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Messages - badATchaos

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It's a marketplace seller; not actual walmart. That's probably why they only have one in stock.

Been a while! Here's some stuff I imported recently.

Ganbare Goemon 2 - CIB
Mario World
Mario All-Stars
Mario RPG

Game Boy JP:
Pocket Monsters Blue - CIB
Pocket Monsters Gold - CIB

N64 JP:
Mario Party - CIB
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Pokemon Stadium Gold & Silver

GameCube JP:
Mario Party 4, 5, 6, 7 - CIB

Misc JP:
Konami Wai Wai World
Super Mario 3D World - CIB
Game & Watch Collection 1 - CIB
Game & Watch Collection 2 - CIB
Super Mario Odyssey original soundtrack

General / Re: This kid on Ebay is hilarious! XD
« on: April 30, 2019, 11:34:22 am »
omg too funny

I love ebay.  I use it all the time to import cheap japanese games.  I prefer buying used items on ebay, over Amazon any day. Ebay allows users to upload photos of the actual item you're buying, and not just a generic image! You almost never see that on Amazon. Every time I've bought used games or systems on Amazon I get screwed, and have to fight for reimbursement.  I've been using the site since 1999 and have never really had any issues.

Video Showcase / Re: bad@chaos' videos!
« on: January 22, 2019, 11:22:52 am »
Since last posting I've uploaded three new Game & Watch videos. Turtle Bridge, Donkey Kong Jr. and Manhole.

Game & Watch playlist

Picked up Game & Watch Manhole and the Famicom controllers for Switch.

General / Re: Prized possessions
« on: January 15, 2019, 11:42:30 pm »
NES: Around 1994 I received hand-me-down NES from a cousin who was going away to college. While the NES was old by the time I got it, it was still my first video game system. The AC adapter apparently broke at some point as it was held together with black electrical tape. Finally, about 3 years ago I replaced the tape as it was falling apart. While I have plenty of other power adapters laying around these days I still hold onto the original.  Along with the system, I still have most of the original games I had received. SMB3 was probably my favorite. I even took the cartridge along to college just to hang it on my wall.

Pokemon Red Version: I had an aunt who had a habit of buying me Game Boy games for gifts and one year for my birthday she got me Pokemon Red. I was still young at the time and boy did it blow me away. I grow up in a rural area, away from most retail stores. I gotten before most kids in school so it was quite the spectacle. Generally most of the games I've owned since the 90s are all in decent shape as I took fairly good care of my things. This Pokemon cartridge is probably the exception. I played shit out of it. The top of the label and the contacts are all worn from just taking the thing in and out so often.

GameCube: Got mine sometime in 2002. This was when I was starting to seriously get into gaming and I logged a lot of hours into that thing. I played the thing so damn much that in 2014 I ended up replaced the laser unit because it started failing. In the day my friends and I were very competitive and played a lot of Melee, Double Dash and a little SoulCalibur 2. The GameCube left a big mark on me and is probably my favorite system today. So far I've collected seven color variants.

Game & Watch: There isn't really one particular item I favor over others, but I just have a certain affinity for them in general. The first GameBoy Color I got was Game & Watch Gallery 2 and I had a lot of fun with it. I later picked up Game & Watch Galley 4 on GBA when that came out. It was only at that point did I actually realize what an actual Game & Watch was and was kind of fascinated by them. Once I grew up and had some disposable income I started importing the handhelds from Japan and Europe. So far I only have nine of those.  I hope and pray they make a new Game & Watch Gallery some day.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Recent Additions to Database
« on: January 11, 2019, 02:30:47 pm »
Added the Nintendo Online exclusive NES controllers for Switch. I was kind of surprised no one got to them first. I also added the Japanese version.

I wasn't aware discs and cartridges went away

I think the word you were looking for was obsolete.   Guidebooks became obsolete as soon as walkthrough sites started popping up.

One of my favorite examples when I was younger was Star Wars Rogue Squadron. You could replace one of the ships with a 1969 Buick Electra and fly it around. Play a test level as a AT-ST walker. And what was probably most interesting was that you could even unlock a Naboo Starfighter. Which was interesting because the game came out over 5 months before episode one came out.

The Age of Empires games had some funny war units you could unlock via cheats as well. My favorites came out of Age of Mythology.  Flying Purple Hippo: A rather large flying hippo with a top hat that shoots hearts at enemies. As it flew a rainbow was left in it's path.  Lazer Bear: A black bear wearing a Canadian flag cape. While it did shoot lasers from it's eyes it could also attack by hitting it's target with two monkeys. This is probably the single most ridiculous, out of context thing I've ever seen in a strategy game.

You should know that many of props, especially back then, were kit-bashed. Meaning, they would take whole bunch of components from different objects and bash them together to make something new.

What I'm saying is that the computer featured in the film can possibly be made up of several electronics.

General / Re: Will the PS3/XB360 generation be looked back at fondly?
« on: September 24, 2018, 05:24:13 pm »
Someone today might find Pong boring, but if you were there it was something novel and exciting. I dare you to find some who lived through that era who dislikes Pong.

General / Re: Will the PS3/XB360 generation be looked back at fondly?
« on: September 24, 2018, 02:39:11 pm »
Is there a generation that is not looked back fondly?

General / Re: Local Game Stores going out of business
« on: September 20, 2018, 06:08:20 pm »
The few stores in my area diversify by selling other stuff like Pops figures.

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