Holy shit, do I miss the 80's :'(
Never had so much fun, felt so
highgood, and loved & was loved as much, as well, and as often

Life was lower-tech but...I think, in a nice & charming kind of way.
Arcades were the shit, + D&D and video gaming were new-ish, fresh, and on the rise.
Metal, hair bands, and power ballads were born & Rhandy Rhodes and Cliff Burton were fucking *Alive*, man!
Sure - in high school, we all fought...A LOT *But* we did so w/o guns or blades and -usually- after kicking ass (or getting your ass kicked:) we hugged our opponent, re-affirmed our friendship & loyalty to each other, laughed-off whatever we'd fought about, and drank/smoked some more...and forgot all about the whole thing

My fellow VGC'ers, who lived through/during this decade...will know that I'm speaking the Gospel truth - when, '
I'll tell you what'...
...the word "aids" meant nothing but helping and, the word "crack" had more to do with the plumber's ass --and-- had nothing to do with drugs.
No disease called "aids".
No drug called "crack".
Life was truly different & thus able to be lived differently...almost like another world...
"Those Were the Days"
(from All In the Family)
should be playing - out loud *or* internally in the minds of all who lived it, knew it, loved & hated it, miss it, and grieve, lament, and hate the fact that there can't & won't ever be another 80's...