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Messages - kr2nist

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Hardware and Tech / Re: An Xbox One perplexing problem....
« on: December 31, 2014, 02:35:23 am »
I find it sad that you ignored my advice.  :'(

I didn't ignore your advice, soera.  Just ain't ready yet to turn the XB1 into a bookend or doorstop.  lol!  And I do fully plan on getting a PS4 also... 

Hardware and Tech / Re: An Xbox One perplexing problem....
« on: December 31, 2014, 02:00:23 am »
At my in-laws, when the microwave is on, the Wi-Fi stop working. It's super annoying around lunch-time  ::)

Where I'm currently living now, even though we have Wi-Fi with the satellite internet, the signal goes in & out and isn't all that strong.  The most annoying part though is when we've reached our data limit near the end of the month and then trying to do ANYthing online is either impossible or ridiculously slow.

Oops...forgot another majorly annoying part...trying to play anything multiplayer with satellite internet just doesn't happen, due to the horrible lag time.  Playing "World Of Warcraft" is actually doable, with there being only a couple seconds of lag time if you're in a group...buuuuut for console multiplayer, don't even try it.  lol!

Hardware and Tech / Re: An Xbox One perplexing problem....
« on: December 30, 2014, 08:14:46 am »
When I switch on the vacuum cleaner, a bunch of static comes out of my TV's speakers despite the fact that the TV is turned off. Electrical interference behaves in spooky ways, and I would say just about anything is possible.

It's unlikely that the proximity of your consoles is the issue. If there is interference, it would probably travel through the wires in your wall like it does with my vacuum cleaner. The only thing to do is plug it in somewhere else and see how it does.

I'll definitely agree with you that electrical interference does act spooky, and if in fact that interference is the culprit here, then it'll be even spookier knowing that my Xbox One is the only appliance showing any signs of interference issues (as it too is plugged into the surge protector along with the rest of the appliances...).  But I'll certainly give it a shot with changing power outlets and see what happens.

Hardware and Tech / Re: An Xbox One perplexing problem....
« on: December 30, 2014, 01:07:51 am »
Two consoles behaving the same way obviously suggests an environmental problem. Could be it's getting some electromagnetic interference from the wall or another appliance. Move it to a different room, or plug it into a different outlet and see what happens.

Thanks for the input there, byron...I honestly haven't thought about that.  The way I currently have my console set up (mostly due to the small space in my room), I have my Xbox One and 360 literally sitting side by side next to each other with only a couple of inches of space in between them, on top of my dresser....and then my T.V. and Retron 5 sit off to the right, on a smaller table.  As of right now, I have all of the appliances plugged into a heavy duty surge protector.

Up until this summer, I've never owned more than one gaming console at any given time.  So do you really think it's possible that the Xbox One is picking up interference then?

Hardware and Tech / An Xbox One perplexing problem....
« on: December 29, 2014, 02:44:48 am »
So I have this mind-bending technical issue that I've been experiencing with my Xbox One and was wondering if anybody had any idea as to why it's happening and what I could possibly do to remedy this aggravation (other than selling it for parts or taking a baseball bat to!)....

Earlier this year, I had gotten an Xbox One as a birthday present.  All was going just fine until it started making these random disc eject "ping" sounds or would just power on all by itself.  I know how touch-sensitive the power button is on that thing, so at first I was thinking maybe my wife had brushed by it or maybe even my cat...until I noticed the times it would make those noises when I'd be in the room and not using the console.  So after having to contact Microsoft Support several times about the issue, they finally suggested that I send it in for repair and they'd send me another system.  No real big deal here, right?  So then I get another Xbox One in the mail right after Thanksgiving, aaaaaand very shortly afterwards, it started making the same exact sounds!

It plays just fine and everything, and there are no signs of any damage to the console.  Now where I currently live out in the country, our only internet option is with satellite service, which is really slowwwwwww and we have very limited data usage.  So I was just wondering if these random sounds and random powering on was my console checking for any system or software updates and even doing these updates if possible, or is there something else going on needs to be fixed?

Like I said, aside from the noises & such, my console plays perfectly.  So is there anything I can do to take care of this annoying problem?  I mean, I've only had my system for a few months and I have no clue why this is happening.  I don't want to have to send yet ANOTHER system to Microsoft to wait several more weeks before getting another replacement console, aaaaaand I've already tried some troubleshooting tips, like pressing in the eject and power buttons at the same time for a "hard system reboot" and that didn't even work.  And I just now started just unplugging my system when it's not being used, which is an o.k. solution I guess but why should I have to unplug it constantly every single time when I'm not playing it, ya know?

But anyway....that's my story.  Any advice, suggestions, and help on this would be beyond appreciated!

Off Topic / Re: Things you miss, but can't get back
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:25:53 am »
I miss the days when music "artists" didn't have to be auto-tuned to hell and back.

