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Messages - kingrat101

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General / Re: Favorite Video Game Genres
« on: February 09, 2012, 10:47:03 pm »
@Scott Oh man Shining Force is great I love that game, Yeah I think the only newer RPG I've gotten into is Boarderlands. I just dont think I have enough patience for RPG's in general. But that's great man I can only dream of acually being good at RPG's. The only Dungeon Crawler I got into is Y's book 1 and 2 for the Turbo CD, if that even qualifies. I think I only beat Earthbound, Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger and it took me forever. Obviously though I think I just dig more of the arcade style games that are quick fun games that are pretty easy to beat but are so much more addicting, at least to me, than anything I've ever played.
And to Desocietas, How do you feel about 3D platformers? For me they always felt awkward because of the camera angles, or do you just not like platformers at all whether it be 3D or 2D?

General / Re: Favorite Video Game Genres
« on: February 09, 2012, 07:41:40 pm »
@Scott I find that really cool how you like shmups so much and JRPG's as well cause they are quite different, not that that is a bad thing,  I dont know I have to really be in the mood for an RPG but I do prefer JRPG's as well, espeially on the SNES, I cant really get into newer ones even in the playstation era, I guess I just like em 2D.
How about you?

General / Favorite Video Game Genres
« on: February 09, 2012, 04:27:03 pm »
Just wondering what everyone's favorite genres are and maybe suggest some other games to chek out.

#1- 2D fighting games, I dont know what it is but I love 2D fighting games, they're so different, yet share a common element... to kick some ass =] and I love em. My favorites would be The King of fighters series, Samurai shodown and X-men vs Street Fighter.
#2- Run n' Gun games, overhead and sidescrollling, Obviously the contra series and Metal Slug series are my favorite but I also love to play Alien Hominid, Commando and Shock troopers.
#3- Adventure/Platforming games, What more needs to be said I mean we all know the classics, Mario, Kid Icarus, Metroid but there is also some underrated ones, at least in my opinion, such as Blaster Master, and Blues Journey.

General / Re: Contra question
« on: January 28, 2012, 10:03:09 pm »
Alright cool, thanks for the info

General / Contra question
« on: January 28, 2012, 03:18:54 pm »
So I have Contra Rebirth for the Wii and I really dig it, but I was wondering if Contra Hard Corps Uprising is good as well? Or is it better? I'm just not sure if I dig the anime style look to it, is it worth the 14.99 through PSN?

Classic Video Games / F-Zero pretty much ROCKS!
« on: January 25, 2012, 11:30:53 pm »
Have you guys ever wanted to play a classic franchise but never had the chance to?
I've always wanted to play F-Zero for the SNES, I rented the gamecube version a long time ago and liked it but I wanted to know where the series got it's start. Unfortunatley I was never able to find a copy for less than $15 and I didnt want to pay that much, so guess how excited I was to find a copy at the thrift store for a measly $2.50, and I can honestly say Im kind of in love with this game, I realize this game, along with Pilotwings which I also love, was just really to show off Nintendo's new Mode 7, but my god I really am addicted to this game and am already halfway through expert mode.
What games did you guys have this expericence with?

General / Thrift Store finds
« on: January 16, 2012, 02:55:13 pm »
Ok so I'm sure most people in this community check local thrift stores for older games, I was just wondering what are some of the fondest pieces you've added to your collection from thrift stores?
I can honestly say I think I've gotten quite lucky in maybe the past month on finding pretty good ps1 games for great prices, this past week I found Oddworld Abe's Oddysee, bust a groove 2, Final Fantasy 7 black label complete and a few other little items.
I know that they arent that rare or anything but to find some games I've been looking for is awesome especially when they're only a few bucks especially Bust a groove 2, which is missing the manual but only 2 dollars for it is pretty awesome.
what has everybody else found recentally or in the past that just got you super excited?

General / Re: Favorite Video Game Series
« on: February 25, 2012, 09:44:26 pm »
Yeah but one thing I hate that FF did was make their games into MMO's and now they're doing that with Dragon Quest, Come on I just want a traditional JRPG

General / Re: Favorite Video Game Series
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:48:23 pm »
Of Course! Mega Man is awesome. Im also starting to get back into Metal Gear, I had it as a kid and couldnt understand it but now I think it's great.
Donkey Kong country is always great as well

General / Favorite Video Game Series
« on: January 06, 2012, 10:17:16 pm »
So I'm really digging Mario Kart 7 and realized I really love the series as a whole,
I was just wondering what game series people on this site love. What are the series that you can always go back to and never get bored or tired with?
I think mine would start with the Metroid series, Mario Kart, Silent Hill and the naughty dog Crash Bandicoot series

Site Feedback / Re: Badge Bug
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:36:06 pm »
Oh awesome, I just now realized that some of the badges arent displayed on my profile, not sure how long it's been going on but thank you

News / Re: UPDATE - Happy New Year!
« on: January 02, 2012, 05:44:20 pm »
Yeah thats great and congrats you guys. I love this site and the community we have here as well.
Keep up the good work and let's make 2012 even better

Off Topic / Re: New Years Resolutions
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:43:21 pm »
My resolution last year was to lose weight and Im proud to say I have lost 85 pounds and I guess this year would be to keep the weight off.
I think this year to I want to go to college and find a better job, also keep in touch more with old friends, I have a bad habit of saying I want to hang out with someone but never really make plans.

Oh and collecting-wise I wanna finally get to the 1000 mark and help out more on the site, whatever I can do =]

General / Re: Collecting Strategies
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:40:11 pm »
Thats how I feel too "ffxik" with catridge and jewel case games.
Haha I also love that you mentioned that games were meant to be played, I think some people are way too "hardcore" when collecting and how so many sealed games and to me it never really made too much sense in doing that, it kinda seems as though they are missing the point.

General / Collecting Strategies
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:57:36 pm »
I was just wondering how everyone collects games, in terms of are you the type of collector that will buy anything if its a decent price? or the kind who buys expensive games just to have them?
or the type that collects games that bring back memories?
I guess the real topic should be "why do you collect?"

I know I like to collect games that bring back memories, I also like to find the best prices, rarely will I buy a game if I think it is just too expensive.
I also will try just about any game if the price is right and it catches my eye, Im kind of one of those people that believes ANY game has some redeming factor
What are your guys thoughts and opinions?

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