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Messages - droaa

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General / Re: Selling/Trading Games -- 2023
« on: May 01, 2023, 12:47:54 am »
In the last month or so, I have sold off a few games that I know for fact I will not ever get to as I have prioritized playing what I have more than adding to the collection. So far I have been a selling a few games from this generation and last. Not sure if I will sell off older stuff but only time will tell.

Marketplace / droaa's untitled selling thread
« on: March 29, 2023, 08:22:02 pm »
After much procrastination, I decided to list my stuff on Ebay since its less time consuming for me and it will allow me to share what I have for those interested with greater ease. If something interests you and it hasn't been sold yet then we can work something and not necessarily go through Ebay. I am willing to haggle especially if you have been on these forums for a long time. Otherwise, you can do it there. I will be posting more stuff as I go. Thank you for looking.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: March 29, 2023, 08:10:23 pm »
What is this, VG Uncollect? VG Expel? We systematically make sure we don't own things, and track what we've gotten rid of?

Besides myself and mabye Wartoy, and TheFlea, I'm pretty sure no one here really likes to collect anymore.
Despite the size of my collection and my purchasing habits, I never really considered myself a collector in the first place, I always bought things with the intent of playing them (good or especially bad).  These days I find myself playing via emulation, so owning things physically doesn't make much sense to me anymore... except for more modern things.

That said, life has been pretty stressful the past couple of years for me so all the things I normally enjoy have lost their luster and I'm pretty apathetic to most things these days.

That all said, the curation talks are pretty valid, there are things I wouldn't sell because I care enough to keep them even if I don't play them, and at that point that is collecting/curating.  so :shrug:

Pretty much this in some respects. I have been going through some stuff in the past few months and taking efforts on my self to better myself and so far things have been going well mentally. One of the aspects that I would like to improve is to declutter hence why I am in the mindset of hey let me get rid of this case some games and curate what I have. Stick with things I want to keep around and get rid of things I dont feel like I need that will hopefully find a new home. I guess in a sense I am more or less content with what I have now and not wanting to add as much as before if I can help it.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: March 27, 2023, 06:22:27 pm »
I’m to that point. Collections become cumbersome. It’s time to thin the herd.
I honestly got to a point that my collection is a hassle. It’s too big. I’m putting this out there because if I say it out loud, I have to follow through with it.
Now, I just have to take that first step and sell some stuff.

I saw this post and felt this to my core. I'm at the point where I would like to thin out myself as I feel the need to declutter in general. I have already started putting stuff on ebay and even sold something on reddit. The fact that I saw this post feels like a sign but also I should probably post things here to see if there is any interest from peeps here.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: March 04, 2023, 08:39:35 pm »
Thanks! Is there a URL so I can put it in my sig?

I should have clarified instead of just posting the image. If you quote my post above, the text can be copied into your signature options. Or, you can copy the below text:

Code: [Select]
For anyone else wanting to use this feature, copy the same text but substitute your account name where "kashell" is present twice.

For as long as I have been on this site, I never had a card on my sig and never bothered asking how to generate one and now I do. Just wanted to say thank you.

News / Re: Website Outage January 18/19 2023
« on: January 20, 2023, 07:24:41 pm »
I was wondering what went wrong but thankfully things seem to have settled.

General / Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« on: December 31, 2022, 10:21:59 pm »
1. Finish more games/Play more games - This self-explanatory. With the amount I possess and even more so with digital games, I have alot and while I realistic will not get through everything, I would like to have more of a taste of what I have already.

2. Cut down the spending - I was definitely more in control this year but just like the previous year, the holiday sales got me but in between that I purchased a Steam Deck and wound up getting more PC games as a result. That's not to say that I will stop but I want to be more conservative with what I buy.

