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Messages - kingrat101

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General / 8-bit Art
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:32:05 pm »
So I was bored today and decided I wanted to make an 8-bit Akuma with perler beads.
It was my first time and I dont think it came out bad, unfortunately when I was ironing it I wasnt sure about the heat or how long to keep it on the piece to get the beads to stick, so it kind of blobbed up in some spots, but other than that I dont think it came out too bad.
Tell me what you guys think, and what video game artwork have you done?

Haha that's awesome. I think she also posed for a game called Softporn Adventure too.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong

Site Feedback / Re: i have found a bug
« on: April 02, 2012, 07:50:07 pm »
Damn! Well I guess you'll never go hungry for Castlevania again  ;)

Nope, especially since I own them all. :)

Nice man, I really dig Castlevania too but don't own any of them, aside from the NES Classics on GBA.

General / Re: have you ever played any of my childhood games
« on: April 01, 2012, 04:14:49 am »
Haha Does anyone remember Spy Fox? I loved that game too, along with those I would say I remember Earthbound, Killer Instinct and DKC the most from my childhood.

Site Feedback / Re: i have found a bug
« on: April 01, 2012, 04:10:06 am »
Yup, I have multiple copies of Castlevania games listed.

2 Copies of Castlevania - Classic NES Series
3 Copies of Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
2 Copies of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
2 Copies of Castlevania: Dracula X
2 Copies of Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
2 Copies of Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
2 Copies of Castlevania: The Adventure

Damn! Well I guess you'll never go hungry for Castlevania again  ;)

Each has their own notes and details, so I know exactly what each one is composed of and what kind of condition it's in.  ;)

General / Re: have you ever played any of my childhood games
« on: March 29, 2012, 03:13:29 am »
Oh hell yeah! Pajama Sam! I still love those games I think the only one I had trouble with was the second one. Great point n' click games. As far as the other ones go I can't say that I have.

Modern Video Games / Re: Funny Anger
« on: March 28, 2012, 06:01:10 am »
MOst of the time I have ever had anyone pissy with me about a fighting game.  It was in a two player local match.  I prefer those, that way you can just give them the patient look then proceed to backhand the whinny <bio><tachi>

As far as online goes I only played 2 rounds of Soul Calibur IV before realizing my connection isn't all that great, and it would save me some embarrasment later if I just avoid online all together.

Haha right!? I dont know my connection is all good the host just decided to kick me cause I won, and in my oppinion thats what makes fighting games fun is to lose to figure out why you lost and how you can get better you know?

Modern Video Games / Funny Anger
« on: March 28, 2012, 03:13:38 am »
So, get this, I was playing street fighter IV online the other night when I decided to play an endless battle. The only match going on at the time was between two guys with one more slot open, I thought "ok cool, good connection, this should be fun for a while." I begin to play and proceed to beat one of the guys, only to be kicked once the match ended. The guy proceeded to send me a message about how crappy it was that he lost and I should'nt even be playing against him because his player points were low. He then decided to call me a cheater, of which I dont understand because I dont spam anything but whatever. I thought this was all in good fun considering it's an endless battle meaning you're not ranked or given any points.
If anyone has had this type of experience before please post and we can vent together  :)

General / Re: First Game You've Finished?
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:51:49 am »
I beat Donkey Kong Country and killer instinct, not sure which one was first. Im pretty sure it was Killer instinct, but again not sure. Still two of my favorite games and they're fun to run through every now and then. I remember thinking DKC was so hard and now both seem kinda easy now.

Off Topic / Re: A hobby better than game collecting? Flying.
« on: March 21, 2012, 08:14:58 pm »
Better than game collecting? But you can fly in games too! Pop in that Superman 64 and voilĂ ! :P
Or better yet Pilot Wings!  ;)

General / Re: For the lulz
« on: March 21, 2012, 08:13:31 pm »
I agree that Angry Birds and the like are just really, as you guys put it, "Bathroom games." To me those types of games just dont provide the same, I guess Immersion, as console games, also there seems to be a lot of crap as far as games go on the Ipad/Iphone and android. I dont think anybody in their right mind would be fine paying $10 to $15 for those types of games. I think mkost people download them for some quick fun that doesnt hold their interest. As far as Nintendo and Sony are concerned, I dont really think they need to worry much about it.

Modern Video Games / Re: Lego "Insert Movies Here" Games
« on: March 21, 2012, 08:08:31 pm »
Yeah I agree they are way more fun with a friend. I really like Lego Batman and The Starwars ones, but again with a friend

Classic Video Games / Re: NES game variant discovery
« on: March 20, 2012, 11:03:06 pm »
Yeah that's awesome! What are you talking about?! Old baseball games are great! ;)

Reggie Jacksons Baseball for the SMS is the best ever. Fact.
Im Acually really impressed with RBI Baseball 94 for the genesis, just the animation in that game is great, and I plays pretty well too

I'm not sure if this applies but when Konami decided to fire Team Silent and out source Silent Hill to mostly American and European companies, and yet they still havent gotten it right, not that I think Shattered Memories or Homecoming is bad but I like those games for different reasons than why I love the old ones.

Classic Video Games / Re: NES game variant discovery
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:51:10 pm »
Yeah that's awesome! What are you talking about?! Old baseball games are great! ;)

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