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Messages - aliensstudios

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Your question still doesn't quite make sense.  You don't stream from the TV.  You stream from the capture card.  The line goes: console -> capture card -> SPLIT out from the card -> to whatever TV you want AND ALSO the computer you are streaming from.

You can play on whatever TV you want and it will have no effect on your streaming.  Several retro streamers I watch play on CRTs, but you could never tell because the stream source is the capture card, not the TV.
How would you split from the capture card if it captures a digital signal? Wouldn't you split before the capture card and have one analog out go to the CRT and one into the converter/scaling device that's going into the capture device?

Just split your raw analog signal, have one output go into your CRT with zero lag (maybe a touch of noise due to splitting the analog signal) and have the other output go into the scaler device and into the HDMI device for stream or digital capture, probably the easiest way to do it. Why would you convert analog to digital then split said digital signal, then convert it back to analog? (If I'm understanding your idea correctly)

General / Re: How do you prefer your Sonic games? 2D or 3D?
« on: September 03, 2024, 09:43:41 pm »
After having a surprisingly good time playing Sonic Dream Team late last year, I decided to replay Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 quite recently. While they are fun, they don't hold up all that well, they give me the same feeling that Super Mario 64 did me when I replayed it earlier this year; in the sense that I can definitely see the appeal of it, and how revolutionary they were for their time, they just don't hold up all that great.
On the other hand, Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, CD, and Mania are absolutely awesome to just pick up and play, especially when I only have thirty to sixty minutes to game. I'd say 2D for sure, while the 3D entries are a mixed bag, decent at best, absolute dog crap at worst. 

Off Topic / Re: FF7 Rebirth Soundtrack
« on: April 22, 2024, 10:15:43 pm »
You can buy the songs individually on iTunes for $0.99 it looks like

Interesting. Does iTunes still put the file in a propriatary format where you can't listen to it on anything but an Apple device or require iTunes on the device? It was Apple's closed system that turned me off of doing business with them.

Hmm... it seems Amazon allows the purchase of the individual songs on PC. I was checking on mobile and didn't see the individual download links. You just can't preview the tracks to ensure you're buying the right one.
I think Apple stopped doing that a while ago, but I'm not sure. I use software called Sidify that strips all of the stupid copy protected, device locked crap from Amazon and iTunes files so I can my move music around to any device however I please.

Off Topic / Re: FF7 Rebirth Soundtrack
« on: April 21, 2024, 04:49:07 pm »
You can buy the songs individually on iTunes for $0.99 it looks like

I've got enough games (as many do on this site) to last a lifetime. If things go completely digital, dedicated hardware might as well disappear also. We're really at the point of diminishing returns with gaming and entertainment as it is.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: December 26, 2023, 01:13:40 am »

Modern Video Games / Re: Are "triple A" games dead?
« on: August 09, 2023, 06:14:03 pm »
I view modern "AAA" gaming like I do modern Hollywood films, there'e a few good ones once in a while, but for the most part, the best is far behind us.

General / Re: DK Oldies? A scandal, or just another smear campaign?
« on: April 11, 2023, 07:16:50 pm »
Business is business. If folks are willing to spend that type of money for stuff that's only worth half or a third of the price they're paying, that's their prerogative. That being said, the whole "game collecting" hemisphere is generally a cultish sect of humanity who 75% of which would scalp or "rip off" someone else in order to make a few bucks. If you know how to navigate eBay and know what to look for when you're buying in terms of condition and authenticity, there is absolutely zero percent chance you would ever use DKOldies. They are way overpriced, plain and simple. Many things are extremely overpriced right now, but plastic electronic boxes and games shouldn't be one of those things, even the prices our own "community" wants to charge is a large rip-off.

I'd say 95% of DKOldies clientele are folks swiping mindlessly through Facebook shorts with one thumb in the tuchus and one thumb in their mouth playing switch and then they see one of DKOldies lame videos and get nostalgic, and the other 5% are the dudes on YouTube who skeptically disassemble and break down the consoles they're buying which most folks are simply never going to do. Most people will buy an item and if it works, it works. That's all that matters to them.

