in case I missed people's channel links in the previous one I am posting again. As some of you may know I have a retro games YouTube channel. I don't have the largest collection there is nor the smallest. My main aim of my channel is to help inform others about how to collect retro games, how to start, what to do, what not to do and also to show the progress of my collection as it grows. My channel link is below. If that link does not work then remove the "s" from "https" then it should work fine. If you have a YouTube channel please post a link to it below so I can check it out. If you guys have any feedback as well please feel free to post it here or on a video. I don't mind which. Thanks guys n girls!

Thank you admin and don't worry they aren't selling all of them. Quiet a few have been handed out to museums in the US for preservation and I heard (not confirmed) that some of the original Atari programmers were given a few as well.

Hey guys n girls
So I got one of the original Atari dig cartridges which was buried in the New Mexico desert. I got the COA and everything but I feel it doesn't belong in the standard listings for the game. The game is SwordQuest EarthWorld but because of what it is I feel it should be a separate listing. Admin and others can you please advise as to how I should properly add this item to my collection please. Thank you for your time.


General / Re: My YouTube Channel and your YouTube Channel
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:17:46 am »
Latest video is out guys! Check it out!

General / Re: My YouTube Channel and your YouTube Channel
« on: October 25, 2014, 05:15:49 pm »
Here is my channel:

I'd really like some feedback because I have no idea what to keep or delete, and generally what I want to do. It's a pure mess right now, although I'd like to keep the "Quick Taste" thing.
Any feedback is appreciated.

I've just watched 2 of your videos and what you're doing now seem's fine quality wise. I'd say stick with what you are doing at the moment and then add a few more things later on like commentary, small intro or a video of you playing it with just a small bit of commentary. There are multiple things you can add but overall at the moment good stuff.

General / Re: My YouTube Channel and your YouTube Channel
« on: October 25, 2014, 05:12:51 pm »
I do have fun doing this which is why I do it.

Hey Raiden, just watched your Crazy Taxi review and I really loved it. Really professional-looking and sounding. Out of interest, what editing software do you use?

I use Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 at the moment but might change cos it is expensive software.

General / Re: My YouTube Channel and your YouTube Channel
« on: October 23, 2014, 05:25:13 pm »
I do have fun doing this which is why I do it.

General / Re: My YouTube Channel and your YouTube Channel
« on: October 23, 2014, 08:52:48 am »
At the moment I'm only on 31 subscribers and I've been doing this for a few months now but I just need to improve the quality of my videos in my opinion and hopefully that will boost up my subscribers.

General / Re: My YouTube Channel and your YouTube Channel
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:35:36 pm »
Ive wanted to start up a channel with some people. And it would be pretty much a group of players playing against each other on the older systems and games. Everyone on youtube has them playing COD, or BF. but how many channels have a group of guys playing against each other on the old systems. From challenges like, who can speed run the fastest on a mario game, or 4 player match of goldeneye, stuff like that. I think it could be highly entertaining, but I don't have a camera or a screen capture device or video editing device. And most of my friends don't either.

Yeah I must admit starting a YouTube channel is not cheap if you want to do it professionally. Video Capture Devices, Camera's, Green Screens etc do not come cheap these days. I'm saving up over time to upgrade equipment. My next investment is a green screen with lighting which will cost around £100-£200.

General / Re: My YouTube Channel and your YouTube Channel
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:24:51 pm »
Thanks dude!

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