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Messages - atarileaf

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Classic Video Games / Re: Do you lend your games?
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:50:24 am »
No I typically don't lend games but I do give away system/game bundles to friends and family instead of selling it off. I'd never lend any rarities even if someone asked though because these same friends and family don't view them the way I do and might not take care of them.

General / Re: Holy freakin shiznit!!!
« on: June 20, 2016, 06:47:53 am »
That's pretty cool. How much you selling it for on eBay?

Believe me, the thought has crossed my mind.

Congrats, but yea if it was me, I'd be selling it in a heartbeat. I'm not a modern gamer nor a doom fan so it means nothing to me. I could use that money for some nice retro pre-crash goodies for the collection. That's not to diminish your win. It's awesome because you won and it's awesome that its something you love, so again, congrats :)

You people are all way off. The 80's was the last glorious decade of video gaming. Period. Mike drop. See ya!  ;) ;D
Which year?

Difficult to nail it down to one year but the first half of the decade for sure, but I'd go with 81-84 more specifically. Impossible for me to nail it down to one year. So many great classics were released in those years, both on the VCS and in the arcade.

You people are all way off. The 80's was the last glorious decade of video gaming. Period. Mike drop. See ya!  ;) ;D

50/50 gamer and collector. I don't really resell unless its part of my collection I no longer use or play. In other words I don't buy things to resell, better to leave them for those who can enjoy them.

Off Topic / Re: Does anyone have any Phobias?
« on: June 04, 2016, 07:40:37 am »
I have irrational fears of pillows, talk show hosts and stupid threads on video game forums. . . oh shit I'm outta here!

General / Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
« on: May 29, 2016, 03:13:37 pm »
Hard to think about one year from now let alone 5. I don't really have any specific goals as my collection is complete. However that doesn't preclude me from buying interesting things as I come across them either in the wild or online. My collection has always grown and shrank over time as my interests shift, which is a reason it's hard to pinpoint where I'll be with the collection in 5 years. Hell I may not even want it or have it in 5 years. I'll be 51 by then and who knows what will be going on in my life that might change my view of collecting.

For now all I can say is that I'll expand it very slowly based on items that come up. Maybe some less played parts will be sold. I don't think I'd ever get rid of it all but never say never.

Off Topic / Re: Star Trek is Coming Back to TV, Where it Belongs!
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:53:12 pm »
From the style of the teaser, it looks like they're going with a JJ-verse look and feel, which is fine with me. I liked both the 09 reboot and Into Darkness, despite some pretty big plot holes but those two movies made Trek fun again, something that was woefully lacking from the movie series. I have high hopes for the series but am not happy about this idea of creating a netflix style service to watch the show. Of course there are alternatives so I'll see it regardless but the idea just rubs me the wrong way.

Got my Sega adapter for the Tandy Color Computer in the mail today. Man what a difference. If you've ever played a coco game with any of the standard coco sticks they aren't the best. Now I've got a wico atari stick to play games like Stellar Life Line and I'm whipping all over the screen with precision and Rampage with a Genesis pad is pure heaven.

I also picked up Super Dropzone for the GBA for $3 at a local game store. Great defender style game, and although not really game related, I grabbed a Dell Pentium 4 computer from a thrift store for $20 with XP on it. Works great. I love fooling around with older computers. I might make it a dedicated Linux box.

Two things came in the mail this week, so far. The first was Colony 7 from Atariage. Great homebrew. The second is my Blinking Light Win from Arcade Works, which I'll install this weekend. I may buy one or two more if this works as well as I've heard.

All my friends hate call of duty but they all invest over 100 hours into each title that comes out. I don't get it.

All your friends? Every "friend" you have has told you this? Sounds like you're being trolled by your "friends". Maybe they just wanted to see you post another question on a forum.

Off Topic / Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
« on: May 17, 2016, 04:56:54 pm »
Ramsay is quickly eclipsing King Joffrey as the biggest prick you want to see die a horrible death on the show.

Off Topic / Re: Do you dip your grilled cheese in ketchup?
« on: May 16, 2016, 05:17:17 pm »
Something similar to grilled cheese that I've been craving lately is a good Reuben. I prefer pastrami which I guess technically means its not a reuben but I like it better than corned beef. I'm very particular about my pastrami though. Don't like a lot of fat on it. Some sauerkraut, swiss cheese, mustard grilled on a nice rye bread. Yum!

Off Topic / Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
« on: May 16, 2016, 05:12:44 pm »
Love the show and this season does seem a lot better than season 5 for me. Correct me if I'm wrong but they are kind of making it up as they go now aren't they? I heard the latest book wasn't finished in time so they've been doing their own thing which I think is good, even if it does delve heavily into fan service. I do think there will be a lot of payoffs in that regard this year, especially with the hints to both Jon Snow and Tyrions true bloodline. The tower of joy flashback was great. R+L=J right?

BTW, I thought Lor San Tekka was killed in the Force Awakens, who knew he'd show up in GoT :D

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