I'm not even sure what is so controversial about it, people are still buying from them despite the plethora of discriminating information against them right at their fingertips. To me, it's degenerates skeptical of other degenerates, and I'll do my best to stay away from bullcrap like that. Gaming is for fun and escapism, it's not about smarmy YouTubers and overpriced rip-off "businesses" like DKOldies.

Classic Video Games / Re: Wii Us are Bricking
« on: April 01, 2023, 04:59:50 pm »
I've had my Wii U since 2013 and it's worked like a champ since then. It's always been hooked up and ready to go and never neglected for more than a month or so. I'm not afraid of the NAND corruption because for one, I think the issue is overblown, and secondly, it seems only a certain type of NAND chip is being affected, and my 8GB console doesn't have it. The Wii U is by far my biggest collection as I own 120+ discs and 72 digital titles.

General / Re: Yellowing screens of moderns handhelds?
« on: March 28, 2023, 09:51:34 pm »
That's bizarre. I haven't noticed yellowing on my Wii U or 3DS screen, but I do play those systems fairly often. I'm sort of afraid to look at my Switch since it's docked pretty much 98% of the time. The only other handheld of note that I have is a PSP system I found at a thrift store last year, and while the screen is pretty scratched, I haven't noticed any weird discoloring. Do you live in a really humid / non-humid area? Are the system's screen exposed to sunlight often?

Those screens, especially the DSi one, are egregiously discolored. Even after looking at some of my older handhelds like the GBA SPs, and the original Silver DS system I have, none of them even exhibit the slightest yellowing, but the SP systems do have a weird issue where it's brighter in the middle and darker around the edges, likely due to the "front lighting" the systems have. I might try to take some pictures and see if it's something a camera picks up better / differently than the human eye, but I imagine if my handhelds screens were as yellow as your systems are in person, it'd be almost too much to overlook.

If it is environmental, I live in high altitude, so I don't ever see disc rot or corroded / rusted contact pins since there is simply almost no humidity here, but it seems console shells are much more susceptible to UV light and tend to yellow and discolor quickly. I wonder if that has anything to do with these screen issues

General / Re: Which games would you be willing to pay $100 to own?
« on: March 07, 2023, 07:48:57 pm »
I could see myself paying $100 for a physical version of something like Mario Kart or Smash Bros. Ultimate if all the DLC was included  8) (Which is cheaper than what I spent for those games +DLC)

Classic Video Games / Re: The PS3 in 2023
« on: January 07, 2023, 02:41:09 pm »
We've been playing a lot of light gun games via PlayStation move lately, plus I've really been enjoying some of the digital only games like the Castle of Illusion Remake and Double Dragon Neon. I don't like the controllers at all so I got adaptors that allow PS4 controllers to be used on PS3 and it still feels like a pretty modern machine with fun games to me at least.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« on: January 02, 2023, 05:28:13 pm »
Beat my first game of the year... Sonic CD from Sonic Origins collection. I guess I'll update my original post...
If you own the original games and the Mega/Gems Collection, is there any reason to buy Origins? I would love to replay 3 & Knuckles in HD but my Apple TV allows me to play 1,2 & CD in HD. I've heard mixed reviews of Origins, but I've been wanting to replay 3 & Knuckles for some time now, but I'm not sure if newer options would eclipse the original game quite like it would with Sonic 1 & 2 (and CD).

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« on: December 29, 2022, 10:36:09 pm »
Mario Kart 64 (I bought the Japanese version, just need to remove those plastic bits on my American 64 cartridge tray and I'm good to go...)

You can buy a replacement 3d printed one of those trays on easy for under 10 bucks that has no tabs so you can swap between Japanese and North American carts with ease. It's more trouble than it's worth to remove them manually  unless you have a dremel tool and a steady hand.

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