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Messages - azure

Pages: 1 ... 61 62 [63] 64 65 ... 75
General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 15, 2016, 03:54:02 pm »
Madden or NBA-whogivesaflyingfuck 2Kblowitoutyourass.   ::)


General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: July 15, 2016, 02:17:24 pm »
I have been playing Dragon Quest IV, the DS remake that is.

My favorite in the series! Love how the individual stories come together into one story.

Yes! I love how all the stories setup to connect with one another in this one as well. I'm really not sure which DQ is my favorite though, that's a hard question for me.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:07:07 pm »
I have been playing Dragon Quest IV, the DS remake that is.

General / Re: What console do you think has the best controller?
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:02:43 pm »
I have my own definition of a retro console. To me, a retro console is anything before previous gen. So in that sense, I would also consider GC to be a retro system. Also its almost 15 years old and in that sense, as well, it would be retro. It was discontinued in 2007 which is almost 10 years ago. Another reasoning behind the retro classification.
This is my reasoning as well, couldn't have said it better myself.

General / Re: What console do you think has the best controller?
« on: July 14, 2016, 09:50:18 pm »
Curent- PS4
Retro- GameCube

Classic Video Games / Re: Mario Kart 64 or CTR (PS1)?
« on: July 14, 2016, 09:48:45 pm »
Mario Kart 64 by default, don't like Crash so I've never played CTR.

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: July 14, 2016, 10:34:53 am »
Hi people i decided to join this website as i was looking for something to keep track of all the games i have.  Thankfully i have come across this website and couldn't be more happier with it :D.  Im 31 years old and have been playing video games since i was a kid!  I am also from Australia.  Cheers.
Welcome to the site, always nice to see more Anime/Manga fans.

Off Topic / Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: July 13, 2016, 10:53:10 pm »
I was talking about Guts himself. It just didn't look like he was too damaged, but he gets that little sword nick in his neck, and passes out. Whereas in the original story, it was the last straw for him since his endurance was pretty low and was badly injured since he'd been fighting demons and armies of fairies the previous night ( lost children arc). 

You're defenitely right about that the show will good more entertainment for non- manga readers, and that's good for them to broaden their audience. It just that most of my friends and I were pretty dissapointed since we wanted a straight adaptation.

Not to knock ya or anything, maybe you weren't paying attention too much to it, but Guts very clearly states he can barely feel his limbs when fighting the main knight, his right arm erupts with blood from a wound as he flexes his bicep to use his sword to hack the guys in half after taking the arrow bolt to the leg that sets him off, and then as he launched himself at the girl leader, a large log was chucked at his gushing leg wound, which I think was the real cause of him going down, not the stab to the neck with the sword itself, though it clearly jabbed into his neck muscle a good couple inches.  I think that green guy chasing after Guts at the end of the episode was the one who threw the log quickly perhaps, since there's something sneaky about him.

It's clear they are hurrying things abit, but I thought it was pretty noticeable in that fight that he was pretty worn out, since he wasn't using his sword too often in the battle other than a few outbursts because he just can't fully use it in his current state.
Oh crap, totally forgot about the log stab w/ serpico. I completely missed that detail due to not paying attention.  But he is supposed to be pretty damaged from his fight against the huge fairy from the previous arc. I just remembered that Guts looked way more damaged, with blood everywhere, and it didn't really seem like it was there as much in the anime to me.
I wonder if they're gonna keep the horse scene in the next episode. This whole arc has some pretty nasty monsters, so I'm still hoping that the cg animation doesn't look too bad, especially for the goat demon.
He does look more damaged in the Manga, just checked to make sure. I'm also wondering how they're going to take on all the heavy stuff that's coming the farther we get in the conviction arc.

Classic Video Games / Re: Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter?
« on: July 13, 2016, 01:49:57 pm »
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos.

Off Topic / Re: Godzilla or King Kong?
« on: July 12, 2016, 10:00:53 pm »
The King of Monsters all the way.

Off Topic / Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« on: July 11, 2016, 09:27:47 pm »
Last weekend I pounded through the My Hero Academia, Berserk, and Punpun mangas which were all really good.

Only anime I've watched recently was Food Wars season 2  and Berserk. Food Wars is really good so far, whereas I'm not happy with Berserk due to all of the changes they made, and skipping arcs already. Not to mention how some of the sound effects and cg don't sound/ look good.

What did they skip over for Berserk already?
The Black Swordsman arc and Lost Children arc in pretty much their entirety.

Off Topic / Re: Ed, Edd or Eddy?
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:30:53 pm »
Sockhead is my favorite of the group.

General / Re: Anyone else bitten by the Pokemon Go bug yet?
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:28:57 pm »
All I have seen/heard on social media, friends, co-workers, and even in public is Pokemon GO. It seems to me that a large sum of people have been bitten by the bug. I think it is a fun little app to waste time on while you are walking for exercise or just out and about.

General / Re: Which do you like better, Rule of Rose or Kuon?
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:27:08 pm »
I prefer Kuon, I'm not a fan of RoR. Kuon is a good SH game, though not worth the asking price IMO.

General / Re: How do you organize?
« on: July 10, 2016, 05:53:31 pm »
Alphabetical order, and by system for me. I keep my autographed titles separate, that's the only exception.

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