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Messages - kingrat101

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General / Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2016
« on: December 04, 2015, 04:36:59 am »
I'm hoping to...
1-Beat more games
2-More physical PC games
3-Maybe buy an Oculus
4-Patiently wait for the new Doom haha

General / Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« on: November 13, 2015, 09:31:29 pm »
I only recently got into PC gaming, I actually just threw a 970 ftw, i7 4790 and a new power supply in my syber steam machine. PC gaming is really nice but I usually tend to lean more towards consoles. I couldn't afford to throw down 600 to 1000 dollars on a pc, in the past and in certain cases it is a better experience. I actually just got a steam controller and really like it too, but I'm more comfortable with a controller in hand than a mouse and keyboard anyway. Consoles, however, get some fantastic exclusives, like you mentioned, uncharted, Metroid, halo stuff like that. Honestly, I don't really understand the big time arguments between both of them, it's just gaming, any argument over video games is pretty petty. I'm lucky enough to afford all of them, but as a child I was perfectly happy with a snes up to about 99, 2000 when I pretty much had to make the switch to ps1. Gaming is fun no matter what it is on

General / Re: Games you were hyped about leading up to their release.
« on: November 07, 2015, 02:27:39 am »
i'm really excited for the new doom, doom 4? It looks great, fast-paced and like old school shooter fun. I cant wait.
Fallout 4 to a lesser extent, I'm working my way through fallout 3 right now. I've only ever played through the first fallout and tactics so I'm not as big of a fan as many people on here

General / Re: Item(s) you regret trading/selling/giving away
« on: October 28, 2015, 07:01:47 pm »
I've been pretty lucky with a lot of my stuff. The only one I somewhat regret is Conker Live and Reloaded. Kind of wish I didn't trade that one, however, it was a platinum hits version. I got super-lucky though at the time I traded that I also traded a bunch of sports games and got about $10 each at the time so, it all worked out pretty well

Classic Video Games / Re: Neo Geo AES
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:13:39 am »
I'm a big fan of the Neo Geo too. Mostly the AES, it's really tough to recommend. I've seen a lot of people buy an AES and then immediately try to sell it again because of the price and they don't like the types of games on the system. Make sure, if you really want one, that you can deal with 90's fighting games. Personally I love them but it's not for everyone.

Off Topic / Re: Best football game this weekend?
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:58:17 am »
Haha I live in Colorado and am a Jets fan, so it was nice to see them beat up on Miami in London. The Broncos Vikings game was good though

General / Re: VGCollect PS4 Community
« on: September 29, 2015, 08:30:13 pm »
I'm in: kingrat101

General / Re: random acts of kindness
« on: September 23, 2015, 05:07:32 am »
That's really cool glad to hear. For me I tend to make a lot of friends at local game stores, I used to spend a lot of time at this really awesome locally owned game store. I went in once cause I had a broken nes game, the little tabs on the inside were broken, I went in with the intention to buy the right tool to get into it and they guy there takes it, opens it up and fixes it for free and then gave me the tool all free of charge. They also used to give me discounts on their already cheaper prices, I got Fire Emblem on the gamecube and cubivore both complete for $40 from these guys... To be fair I did also buy my Metal Slug 5 AES from them too. Still though they didn't have to do that really awesome guys.

Site Feedback / Re: Add Steam Machines?
« on: August 05, 2015, 10:39:14 pm »
Ok cool, no problem, thank you guys that's why I decided I should ask.
Thank you again for the reply

Site Feedback / Add Steam Machines?
« on: August 05, 2015, 08:09:14 pm »
So I picked up the Syber Vapor a couple months ago, but was wondering if we are going to add them on this site, I know there are tons of different versions and multiple steam machines, should I add it?

Classic Video Games / Re: GameCube fanatics
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:16:04 am »
Haha damnit, I love the gamecube too and it looks like everyone already mentioned what I was going to say. Good luck, it really is an awesome console

Off Topic / Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:41:11 am »
Best. I've seen Portugal. The Man three times and every time they put on a fantastic show. Even though not technically a concert just an opener Man Man was amazing opening for Modest Mouse. The Mars Volta was pretty spectacular as well as mewithoutYou

Worst. Oh where do I begin, probably The Killers, my ex made me see them with her and oh man I already think they're a terrible band but that show just cemented it for me. Terrible lyrics, horrible singer, awful atmosphere... Not good

Off Topic / Re: Summer Stories/Trips 2015
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:52:54 pm »
Im from Colorado and recently moved to Colorado springs, and went to the Pikes Peak Hill Climb yesterday soo cool im really getting into cars and it was so cool to see. Unfortunately, they had to shut it down early but what I did get to see was awesome

General / Re: 30 Days Away: What Would You Like To See At E3 2015?
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:52:22 pm »
Im just hoping Nintendo has a good lineup, More on Zelda, Starfox would love to see a new Metroid but that seems pretty unlikely, some new RPG's some more stuff from Platinum games and maybe the new Doom

Marketplace / Dont Starve Free Steam Copy
« on: April 23, 2015, 07:13:17 am »
Im getting back into PC gaming a little bit but need a more powerful PC... anyway I was browsing Steam and realized I've got a free extra copy of Don't Starve, if anybody wants to trade something let me know and I can give it to you, it just the base game no DLC, however the DLC for Don't Starve is on sale right now so I figured it would be the best time.
Just P.M. me
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