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Messages - cirno

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I mean, sheesh, doesn't it say a lot that you spend that much more for a much weaker system, just for the sake of making it compact? Who the hell is gonna buy the 3,000$ phone that can play Skyrim, outside of particularly rich folks

And again, PC Gaming remains much more expensive and inaccessible than that physical gaming, and no, you can't magically make a laptop that costs around the price of a gaming console but still has the increasingly high RAM they need. I don't get why you don't seem to understand that video games aren't the same as music and movies? You seem to think technology is sorcery, with enough time passed you can do absolutely anything with it

That comparison really isn't fair at all. Video games are made with wildly different code, different game systems in mind, etc..with music and movies, they can look and play different, but how they work is universal. You can watch The Dark Knight on an old tv but you can't play Super Mario Sunshine on an nes. You'll be able to pirate a movie until the end of time, but a game inevitably will eventually become unplayable if it's not physically preserved.

Games will change and improve but they'll never, ever be as simple and easy as downloading an Mp3 file or whatever. It just doesn't work that way.And the extremely negative impact on the gaming industry, the longeitivity of games, and how it screws over consumers in the long term, do not apply to movies and music, hence why people don't complain about those going digital as much. Like, call me a skeptist, but there's not going to be a day in our lifetime where we can buy the entire game of Skyrim for five bucks and jump right into it

The fact is, though-no such thing has happened. Just consider the fact that gaming PCs capable of running any current 60$ games are considered a niche and are (and will remain) much more expensive than any sort of console. And if you're going to go out of your way to head to the store to buy a console, what would you get? A 60$ eshop card, or the game you want, sitting right there on the shelf? Physical games are more likely to end up in someone's hands than digital games, and the more advanced games become, the more that fact remains true.

Cheap ass game companies want this so they can have pretty much no respect for their consumers. Don't let that happen.

ehmm pretty much all 2d games can pretty much be played at mobile phones at this point

More games are surely to follow including 3d, not to mention that sony and nintendo might eventually quit the console market and develop for mobile games if that were to happen. not saying that would be a good thing since Im not a fan of mobile gaming I avoid it like the plague.

There will however be a time that even the most advanced brand new 3d games will be just as simple to download and universally available as digital music is today.

Do not be fooled technology will have some major improvements over the upcoming 20+ years some wich might be kinda hard to believe. Digital stuff likes this is just chump chance in comparison.
I think you highly overestimate how fast technology moves. Back when 3D games were already commonplace, the best 2D games could do was a portable snes; even now, we've just reached a point where it's physically possible for portable games to be console quality, and that thing costs four hundred bucks. 2D games are infinitely easier to develop for, so the idea that because mobile phones can run most 2D games, 3D games will soon follow I find incredibly silly.  Mobile phones right now are capable of running a smaller gamecube game if i'm being generous, and while phones with that sort of power I'm sure will exist, it'll be a long, long time before they're cheap enough to become used by average folks. Don't think of it as "they'll have all 3D games soon!" Think of it as "They can only reliably play 2D games, so they're worlds away from replacing consoles"

Technology doesn't work that way, you can't just magically shrink Super Mario Odssey onto a 20$ phone because the tools you use are improving.

General / Re: Do you buy games to play or put on your shelf?
« on: May 19, 2018, 12:54:00 am »
Tbh, no ill will towards folks who don't intend on playing stuff, but personally I'd be pretty depressing to me to not be able to play hundreds of games I own. Having so much to experience but never POSSIBLY having the time to do it all...

I like to keep a flow of buying a few games, playing them all, then buying new games when I start to itch for something new to play. That way, nothing ends up unplayed, and it'll build up a nice backlog of "I finished this game, but it wouldn't hurt to revisit it" rather than loads of unfinished games staring me in the face.

Idk, maybe it's because I'm really a big kid at heart, but the idea of having hundreds of games to play any time I feel like it seems much more appealing than simply having a random assortment of games, just because they exist.

That comparison really isn't fair at all. Video games are made with wildly different code, different game systems in mind, etc..with music and movies, they can look and play different, but how they work is universal. You can watch The Dark Knight on an old tv but you can't play Super Mario Sunshine on an nes. You'll be able to pirate a movie until the end of time, but a game inevitably will eventually become unplayable if it's not physically preserved.

Games will change and improve but they'll never, ever be as simple and easy as downloading an Mp3 file or whatever. It just doesn't work that way.And the extremely negative impact on the gaming industry, the longeitivity of games, and how it screws over consumers in the long term, do not apply to movies and music, hence why people don't complain about those going digital as much. Like, call me a skeptist, but there's not going to be a day in our lifetime where we can buy the entire game of Skyrim for five bucks and jump right into it

The fact is, though-no such thing has happened. Just consider the fact that gaming PCs capable of running any current 60$ games are considered a niche and are (and will remain) much more expensive than any sort of console. And if you're going to go out of your way to head to the store to buy a console, what would you get? A 60$ eshop card, or the game you want, sitting right there on the shelf? Physical games are more likely to end up in someone's hands than digital games, and the more advanced games become, the more that fact remains true.

Cheap ass game companies want this so they can have pretty much no respect for their consumers. Don't let that happen.