I couldn't have said that any better myself, Dash!

Off Topic / Re: Things you miss, but can't get back
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:22:49 am »
I can find a very good reason to hate it. It replaced Young Justice, the best written comic cartoon since Justice League Unlimited; over some stupid toy sales (it had good ratings, but was yanked because the toys in the commercials weren't selling, according to online articles.)

I actually watched a couple of episodes of Young Justice and thought it was really decent.  I was wondering why CN wasn't showing the Young Justice commercials anymore....had no idea that TT Go! had taken its place.

Off Topic / Re: Things you miss, but can't get back
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:13:07 am »
They've shown DBZ a 100 times over on Cartoon Network already. I think it's time they moved to something else. I'd love to watch Record of Lodoss War in it's entirety again, for example. Or The Guyver: Bio-Boosted Armor (but that may be a little too violent for T.V.).

CN may have shown DBZ more than enough times, but I remember when first discovering the whole "Toonami" thing purely out of accident and DBZ was on.  And as luck had it, it was at the very beginning too and I was able to watch it in its entirety.  Another one I got into was "Cowboy Bebop".

Off Topic / Re: Things you miss, but can't get back
« on: December 24, 2014, 12:59:12 am »
When a friend of mine told me he didn't hate Teen Titans Go!, I thought he was messing with me. But then I watched it and I understood. That show is so stupid, you can't take it seriously enough to hate it. It has nothing to do with its source material, it just stands alone as this monumental, ridiculous thing that is simply beneath judgment. I find it strangely watchable.

Exactly.  I may have previously said that the show is unnecessary, but I don't hate it.  You said it perfectly how it's the kind of show that you just can't take it seriously to actually hate it.  And yes, it truly does stand alone.  lol!

Off Topic / Re: Things you miss, but can't get back
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:33:15 am »
I miss my first car. The Opel Manta.

(picture from the internet, mine was yellow)

And I miss my Ford Taurus black station wagon.  Of course I mainly miss it because I had a custom stereo system in it, and I was the only person in my neighborhood that was crazy enough to put a sweet sound system in a station wagon...

I'll admit to missing my first car also, the Pontiac T-1000.  Sure it was a piece of junk, drank gas like water, and a shitty car stereo, but I still loved it.  When my parents asked me what did I want my first vehicle to be, I guess I should've been a little more specific in my answer besides just saying I wanted a red car that runs.  lol!

Off Topic / Re: Things you miss, but can't get back
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:26:06 am »
...They're now made for kids with ridiculously short attention-spans (which isn't their fault, it's more of a fault of the way our entire society is heading). Perfect modern example is when Young Justice, a cartoon that is highly-praised by the actual comic fans, gets yanked and is replaced with the return of the spazz-filled Teen Titans...

Speaking of those Teen Titans, that show actually grew on me oddly enough and it was a shame to see it leave the air.  However, the new "Teen Titans Go!" series I think is totally unnecessary...just my humble opinion.  And I also think Cartoon Network's "Toonami" should revert back to its late-night Saturday night airings again and show those classic "Dragon Ball" and "DragonBall Z" episodes (...and I don't mean the DBZ "Kai" series either...).   ;D

Marketplace / Re: Atari 2600 with Nolan Bushnell's Signature
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:57:11 am »

Exactly.  lol!  And the even funnier part to that whole experience was, the only difference I saw between the two machines (aside from the different brand names) was that the "Steeplechase" game was for the Sears console only....

...and I remember as a kid wondering what the hell was up with that....

Yeah, I would wait until the holidays are over with if you're going to be shopping around on Ebay....because right now, their prices are ridiculous on just about anything.

Off Topic / Re: Things you miss, but can't get back
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:45:34 am »
- Borders Books (fell in love with this chain towards the end of their life)
- Software Ect and EBX before Gamestop's hostile takeover

I was a HUGE fan of Borders Books, Waldenbooks, and Crown Books back in the day!
And oh my god, how I loved Software Etc and EBX (aka Electronics Boutique)....and let's not also FuncoLand too.

Off Topic / Re: Things you miss, but can't get back
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:40:36 am »
My favorite childhood cartoons are the predictable choices for someone my age: Ren & Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Animaniacs, Dexter's Laboratory, Courage the Cowardly Dog, et cetera. Also Warner Bros. and MGM cartoons from the '40s.

The Super Mario Brothers Super Show

Case in point. I loved this show when I was a kid, but I found some episodes on VHS and watched them as an adult and, while I still love them, I can now see how glaringly crappy they are.

Definitely love Courage The Cowardly Dog, Ren & Stimpy, and The Animaniacs (especially "Pinky & The Brain"...FTW!).

And as for The Super Mario Brothers Super Show, of course I knew the episodes were crappy right off the bat, but come on could I NOT watch Super Mario Bros.?  lol!

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