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Messages - kingrat101

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 [29] 30 31 ... 33
General / Re: Who is your favorite Mario Kart driver?
« on: May 01, 2012, 12:45:52 pm »
Luigi! all the way ever since the SNES Version, however now I do enjoy playing as my Mii

Platformer-Donkey Kong Country, first game I ever beat
Fighting- Tekken 3, Killer Instinct, King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, Competition in the arcade was so much fun!

General / Re: Collection Cornerstones
« on: April 28, 2012, 03:07:53 am »
I think for dreamcast either Soul Calibur or Jet Grind Radio and SNES... Super Metroid

Classic Video Games / Re: Retro Game Price Inflation
« on: April 25, 2012, 01:44:51 am »
I think another reason why demand has risen a lot is also due to the inevitable fact that all video games will be digitally distributed sooner or later, making physical copies more in demand.

General / Re: what is the weirdest bug/glitch you ever experience
« on: April 24, 2012, 12:43:57 am »
One of my more recent ones was in Silent Hill Homecoming when you get to a part in the sewers where you have to kill all these spider-like enemies to progress, I couldnt figure out for the life of me what to do, keep in mind I HATE strategy guides and walkthroughs, so it took me a while to even know it was a glitch, that completely ruins the game. I eventually had to restart from the beginning and made sure to kill them first.

Classic Video Games / Re: New Found Love
« on: April 24, 2012, 12:23:07 am »
To answer your question, I guess anything for the Sega.  I was 100% a Nintendo kid when I was growing up. The school sold magazines as a fundraiser and the only gaming mag was Nintendo Power...I was completely oblivious to what was out for the Sega. Also, my parents were pretty overprotective and they bought into the hype when Mortal Kombat came out and the Sega version had blood and spine-pulling and all of that.

So I was in college, in 2002 or so, when I played the original Sonic the Hedgehog for the first time (besides demoing in a store). By this time I owned Sonic games (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was one of the first 3 games I got for my Gamecube -- other two were Smash Bros. Melee and Pikmin) and I knew the characters. But I had never played a game on the Genesis until then (besides Lion King and Aladdin...a friend had those).

My college roommate my Sophomore year took me under her wing and got me up to speed on the Sega world, however. She had been a Sega kid all the way through the Dreamcast, and she made sure I could hold my own on Sonic, Ecco, Shining Force, Soul Calibur, Skies of Arcadia, Jet Set Radio, and Space Channel 5, among others.

Some of my favorite games are now Sega properties, and some of the best new experiences I've had with retro games have been for the Genesis. Ronalopolis was sorta a Sega kid so that helps as well, and I've had to admit that sometimes Sega games were pretty good too.
I was kind of that way with Sega as well, but mine was by choice. I always ad a respect for the genesis since a cousin had it, but I "hated" Sega just by being a silly ignorant Nintendo fan-boy. However now, I mean the Saturn is my second favorite console, I feel as though Sega had so much potential and the Saturn I think shows that even more than the Dreamcast at least in my opinion.
I think a perfect example of the "Sega Charm" matt was talking about is Comix Zone, that game is great and you would never see something like that on a Nintendo console.

Classic Video Games / Re: New Found Love
« on: April 22, 2012, 02:35:02 pm »
@soera Yeah I almost bought it today acually but opted for Street Fighter X Tekken, I figure I'm just going to but the new Mortal Kombat with the fight stick, from a guy a couple blocks down for $60.
@faxmachine Thats Awesome! The arcade I frequent has MK3 tornements as well I just never entered, I went with X-men vs Street Fighter ha. Yeah i dont know though I know some people love it and some people hate it, it just one of those ones that has polarizing opinion

Classic Video Games / New Found Love
« on: April 22, 2012, 11:34:06 am »
So for prolly for the past ten years, I've been super against the Mortal Kombat series, the original trilogy, I hated the versions I had on SNES and Genesis, which really bothered me because that was like my game back in the day. Those versions just seemed so slow especially compared to Street Fighter. So I kinda converted to a Street Fighter and Neo Geo guy. Well I bought a new fight stick for my PS3 last night and decied to check it out with Street Fight and what have you, but also the Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection, let me tell you I have a new respect for Mortal Kombat, those versions are so much more playable and enjoyable for me, but even stranger I dont particularly like MK2, I really like 1 and 3, 3 is my favorite.
Anyways has anybody here discovered a game that they didnt really care for but now really like it?

Not that I want it or anything, I too think it's ridculous, but as collectors we've seen this before, and perhaps it will be worth a lot more in the future. Take the Neo Geo for example the system plus two games would've cost over 1000 dollars, but now some of the games are worth that much or more. Also the turbografx 16 cd add-on, high price tag and little intrest has now made it very collectible.

Modern Video Games / Re: Evidence of God of War IV
« on: April 16, 2012, 05:54:28 am »
I wouldnt be surprised, not to be mean or anything but a perfect example is the Halo series, if I'm not mistaken 3 was supposed to be the end of that series, yet there is supposed to be six Halo games, I think? I think because video games as a hobby is so much larger now and makes so much money that a lot of companies plan on multiple sequals and sometimes, not all the time, half-ass the earlier versions i.e. making games shorter in length and making DLC's almost required. I mean for a gamer why worry if a game is short you know there will be a sequal sooner or later. This is rambling a little bit, but one of my favorite games is Luigi's Mansion on Gamecube, and although I beat it every Halloween, it is really short and easy, but hey look a new one is coming out. I'm happy about it and all, but come on, if this one sells well enough expect another one.

I honestly have trouble with that as well, not with "new games" as in PS3 or Wii or anything, but "new to me" I recently found Chu Chu Rocket on dreamcast sealed at a thrift store and decided not open it, I also have a few sealed Game Gear games that I was planning on opening, but it's hard sometimes, I mean if its something I really wanna play I'd rather buy an open complete copy online or something, it's cheaper and you dont get that guilt factor

Video Game Auction Watch / Re: what is this thing for
« on: April 14, 2012, 02:18:00 pm »
As mentioned in the listing you posted (you really should read those), the 5200 controller port is 15-pin. This is a very nice accessory actually, just because it enables you to use a controller that's not complete crap.
Oh Gawd! the dreaded 5200 contoller!
I agree though that is a very nice accessory, would like to have one myself, a little too pricey though  :(

Classic Video Games / Re: Decent Price for Earthbound?
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:41:16 pm »
Yeah I think like $80 at the most for cart only, I do reccomend the guide as well simply just how awesome it is.
But to be completely honest, I love Earthbound but dont think it's the "greatest RPG ever." I mean it's a great quirky game but I think you'll have just as much fun with other cheaper RPG's.

General / Re: What should I play?
« on: April 04, 2012, 12:04:02 am »
Awesome man!
King K Rool is still a tough boss

General / Re: What should I play?
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:36:44 pm »
Killer Instinct, play with Eyedol!

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