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Messages - instantreplay

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Hardware and Tech / Best thing to upgrade on a computer?
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:27:57 pm »
Hello all!
I'm looking into upgrading my laptop so I can play more games on it. What should I upgrade first? Here are my specs:
Processor  2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory  4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB

The gameplay was good but everything else was overhyped.
1) Lara didn't have a character. People claim that she goes from a person who hates using violence to a strong woman but that's total bullshit. She says something like "I don't want to hurt you" like once but then she seems fine driving a spike through people's throats. Instead, the game should have forced the player to stealth in the beginning of the game, not because Lara didn't have a weapon, but because she didn't want to kill people. Then she would be forced to kill someone in self defense or something and then we see a slow progression in cut scenes as she becomes more accepting of violence. As opposed to bringing it up and then forgetting about it. (See Spec Ops: The Line for a good example of moral decay).

2) Side characters. A lot of the side characters died but I didn't give a shit because I didn't know anything about them. In most instances they were killed off as soon as they were introduced.

3) The plot. I don't fully understand the plot. SPOILER WARNING! Basically, the sun goddess was taking over the body's of younger women so she could live forever, but one girl got wind of this and killed herself in the middle of the ritual. The Sun Goddess got pissed and wouldn't let anyone leave the island.

Classic Video Games / Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:11:02 am »
Persona 4: The Golden

Modern Video Games / Re: To FF XIII or not FF XIII? That is the question.
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:09:06 am »
I would skip 13 if I were you, but everyone I know that loves the FF series was dissapointed by the major changes.
1) The game is literally a hallway. You walk in a straight line the entire game.
2) Combat is real time instead of turn based.

My friend said she liked it so I gave it a try but I gave up after an hour or two.

I can't tell you if the plot gets better, but from what I played the plot was all over the place. They go for a mystery kind of plot where you have no idea what's going on initially and 2 hours later I still didn't fully understand what was going on. Something about a prophecy, genocide, and the end of the world.

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: August 26, 2014, 09:17:23 am »
Anyone know if Ar noSurge Plus is going to be released in the U.S.?


the vanilla version hasn't even been released here yet   :o

NIS America tweeted a teaser of the Ar noSurge logo blurred out. The tweet was made well after Ar noSurge was announced for a U.S. release.
Also, Ar noSurge Plus is simply a vita port of Ar noSurge. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything.

Ah, I gotcha'

I don't use/follow any social media so, I'm not surprised that this is the 1st that I'm hearing of it.

Did JP get a Plus/Vita version of it?

Yes but it hasn't come out yet. It comes out October 2.

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:12:22 am »
Anyone know if Ar noSurge Plus is going to be released in the U.S.?


the vanilla version hasn't even been released here yet   :o

NIS America tweeted a teaser of the Ar noSurge logo blurred out. The tweet was made well after Ar noSurge was announced for a U.S. release.
Also, Ar noSurge Plus is simply a vita port of Ar noSurge. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything.

I'm kind of iffy about Guillermo Del Toro being involved in Silent Hill. A lot of his latest work has been crap because he's been relying too much on special effects and neglecting story and characters.

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: August 24, 2014, 11:03:45 am »
Anyone know if Ar noSurge Plus is going to be released in the U.S.?

Classic Video Games / Re: Games everyone loves but you hate?
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:55:45 am »
The entire pokemon series. Every single pokemon game is rather shitty when you break it down. The core mechanics are extremely basic and the gameplay is broken since some pokemon are significantly better than others. There's no plot or characters. If you want to get into competitive play you have to invest an absurd amount of time because breeding and leveling up stats is unbelievably tedious and time consuming.

Modern Video Games / Japanese Vita games with fan translations?
« on: August 16, 2014, 10:17:47 am »
Does anyone know anyone Japanese Vita games with fan translations? I know there are tons of psp games with translations but I can't find any Vita games D:

I'm surprised no one mentioned E.T. (if they did then I totally missed it XD)

Modern Video Games / Mortars in Empire total war
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:09:33 am »
I'm having trouble with Empire: Total War. For some reason I can't build mortars. I'm play as Prussia in World Domination on hard and I have all the proper technology researched but I still can't build mortars. I can't find anything online about what might be the problem. Any advice?

General / Re: GameStop going to officially stop carrying PSP games
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:23:13 pm »
I thought they stopped collecting PSP stuff years ago. The Gamestop down the street from me has an excellent collection of PSP titles so I'll have to hit them up when it all goes on sale.

Modern Video Games / Re: Trophies & Achievments Thread
« on: July 08, 2014, 03:23:34 pm »
The only achievement I'm particularly proud of is the Mile High Club achievement from Call of Duty 4. I'm proud of it because its an achievement none of my friends were able to get. It's actually a lot easier once you figure out the trick. The trick is to  only using a pistol since it reloads almost instantly.

I try go get all the achievements for a game if I really enjoy the game. The only games I've tried to do that for are Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, Bad Company 2, and Persona 4 Golden. I actually gave up on Call of Duty 4 because I couldn't get one of the easier achievements (shoot all the televisions) and I was just lazy about it. Halo 3 and Bad Company 2 ultimately came down to not being able to get the multilayer achievements and I eventually gave up. I'm still working on P4 Golden but this will take a while since one play-through can easily take over 100 hours.

I have mixed feelings about achievements and trophies. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a completionist and trying to get every achievement in a game. The problem starts to occur when people actually care about gamerscore and trophies. What I mean is, when people start to think achievement and trophies actually matter and people buy games not to play them but simply to boost their trophy and achievement count.

(I'd definitely be interested in your Vita stuff)

Also, ALWAYS use paypal. Paypal can guarantee the buyer their money back so it makes people comfortable doing business and it allows you to dispute accusations (although it often boils down to hearsay).

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