3. Consolidate the collection - I would like to keep what I have with me and anything that is either not to my liking whether finished or not gets sold, traded in or take to storage if I don't have a way to rid at that moment.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2023!!!
« on: December 27, 2022, 12:37:41 am »
*Red font means currently playing
*Green front means replay
          Name                                                                  Platform         Start         End          Rating
1. TMNT II: Back From The Sewers(GB)                           NSW             1/8/23      1/8/23          7/10     
2. TMNT: Tournament Fighters(GEN)                                NSW             1/8/23      1/8/23          8/10
3. TMNT: Tournament Fighters(NES)                                NSW             1/8/23      1/8/23          7/10
4. TMNT: Tournament Fighters(SNES)                              NSW             1/8/23      1/8/23          8/10         
5. TMNT III: Radical Rescue(GB)                                     NSW            1/12/23    1/14/23         6/10     
6. TMNT: Turtles In Time(Arcade)                                    NSW            1/23/23    1/23/23         9/10
7. TMNT: Turtles In Time(SNES)                                      NSW            1/23/23    1/23/23         9/10
8. TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist(GEN)                              NSW            1/23/23    1/23/23         8/10
9. TMNT: Turtles In Time Reshelled                                  PS3             1/26/23    1/26/23         6/10
10. The Quiet Man                                                          PC              1/27/23    1/29/23         6/10
11. Strength of the Sword Ultimate                                  PC              1/29/23    1/29/23         7/10

12. Grand Theft Auto V                                                  PS5              1/29/23    2/12/23         9/10
13. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie                GEN              3/1/23      3/2/23          9/10
14. Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories                                 PS1               3/3/23      3/7/23         9/10
13. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild              NSW             2/1/23










Nope List 2023(Games abandoned)

General / Re: A Year in Review - 2022
« on: December 09, 2022, 07:04:17 pm »
Favorite 2022 Release: Elden Ring

Least Favorite 2022 Release: The only other 2022 release I played was House of the Dead Remake but I wouldn't consider it my least favorite so N/A

Favorite Game Played in 2022: Elden Ring

Least Favorite Game Played in 2022: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. This was my first time playing since the mid 2000s and although this was my first CV game, I felt it didn't age as well as I thought especially with how it controls. Doesn't help how BS the game can be at times either.

Sleeper Hit of 2022: Bright Memory: Infinite. I started the game back in March and stopped out of nowhere but then picked it back up when I got my Steam Deck and it plays very nicely and I wish there was more

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2022: In Elden Ring when I was facing Radagon, there was a moment where I defeated him with my mimic tear. We both unintentionally used our weapon arts in sync to defeat him. Thankfully I save this clip on my Playstation and has stuck with me since.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2022: Getting the Steam Deck when they were rolling out. I was on the fence spending the amount that I did but months after the fact, no regrets.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: September 25, 2022, 09:49:53 pm »
Well the Cleveland Gaming Classic was a bit underwhelming. Huge show, not many booths actually selling.... ya know, video games?

One thing I did notice among a lot of these collectors today, is the thirst for PS2/GameCube stuff. Collectors were chomping at the bit to get a crack at the tubs of stuff that just didn't hold much appeal to me. Lots of common PS2, GameCube, DS, and to some extent 360/PS3 stuff seemed to be what most collectors out there were thirsting after. Was only like one vendor who had the super premium rare stuff for the truly retro consoles. No one seemed to bother, as everything was priced in the hundreds of dollars, of course. Had a Klonoa for $700, an obligatory mark-up above eBay price for a false sense of "negotiation" room.

I did grab a handful of stuff, but just a bit underwhelming for a city the size of Cleveland to only have like 15 vendors selling games. Any booth not selling video games was thoroughly ignored by most, haha. It's clear that people come to a "Gaming Classic" for the games.

This bit got me. I already saw this game at my local game store for $549 not that long ago but $700 like what?

Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of that I would really like is Revelations: Persona. I do have the remake on PSP but would like to own and play the first one. Granted playing it wouldn't be an issue, but I certainly would like to own it

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: August 26, 2022, 07:12:05 pm »
Mines shipped today. About time.

Mine arrived. How about the rest of you vampire hunters?

It arrived yesterday. I do wish that I ordered the anniversary collection to compliment it.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: August 19, 2022, 08:29:57 pm »
Mines shipped today. About time.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Steam Deck is Glorious - Change my Mind
« on: August 14, 2022, 03:31:53 pm »
I've had my Steam Deck since I want to say April, maybe May and I have been loving it so far. Obviously not only because of being able to play PC games on a handheld but also being able to play more demanding emulators on a handheld. For example, I used the SD to play through Yakuza on PS2 for the first time and doing the same thing with Yakuza 2. It's not perfect by any means but it is really damn cool if you like using handhelds.

I myself am waiting for the Steam Dock to be on sale. That said, there is a 3rd party dock that people are vouching for so I am currently waiting for that to arrive. In the mean time, I have this dock I bought from ebay and by all accounts its pretty good but I am sure Steam will have more on theirs to compliment the deck,

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