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Messages - kingrat101

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Mario Kart 8 DLC is sweet tough xd
amiibos are also a kind of dlc but i dont mind it because its a figurine and you can use it in more games ^^


I think Mario Kart 8's DLC is awesome because that was totally something Nintendo did for the fans, it's not like half of the game was missing.
It's a shame DLC has become such a huge thing I've already beat Forza Horizon 2, great game, but this advertisement for a 20 dollar dlc pack is insane, I mean the game hasn't been out that long and there is already extra bullshit!?

Off Topic / Re: Japanese Rock/Metal
« on: December 31, 2014, 09:22:02 pm »
Oh man, I love Boris, they are amazing! they were inspired by Melvins and Iggy Pop kind of thrash metal but great stuff.
Electric Eel Shock is also awesome but very western influenced their engrish is great though and all-around a good band

General / Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« on: November 27, 2014, 05:25:45 pm »
Oh man! Finally I totally agree on reviewtechusa, he's done nothing but piss me off since he made youtube his full-time gig, I remember him posting about how terrible the Wii U was because it was formatting his Flash drive and he unplugged it, while it tells you "DO NOT UNPLUG" what an idiot
I don't really like Pat the NES punk or game chasers though both just kind of over stayed their welcome, I can only take so much of the ridiculous little kid humor
Sorry to say it too but I got sick of Gamesack, is it Joe?, the one that isn't bald just seemed like the videos were just an opportunity to show off his most expensive stuff

On the other hand I love LGR, not much of a PC gamer, but his humor, reviews and style are great same goes for PushingupRoses, she's awesome too
I also really dig Austin Mackert he mostly does let's plays now but I like his down-to-earth style and he just seems like a normal dude that doesn't have a massive collection but just loves games for what they are

Off Topic / Re: Top 10 Favorite Albums
« on: November 15, 2014, 07:07:48 pm »
Damn tough
Everywhere and His Nasty Parlour Tricks-Modest Mouse
Brother, Sister-mewithoutYou
Censored Colors-Portugal. the Man
Back to Black: The B-Sides- Amy Winehouse
Rubber Factory-The Black Keys
Frances the Mute-The Mars Volta
Consolers of the Lonely- The Raconteurs
Return to Struggleville- Listener
Six Demon Bag- Man Man

Classic Video Games / Re: Got a PS1. What now?
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:37:30 am »
I personally think RPG-wise the snes beats the ps1, however man there are so many damn games for the ps1 Crash is my favorite recently played through all of them and they still hold up really well, Spyro is great too.

Modern Video Games / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:09:48 pm »
I hope the special edition comes here, I hate how much Nintendo hates us lol As much of a Zelda fan that I am, I was never a fan of Majora's Mask.  I didn't like the time aspect in it at all.  I will get this cause I am a collector, but I'll give it another play to see if I like it anymore these days.

Majora's Mask is my least favorite too for that same reason, I would love to have this though. I don't know if I will keep it sealed or not

General / Re: if you had to sell off parts of your collection. . .
« on: October 31, 2014, 10:48:46 am »
I've thought of this before, it's tough but for me the first stuff to go would be the Neo Geo stuff and on the other side I would never ever get rid of my snes stuff

I've been playing Metroid: Other M and it's actually quite good! I talked a little bit about this in the "What are you playing?" thread, but I'm still surprised at all the hate it gets.
I agree with that, I pre ordered mine and beat it the same day and enjoyed it, going back through it again it does have some issues but it's not horrible.
I also enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever, definitely has issues don't get me wrong, but I enjoyed playing through it

General / Re: Horror Games!
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:45:07 am »
Silent Hill 2 and 3 and Luigi's Mansion!

I used to be physical games only but that has changed, I also don't consider merch, controllers and extra stuff part of my actual collection

General / Re: Tattoos about/Related to Video games
« on: October 25, 2014, 05:36:31 pm »
Very cool, I think we've discussed this before on this site... But I have a full nautical black and grey sleeve and a Lenore tat on the other side. Closest I'm getting to video game related is a steam-punk half sleeve somewhat inspired by Bioshock: infinite

Classic Video Games / Re: Sega add ons
« on: October 25, 2014, 12:01:20 pm »
The sega cd isn't too bad on reliability it's usually an easy cheap fix, just a fuse. I rather like the cd too, Earthworm Jim Special Edition, Snatcher, Shining Force there are a couple good Shooters and JRPG's as well

The 32X is ok it's good on it's sega arcade ports and some decent platformers. Just make sure you get the extension cable if your using it with a Model 1 genesis

Classic Video Games / Re: The Game Gear - To Buy, or Not to Buy?
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:50:21 am »
The game gear is neat but hard to recommend, the games are just Master System games, with a few exceptions.
In terms of reliability, that's tough as well, I've owned four different ones,now three, the capacitors are garbage, one had sound issues the other didn't even turn on.
As a big Neo Geo fan though, it's hard to recommend the pocket color as well, I'm not trying to sound like a dick and question what you already know, but you've got to realize SNK was know for 2D fighting games and that's what the pocket color is full of with a few puzzle games and Metal Slug, of course. They're great but if fighting games aren't your thing don't spend a ton of money on it 

Video Game Deals, Sales and Promotions / Re: October PSN Flash Sale
« on: October 19, 2014, 06:25:31 am »
Thank You!
I think I'll get Scott Pilgrim, wanted to try it forever, just didn't want to pay $15
I'd also totally recommend Skullgirls, really fun fighter a lot like Blazblue

General / Re: Painful Moments in Video Games
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:32:04 am »
haha, that's one reason I don't go for all achievements or trophies, not worth it. For me though, Im pretty patient with games, however I get super frustrated when a game is going along well, no big issues then all of a sudden out of nowhere the game is super difficult, Im currently playing Wolfenstein: The New order and there are a couple parts like that. I don't mind if a game is difficult from the beginning but when a game is normal and just throws a ton of hard enemies at you, it just brings my blood to a boil haha   

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