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Messages - cirno

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General / Re: Market Crash Hypothesis
« on: May 06, 2018, 06:02:27 pm »
Tbh, anything that's "big" for hoarding and scalping usually crashes back down to being worthless...which means it'll probably come full circle and become accessible again. You just gotta play the waiting game

Modern Video Games / Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« on: May 05, 2018, 10:39:01 pm »
Nah, it makes perfect sense. Kirby has this new main character, Kirby is one of the biggest franchises they have and it's and easy and convienient choice, plus the Spear gimmick would convert into super smash bros pretty'd only really seem weird if you didn't have context

The only real drawback is that it'd be a bit boring of a choice honestly. To an outsider it'd seem random, but to anyone who knows about Kirby it's "they'll do it because there's not much else to do"

(Tbh it's probably gonna happen and I'll get to laugh at people who were bewildered at the idea, so it's great)

Modern Video Games / Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« on: May 04, 2018, 06:12:35 pm »
I doubt the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  will happen because the developers have generally said characters that don't originate from video games are a no-no.

Shovel Knight? If there's going to be an indie character it's going to be him. He got his own amiibo line and the game gets ported to practically every nintendo console; they love that guy.

I bet Mario will get a similar treatment to Link, but to a lesser degree. He'll get a Cappy move and maybe a new final smash, and since it's a somewhat old reference by now, the Fludd is out

There's been a lot of buzz around the idea of Crash Bandicoot being in the game and I have to agree. His character movements were made for smash, his moveset practically writes itself.

Besides that, there will be an obligatory ARMs character, and Balloon Fight as the new Retro character

I was never sold on the whole "official" reproduction thing, but I could see purpose in the compilation carts? There was at least a new feature to them and they were cheaper than buying them all invidually.

But this? They're overpriced fancy looking carts, and you could buy both of the games for less, which kills the purpose of them stone dead.

I doubt digital games are ever gonna kill off physical games totally-since honestly, if everyone was flocking to it it probably would've happened already. But rental games are a bit different; nowadays you could probably buy a cheap indie game, a port of an old game, or a full-fledged game on sale if you're particularly lucky for around the same price you'd usually pay for a rental. Digital just kinda replaced the whole "I just want something nice to play for the weekend" niche, and nostalgia aside it's honestly a much more worthwhile option for that

I don't really feel bad for gamestop in this whole thing; it's their own irresponsiblity that lands themselves with this issue. However, I have disdain for this kind of practice because it would really screws over anyone who actually buys this stuff from gamestop. I know it's probably not the best place in the world to hunt down old games, but you'd be knowingly landing some poor guy with something worthless they didn't want.

Don't think of it as pulling a fast one on a crappy company as some sort of karmic retribution, think of it is as indirectly decieving and punishing anyone who shops there. And for awful as gamestop is, that's far, far worse than the kinda stuff they do.

General / Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« on: April 16, 2018, 05:56:50 pm »
Well geeze I didn't think apps you'll barely use on a console or not being able to listen to whiney 13 year olds invalidated the entire value of a system

If you were a game developer, would you honestly think "Well, that system doesn't have netflix, so our game won't work on it"

General / Re: Collectible Game Controller Soaps?
« on: April 12, 2018, 01:05:37 pm »
Yea I think NES controllers are really the only controllers practical to make soap out

Yeah honestly, I've wanted to buy a Wii U but I've found it harder and harder to justify owning one. The ports are justified from a buisness stand point of course and I'm glad more people will get to experience the stuff, but it ends up leaving the poor thing with almost nothing unique to experience on it

General / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: April 08, 2018, 02:57:28 pm »
Some more:

With the release of Breath of the wild, I've seen a lot of people hailing The Legend Of Zelda NES as the "right" way to make games for the absolutely is not! I'd much rather a game hold my hand than throw me in the dark with no sense of direction

Adding onto that...I like the 3D zelda games? I think it's kind of a shame how much of a bad wrap they get these days.

VR? It's an expensive gimmick full of nothing but tech demos about how cool VR is. Who cares.

Luigi's mansion: Dark Moon was a decent sequel at best. Axing the open world mansion setting in favor of the awful mission system killed what was unique about the game.

I really can't get into Final Fantasy. I've tried multiple times but the somewhat dated and standard rpg setting and the ridicilous amount of games it has prevent from enjoying it

General / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: April 07, 2018, 04:15:09 pm »
Eh, once you've played one playstation you've played em all

I know why people dislike Nintendo's tendency to use gimmicks of varying quality but I like how one of their consoles is distinguishable from the other in features

General / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: April 07, 2018, 12:15:47 am »
Yeah, it'd be SO weird and inconvienient to name it after its content rather than its origin..yknow, like how we name every other game genre.

For the comparison brought up, would we call a slasher movie "a japanse horror movie" and a zombie movie "an american horror movie" ? Obviously not, because that'd be stupid, make no sense, and would confuse loads of people

General / Re: Which Console Or Platform Gets The Least Use Currently
« on: April 06, 2018, 03:48:00 am »
I have a Gameboy Advance NON-sp, but it's in pretty poor condition and it's taught me how much we should appreciate the blessing of a backlight

General / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: April 04, 2018, 06:13:11 pm »
It'd make much more sense to separate them based on the actual content. If it's a turn based RPG, or a game with real time combat but you happen to level up every so often, it seems kinda silly to say their the same genre. Saying "oh, but one of them usually comes from America" really doesn't solve that whole issue. At all.

Maybe turn based RPG or real time RPG? Maybe don't call games that only have RPG elements RPGs at all? I don't know, but I'm sure it's possible to come up with a system far less dumb

People mix up the terms because it's incredibly counterintuitive. Using these terms, there's plenty of Japanese rpgs that don't come from Japan and plenty of western rpgs that don't come from the west, and that's stupid.

General / Re: Your unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: April 04, 2018, 12:16:13 pm »
All right here we go..

-The sonic franchise? It has some decent games but it was a completley terrible idea. The developers need to make a really fast platformer routinely, why do you think that series crashed and burned

-I really have trouble getting into the N64 because I feel like most of it's content has aged about as well as curdled milk left in the sun
-For that matter, I really don't see what makes Super Mario 64 so much better than it's contemporary mario 3d platformers. The only real novelty to it was that it was an open world 3D platformer, and it lost that to Odyssey anyway

-Super Smash Bros Brawl was one of the better smash bros games because of the amount of single player content
-Similarly, I couldn't get into smash bros 4 as  much because there was just nothing to do

-Also, 3DS smash bros four is the superior version. Wii U smash bros had garbage game modes and wrecked Classic Mode, which is a shame because that's usually what most of my gametime goes to
-Seriously, why do people still think Switch smash bros is a port? The developers came out and said they've been working on it for years

-Pokemon Black and White had a pretty good story overall, but Ghetsis was a generic villain who scrubbed any moral complexity right out of it, and it would've been far better if he didn't exist

-Fighting games? With certain exceptions..they just have too steep of a learning curve to be anywhere near fun
-Military shooters in general? Gross. They've all been blurring together for years.

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