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Messages - bikingjahuty

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General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: January 26, 2014, 08:09:30 pm »
^^^^ vary nnniiiiiieecccceee!!!! *Borat voice*

Modern Video Games / Re: Who here is getting a PlayStation 4 / XBox One?
« on: January 26, 2014, 11:08:12 am »
I currently do not own any of the next gen consoles (including the Wii U), mostly because I am patiently waiting to see how things develop as the new generation progresses. Both consoles are fairly impressive in their own right, however as to what games will be released on them, how their hardware issues (which are pretty prevalent at the moment from what I've read) will be addressed, and how the industry will evolve with the consoles is what will be the deciding factors for me as to whether or not I buy any of them. The latter reason is the one I am most concerned with. I haven't liked the direction the modern gaming industry has been going for the past three or four years, mostly because of the unappaulegetic greed and the lack of creativity and innovation. In a way, I feel like gaming has lost its soul, with only small glimmers of hope coming from certain developers and publishers over the years. At the moment I am content going "retro" only after this current gen has run its course, seeing how there is a wealth of games prior to the next gen that are very much worthy of buying and playing. Aside from that, at close to 1250 games in my collection, I will be lucky even right now to ever play them all in my lifetime. Just my two sense on the subject.

Nice haul there! What are the DS games?

Boing! Docomodake DS

Such an extremely underrated game! Freakin love how quarky and fun this game is.

Hunting has been slow recently, but found these over the past few days:

Izuna (DS)
Gungrave (PS2)
Balloon Fight (NES)

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: January 25, 2014, 10:26:42 pm »
I also did a video of my game room if you guys are interested. I made it for a local collecting group I belong to so ignore the inside jokes and references to people in the group :p. It's broken up into two parts:

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: January 25, 2014, 10:11:00 pm »
Here it is, My Last Corner of the World.  I know I say some stuff wrong in the video, so get off my back.  I also suck as a cameraman.

I know a Game Gear isn't a Genesis and that a Laser Scope isn't a Super Scope.  I just misspoke.

That's no collection, that's a space station!

Modern Video Games / Obscure, good Wii games
« on: January 24, 2014, 12:44:55 am »
I have been slowly collecting Wii games since the console was released back in 2006, however it wasn't until recently that the Wii actually began becoming a more affordable system to collect for. Overall the games have gradually been dipping in price, and I imagine in probably another year or two it'll be as easy and accessible to collect for as the PS2 and original XBOX are at the moment. So we all know about the Mario and Zelda games on the console, even RPGs like Xenoblade and Last Story, but what are those gems that you either know of or have played that are incredible games, but nobody seems to know about? I have a few that I have played/own:

-Ultimate Shooting Collection
-Arcade Hits Pack: LA Machinegun and New York Gunblade
-Dataeast collection
-Ocean Commander
-Sin and Punishment 2

Looking for more suggestions on Obscure yet good Wii games that you guys know of.

Classic Video Games / Re: MOST EXPENSIVE GAME!
« on: January 24, 2014, 12:36:41 am »
That's how me and my wife are.  she has her thing and I have games.  What you mean coffee machinery?  Like a big coffee machine?

Espresso machine, grinder, roaster, everything around coffee making! He just loves making and drinking coffee, so he's gotten quite into the hobby recently.

ah, he sounds like my wife!  every time we leave the house, she has this habit of wanting to get STarbucks every freaking time we leave the house lol.  If she had a million dollars, she would start her own coffee shop.  I am not a fan of coffee but she has an addition problem  ;)

HA!!! I'm concerned that we might being seeing the same woman :p. My girlfriend is OBSESSED with Starbucks, specifically green tea frappachinos lol. She has one at least every other day, and if it weren't for me she'd have one every day. Must be something in their drinks that drive women crazy :p

Classic Video Games / Re: 3DO
« on: January 24, 2014, 12:34:06 am »
A local game store has a loose Goldstar 3DO for $60. I've thought about buying it, but I've heard that the Goldstar doesn't play all 3DO games. Can someone confirm this, and tell me which games it wont play? If it is certain games I know that I wont be picking one up.

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: January 23, 2014, 08:56:41 pm »
Preorder FFX and X2 HD a while back. Even though it's mostly the same game, it's one of my favorite RPGs of all time and am super stoked about it :D

I finally, finally found a copy of X-COM UFO Defense on the PS1. A friend of mine said it is one of his favorite PS1 games of all time, and seeing how his tastes are generally good I am super excited to finally own it :D

General / Re: Recently Quit Playing!? Not going to finish...
« on: January 20, 2014, 12:47:47 pm »
A few weeks ago I was in a random game mood and decided to try out DT Racer on the PS2, probably the worst racing game I have ever played. Aside from the driving physics being the worst in any racing game I have ever played, the game was ridden with glitches, some admittedly hilarious like if you crash your car a certain way the car starts flailing like a fish out of water. But playing ot for about 45-minutes is all I could stand. I would get rid out it, but it's worth like a buck, there's a very good reason for that :p

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:19:03 pm »
Wow bikingjahuty, that's an amazing collection! I hope mine can get that big eventually. And I hope I have the space for it then :P

Thank you very much :). I've been collecting for a while so what you see if the labor of hunting for about 5 years. Getting my games as cheap as possible really helped with getting so many games. Being obsessed with video games, like pretty much everyone here, also helped :p

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:16:56 pm »
@bikingjaulty, this may sound very strange but your game room pics turned me on  :) .  I love it! :)

Suit up!

HAHAHA I'm flattered, glad you liked it so much :p

General / Re: Game Room Pics
« on: January 19, 2014, 12:16:27 pm »
Chrono Trigger - Sweet
FFIII - Nice
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy - Man I wish I had this
Earthbou....... Wait is that..... Batman Forever?  :o ???
There must be a story behind this.

Lol sort of. The Game Chasers organized a fundraiser on Indigogo this last fall to fund the release of their DVD. There were various commitment options, and the more you donated, the more stuff you got. I paid $30 I think which got me the DVD set and a game that the Game Chasers hunted themselves. They warned people that "it might not be a good game" which Batman Forever certainly is not lol, but I thought it was so cool that it was a game that was actually hunted for and was given to me by the Game Chasers. So yea, if it weren't for that I wouldn't even own this game, and it sure as hell wouldn't be sitting on top of my display with some of the SNES greats :p
Ah ok, that's cool. It's a great looking collection regardless

Well thank you :). My only problem is the room the collection is in (too small) and my cart shelf since most of the games are three stacks deep into the shelf and you're unable to see all of them without pulling games out. I'm working on finishing my basement and turning it into a game room, and will have 3 times the space for my collection.

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