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Messages - thecrypticodor

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Hardware and Tech / Re: Original NES Game Loading Issues
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:25:18 am »
It's a bit more expensive but there's the blinking light win which replaces the zero force insertion connector for a traditional cart slot. It also bypasses the 10 nes chip without having to lift pins and defeats region lockout.

So I bought a fake copy of Duck Tales 2 for under $20 out of China both out of curiosity and knowing that I'll never shell out the kind of money that the real one goes for.

Aside from the label printed kind of funky, I'm actually surprised with the quality of the PCB with that it uses actual EPROM chips and not cheap glop top packages which is what I was expecting.

General / Re: Are You A Purest?
« on: March 07, 2016, 12:15:33 am »
Never I'll don't get any feeling of accomplishment from cheating, all it will do is just cheapen the whole experience for me. There's no winning without the possibility of losing.

Are save states cheating?

Not really if you're just using it to save your game and take a break. But if your constantly using it to redo bad moves and sections of the game than totally.

General / Re: February 2016 Pick Up's and Finds.
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:30:21 pm »
Decided to dip my toe into the world of RGB so I picked up one of these cheapo $30-40 range RGB Scart to HDMI upscalers from China.

I'm actually extremely impressed with how good the output is on something this cheap. Everybody always recommends the XRGB Mini Framemeister which cost a fortune, but this does a pretty damn good job and is only a small fraction of the price. Even running composite through it looks better than any of the composite/S-video scalers I've ever used.

I took a few shots of a Genesis and a Master System with it off of a LCD. Here's some screen shots for those interested.

Classic Video Games / Re: SNES vs Genesis
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:46:27 pm »

SNES systems and games sell for significantly more on average than Genesis games

That doesn't really mean anything just about everything Nintendo related generally goes for more on average than most other games and consoles. The Saturn's library is generally more expensive than the SNES's, does that mean the quality of it's titles are better?

I'll admit the SNES is all around the better system, but trashing the Genesis just comes off as fanboyism.

Classic Video Games / Re: SNES vs Genesis
« on: February 04, 2016, 02:24:40 am »
It's absolutely apparent that the Genesis can't hold a candle with the ridiculous amount of JRPG's on the SNES. But if I were on a desert Island and could choose only one JRPG between both systems I'd choose Shining Force 2 in a heartbeat before any on the SNES.

I don't know why all the hate the Genesis is getting there's tons of fantastic games available for it.

Rocket Knight Adventures
Shining Force 1&2
Phantasy Star Series
Streets of Rage series
Gunstar Heroes
TMT The Hyperstone Heist
Contra Hard Corps
Mega Bomber Man
Castle and World of Illusion
Castlevania Bloodlines
Thunder Force III and IV (Lightening Force)
Comix Zone
Ghouls “N Ghost
Herzog Zwei
Shiniobi III
Ranger X
Dynamite Headdy

I really could go on

I actually like that most Nintendo devotes don't appreciate the Genny. It's nice to be able to still buy the majority of it's titles for under $30. :)

Classic Video Games / Re: Factory Sealed Game Gear
« on: January 25, 2016, 01:05:57 am »

Also there is a site that points out which are the caps that power the screen.

What's good about that is if you did have a GG with a washed out screen you could find out 6 caps in whether or not is salvageable before using up all the other caps. :)

The 2110 models of the Game Gear use the VA1 mother board and the silkscreened numbering is different between the single and twin ASIC versions. On the single ASIC it's C54 and C55 on the twin ASIC it's C44 and C45. Those are the ones that take out the image when they fail. They are originally 0.47uf at 50v but their value isn't critical. I've used ceramic disc caps and tantalums with values as low as 0.1uf that worked just fine and are a lot easier to fit into the housing. So anything between 0.1uf and 0.47uf at 50V is will work.

The 100uf and 6.8uf next to the LCD effect the brightness and contrast. The 68uf can be substituted with a 100uf. The rest on the main board are mostly for power filtering.

If you order your caps from a parts supplier like mouser or digikey you can get most if not all of the values you need in tantalum packages. Which are a bit more expensive than other types of caps but are extremely small and way easier to get to fit into the clearance of the game Game Gear's housing.