Nah, that's dumb.

It's not going to die out because for a lot of people, they'd buy video games, dvds and whatever else in the same sort of place they buy groceries. Not to mention, not everyone has internet, has constant access to internet, or would want to wait a few hours to download the game they just bought. Physical media is simply more acessible than digital media, always has been and always will be. Digital stuff is only really practical as another option.

This really isn't something we should let happen anyway, because it'd be really, REALLY bad. Nowadays you could play a game that was released 30 years ago because it's physical; but if everything's digital, if it's gone, its GONE. No used games, either, meaning companies can charge 60$ for a game basically forever. It'd create this reality where absolutely nothing has a legacy; we'd consume one piece of media, totally forget about it and move onto the next. Then there's "games as a service," games constantly being released with 10% of their content, and unpopular games simply being left unfinished. The idea of a "totally digital" world would allow companies to be as lazy and money hungry as they possibly can.

Don't let physical media die, it's a horrible idea.

Modern Video Games / Re: E3 Rumor/Leak Discussion
« on: May 15, 2018, 02:08:31 pm »
Lmao I'm still laughing at "forza horizons 5"

Speaking as someone who was never really interested in Mario sports games before, the new Tennis game is looking so good I wouldn't mind them trying the concept again with anything else

General / Re: Storage failure.
« on: May 14, 2018, 02:03:33 am »
God I'm sorry man, that's nasty.

General / Re: Isn't video game collecting kinda just hoarding?
« on: May 13, 2018, 07:15:52 pm »
I have to question why exactly you joined a forum for a hobby you dislike, and are using that to insult and look down upon the people who take part in it. Like what's your deal dude 

Again-like people have told you ten times in this thread-if it's neat it isn't hoarding. Get off your high horse

Modern Video Games / Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« on: May 13, 2018, 11:54:14 am »
Well for one thing, I kinda resent the whole "ports clog the library" argument since it's really not the case, they're  never made by the main studios. I think the reason there's been less games this year is more as a result of burnout from all the stuff we got in 2017.

I think, with lots of circumstantial evidence (the developers outright stating its in development for years in particular) we can guess that it won't be a port, but rather a Majora's Mask type sequel. Same engine, same basic gameplay, with new content as the main focus.

General / Re: Isn't video game collecting kinda just hoarding?
« on: May 11, 2018, 11:23:38 pm »
Honestly, I think the comparison is incredibly ignorant.

Hoarding usually implies clinging to absolutely everything- it's not really about having a lot of stuff, rather it's more about one's inability to get rid of anything. The difference between hoarders and collectors is that collectors can coordiante their stuff enough that it doesn't serve as a detriment to their lives.

Seriously, it's absolutely hyperbolic to compare someone having a big nice gameshelf to someone filling their house with crap to the point where it's unlivable.

Also..from what I've seen there's a lot of people who plan on playing most of the games they buy, or at least restrict it to stuff they like.  I think it's pretty silly to say game collecting involves buying EVERYTHING, it's different for everyone. I don't want say, Sonic 06 or the bubsy games or whatever anywhere near my collection and I don't feel intensely compelled to buy them just because they're video games; that'd be stupid. But I'd hunt down the whole Kirby series because it makes me happy and 90% of the series I'd probably come back to. I'm going to come into a lot of games either way, so why not hang onto them and keep them pretty?

Classic Video Games / Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« on: May 09, 2018, 02:32:00 am »
I'd recommend not skipping out on the remakes-in fact tbh, if you're only gonna play either or I'd recommend them being the ones you play, since they're often just that much smoother and easier to enjoy than the originals. Remakes with new content like the 3Ds ocarina of time I'd especially reccomend seeking out

I think it's a little circumstantial tho-games like the 3Ds remakes stand out as their own entires enough that you'd be remiss to ignore them, but you could do fine not trying to collect every single version of a game that's been ported to hell and back like Twilight Princess

General / Re: Market Crash Hypothesis
« on: May 08, 2018, 12:40:10 pm »
Hey I'd take 20-10 dollars for a random retro game I happened to have lying around, even if it sucked compared to before.

There'd certainly be less people selling them but they'certainly be around, people need money

The dark night movie was so relentlessley grimdark and bleak I felt gross watching it. Sure, I know it's a batman movie, but sheesh.

That series was the worst about it, but i'd say the same about all DC movie. When I watch them I wish they'd just..chill out

Modern Video Games / Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« on: May 07, 2018, 01:26:15 pm »
If we're talking about cutting Mario characters, cut Mario's doctor costume before we cut rosalina. (I liked her..)

Also, Cloud feels like a flavor of the month third party to me, but considering Bayonetta is an nintendo exclusive now I think she's gonna stick around.

I was never really sold on the idea of Waluigi because while I  love him as a character, he's so underutilized he really doesn't have much potential as a moveset. Best case scenario, he'd just awkwardly be a representation of the mario spinoff games

Tbh regarding the Miis, I wanted them in the game but as more of a representation of them than as a custom fighter gimmick. There's so many games based around them (Wii Sports, Wii Music, Tomodachi Life, Miitopia, the list goes on..) you could draw a moveset from that I want them more as a "weird representation of nintendo history" like Rob rather than a bland custom fighter

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