Here's a reference that gives all cap values for every motherboard revision.
Also note that the 2110 uses the VA1 the 2110k uses the Va4 and the 2110g and Majesco version use the VA5

Classic Video Games / Re: Factory Sealed Game Gear
« on: January 24, 2016, 07:53:31 pm »
Even if your Game Gear is still displaying a image a lot of the time the capacitors even though they haven't completely failed or shorted yet can have drifted enough out of tolerance that they still can effect your image and contrast. You will most likely notice a improvement in your image after recapping it.

You don't have to recap the power board as it's only the surface mount caps that are defective failure prone ones.
Here's a good place to order a cap kit if you or any one wants one. Make sure you buy the right one for your board version.

Classic Video Games / Re: Factory Sealed Game Gear
« on: January 22, 2016, 10:21:39 pm »
I'd say your chances depend on the model you have. The 2110G and Majesco units are pretty reliable. The 2110 are the most common and most prone to capacitor leakage.

The 2110K are by far the worst they have the same problems with leaky capacitors as well as the LCD panel loosing segments of the screen. I've worked on about five 2110K models over the years and could never get one of their LCD panels to work correctly. Most people who re-cap Game Gears will refuse to even work on those models

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 50 N64 Games Together
« on: December 25, 2015, 06:38:37 pm »
49. Wipeout 64

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 50 N64 Games Together
« on: December 19, 2015, 10:02:23 pm »
01. Goldeneye 007
02. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
03. Mario Kart 64
04. Super Smash Bros.
05. Perfect Dark.
06. Pokemon Puzzle League
07. Bust-a-Move 2: Arcade Edition (Puzzle Bobble)
08. Superman 64
09. Diddy Kong Racing
10. Conker's Bad Fur Day!
11. WWF WrestleMania 2000
12. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
13. Paper Mario
14. Donkey Kong 64
15. Mega Man 64
16. WWF No Mercy
17. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
18. Super Mario 64
19. Hotwheels Turbo Racing
20. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
21. Star Fox 64
22. Sin and Punishment
23. Winback Covert Operations
24. Snowboard Kids
25. StarCraft 64
26. Gauntlet Legends
27. Wave Race 64
28. Castlevania
29. Jet Force Gemini
30. Mario Party 2
31. Excitebike 64
32. Rush 2 Extreme Racing U.S.A.
33. Paperboy
34. F-Zero X
35. Doom 64
36. WCW/nWo Revenge
37. Blast Corps
38. Banjo Kazooie
39. Ogre Battle 64
40. Banjo-tooie
41. Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
42. Resident Evil 2
43. Kirby 64
44. Yoshi's Story

45. Turok 2 Seeds of Evil

Classic Video Games / Re: Let's Name the Top 50 N64 Games Together
« on: December 16, 2015, 03:22:48 am »
1. Goldeneye 007
2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3. Mario Kart 64
4. Super Smash Bros.
5. Perfect Dark.
6. Pokemon Puzzle League
7. Bust-a-Move 2: Arcade Edition (Puzzle Bobble)
8. Superman 64
9. Diddy Kong Racing
10. Conker's Bad Fur Day!
11. WWF WrestleMania 2000
12. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
13. Paper Mario
14. Donkey Kong 64
15. Mega Man 64
16. WWF No Mercy
17. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
18. Super Mario 64
19. Hotwheels Turbo Racing
20. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
21. Star Fox 64
22. Sin and Punishment

23. Winback Covert Operations

If by Homebrew you mean completely new games made by enthusiasts who would have a problem with that? I've purchased Thrust and Stay Frosty 2 off of Atariage and they're incredible.

As for reproductions as long as the consumer isn't being duped into thinking it's genuine the only party that should care are the companies who own the intellectual property. Since they are not producing these games themselves or at the very least not in the format that people want them in they really only have themselves to blame for for all this counterfeiting and bootlegging.

Some of the SNES/SFC repros/bootlegs or whatever you wanna call them coming out of China are starting to get pretty damn convincing. Also since their cases are directly molded off the original carts their fake PCB's are interchangeable with official cases. So any jerk without even the slightest bit of knowledge of how to make a repro could just have a new reproduction label made up slap it on a real cartridge and make a Madden into a fake Earthbound and the only way to tell would be to open the cartridge. If I were buying $100-$200+ games I'd be a bit nervous.

A fake $30 Lufia 2 bootleg next to a legit game

A game disc would have to be pretty bad to not boot at all. What's more common would be skipping on files that need to be streamed off the disc in real time like CD audio or FMV where there is no time for the system to retry to read a damaged sector or use error correction. If the game is scratched bad enough it can cause the game not to boot at all or get stuck at a loading screen.

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