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Messages - alzorath

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Which Character Do You Choose?
« on: February 15, 2018, 03:37:59 pm »
Samus - far more diverse skill set.

General / Re: Wacky Game Titles Or Gameing Plots
« on: February 10, 2018, 08:22:15 pm »
While not as far out as a lot of these... there's also Pryzm Chapter One The Dark Unicorn... by DICE (Battlefield, Mirror's Edge, etc.) - This is their acid trip game... no idea where it came from, but I'd like to think someone won/lost a bet to get this thing actually made.

But, as others here have said, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound are exceptions to any rule. If I could just find them in the wild!

Yea, they're insanely hard to find unless you're in specific parts of the country here (US) (I am a bit lucky in the fact that I only have to be hunting for one of those - Earthbound - There's a copy of Chrono Trigger in a box of games/systems I'm working on restoring/repairing... all that's wrong with it that I know of is that it needs a new battery - I don't put things from that box on my list until I have them up and working guaranteed, that way I guarantee I only have 'functional' things on my list, since I use it when friends have found something)

I'm probably a bit of an off case... since I'm not a completionist collector (I have no interest in collecting 100% of a system's games for the most part), so my range is a lot wider than most the other people in this thread...

I would have to say my hardcap on any single item would have to be in the $200 range, and even then it would have to be something pretty rare and in truly mint condition for me to pay that much. Though really, that limit is more because I just can't afford more than that because I'm on the low end of the economic spectrum (ie - "working poor"), and a big purchase like that is something I'd have to save months for.

Generally I function on a hunt list... I make up a list of ~$300 worth of stuff for the year, and as I get that list marked off, I +/- what I spent on it vs estimate, then use the gap to treat myself near the end of the year, since I find I can snag some good deals to round off the year as people are selling their old stuff to buy new things :).

Obviously, if I find something good for a fiver, I will pick it up though. (oddly enough that's what most my pickups in January have been)

Just a tub of assorted goodies that i am repairing/refurbishing so far. Only just finished work on the saturn - testing the games - then moving on to the genesis

General / Re: Your Favorite Sports Games Or Peevs
« on: January 01, 2018, 04:40:20 pm »
I tend to be in the same boat as a few other posters, preferring more 'arcade' or 'odd' sports games (SSX series esp "Tricky", Blades of Steel, Super Dodge Ball, NBA Jam, etc. - heck, even stuff like Blood Bowl are pretty fun... I just can't do Madden or the like... they burn me out too quick).

Guess I just like sports games that don't take themselves too seriously :P

General / Re: Collection Slowdowns Or Missfortunes
« on: December 28, 2017, 06:33:35 pm »
Had my NES, SNES, and games given away when I was younger...

Had to sell/give away a bunch due to moving a lot over the years in my 20s...

Finally back to collecting (figured since I've got moving with a few hundred books & a couple hundred DVDs down to an art, adding games to it won't be too much of a challenge since I have always loved the medium) - though I am fairly focused when it comes to the types of titles I will go out of my way to collect, I'm almost always up for a good deal, or willing to give an unwanted game a new home.

I don't ever plan to go for a 'complete' on any system, at least not intentionally - though I do wish I still had my old NES/SNES/Genesis carts (especially considering replacing them now is horribly out of my price range because I had almost every aRPG, jRPG, and sRPG released in NA on there)

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« on: December 28, 2017, 06:23:16 pm »
I'll reserve a spot here... though I likely won't hit 52 since I tend to do RPGs that take anywhere from 20-60 hours (if not more... I'm staring at you Disgaea) - if you see a game you're interested in, I'll include a super-short review at the bottom, and if I've recorded it I'll give a link (and note what kind of footage it is so you know if there will be spoilers or not, or if you can just glimpse in and be fine)

1 - Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction (PC, 2000/2001) [I beat this multiple times a year lol]
2 - Lost Dimension (PC Port, 2017) [One Run-through, not complete unlock, makes me want to try the original PS3 version though]
3 - Phantom Signal ( PC, Jan 2018 ) [Still Buggy, but was able to finish it with 1.03 patch]
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -

- Cosmic Star Heroine ( PC, 2017 )
- SMT: Persona ( PSP Port, 2009 ) [ Playing via PSTV, some crashes, but overall stable enough to play w/ regular saving]
- Grim Dawn (PC, 2016)
- Hard West (PC, 2015) [ Finishing Up what I started last year ]
- Tactics Ogre ( PSX, 1998 ) [US version, doing original PSX version, since PSP version changed a lot]
- Lost Sphear (PC, 2018)

Coming Soon
- Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (GCN, 2004)

Thoughts on Completed Games (super short versions, I save the longer stuff for when I do reviews lol):

I hate point systems, but they're the easiest way to quickly convey my overall feeling on a title - 10 is "I love this game", 1 is "I hate this game" in the most extreme fashions... Reason I hate point systems though is that they don't accurately reflect good vs bad or overall value gained from a title (more than a few games I'd give a 5/10 for, but I fully enjoyed far more time in than they cost). Generally speaking though, to break a 5, it has to have SOME redeeming values... you won't see me giving many 9s or 10s... since those would have to be life altering games for me ;).

Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction (Casual Playthroughs - Season 3 "Stupid Builds")
Pretty much the gold standard for aRPGs despite being released just shy of 20 years ago, there are of course areas it could improve. It only looks slightly dated (good for a game of its age), the gameplay is solid, but the stamina mechanic is just an irritant - actually hope they give it the same treatment they gave Starcraft. (7/10, well made, repetitive though )

Lost Dimension (Not Recorded - yet)
The Dialogue is the definition of cringeworthy, but the gameplay concept is great if only implemented in a rudimentary fashion. The highlight is the vision system to pick up and remove (or keep... depending on the ending you want) traitors. The combat is one of a few variants of sRPG that were floating around in the PS2 era, this one most resembling Phantom Brave (point movement with a circular range area of effect - as opposed to the more traditional square or hex systems).  (5/10, super interesting concepts, with "meh" execution )

Phantom Signal (Casual Walkthrough)
Bog standard space tower defense, has some annoying bugs (most notably missing skill points on some missions, and serious issues with energy routing for the defensive nodes). If it wasn't for the bugs, it'd be a fun 2-6 hour romp in unpathed tower defense, even though its very predictable (there's very little RNG involved, and only a handful of "trigger" situations that cause enemy spawns) (4/10, would be higher, but dem bugs)

Hard West (Casual Playthrough)
Weirdly compared to a Lovecraftian Western take on XCom usually... though I think that's just because people see grid-strategy and go "Xcom weee" - The main weakness of the game is also oddly its biggest strength, and that's just how disjointed it feels at times - each 'story' of the campaign has different mechanics, which makes them feel a bit isolated in terms of gameplay (though the story does connect fairly well if you go through all the campaigns). I feel this is also its greatest strength, with each story being so different, you can't really rest on your laurels and go Point A to Point B without thinking about how you go about it (because it can have a significant impact on the one constant: the combat). Once you figure out the combat exploits, the game becomes significantly easier (hit % is actually based on luck, a resource that you can gain/drain - 0 luck, means you're going to get hit... even with a rando potshot off the bucket and the water pump around 3 corners and through a wall). (6/10, could use some tightening up, but definitely worth at least one playthrough)

Cosmic Star Heroine (Blind Playthrough)
- Still In Progress, no comments yet -

Lost Sphear (Blind Playthrough)
- Still In Progress, no comments yet -

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: December 27, 2017, 11:59:20 am »
Alright guys, I have an SNES classic, what game should I play first? I'm leaning towards either Super Metroid or Mega Man X

Personally I think Super Metroid is the better game, but I have a soft spot for the genre ;) (they're both great games, so you can't go wrong with either - you'll get more playtime out of Super Metroid though if that influences your decision)

Mainly been getting things back into order for collecting... so basically been hitting the major targets, but picking up good deals too when they crop up.

December's pulls:
- Baten Kaitos Origins (GCN) (2 copies, 2 cases, only 1 manual though)
- Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings... (GCN)
- Paper Mario Thousand Year Door (GCN)
- Mega Man X Command Mission (GCN)
- Wild Arms 3 (PS2)
- Wild Arms 4 (PS2)
- SMT: Nocturne (PS2)
- Star Ocean: Til the End of Time (PS2)
- Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits (PS2)
- Arc the Lad: End of Darkness (PS2)
- Arc the Lad Collection (PSX)
- Odin Sphere (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
- Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2)
- Kingdom Harts Re: Chain of Memories (PS2)
- Dark Cloud (PS2)
- Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter (PS2)
- Suikoden (PSX)
- Suikoden II (PSX)
- Suikoden III (PS2)
- Suikoden IV (PS2)
- Suikoden Tactics (PS2)
- Suikoden V (PS2)
- Eternal Poison (PS2)
- Unlimited Saga (PS2)
- Tactics Ogre: LUCT (PSX)

Also got another batch coming in in January (~21 cheaper PS2 games all with disk/manual/case for $30 - with thankfully zero sports games lol)

General / Re: Intro thread
« on: December 24, 2017, 02:52:47 pm »
Lol, pretty buried here on page 87...

I go by Alzorath most places (though I have noticed a couple places where my name is getting used where it's not me - including a couple people using it to get on servers, if you are ever wondering if it's me, poke me on here, twitter, or my yt channel and I can confirm or deny it).

My collection history? I actually used to have a decent NES collection, as well as an assortment of RPGs and Strategy titles for a variety of systems - though due to moving a lot, a dry spell with gaming, and a few other things - I'm basically having to start over from scratch, and I decided to use VGCollect to track it this time because the community seems like a good one.

Most of my current console collection was gathered over the course of this year (with a few exceptions that I happened to have in a box that got overlooked).

What Spurred my return to collecting? My youtube channel oddly enough, I've been fiddling about with different types of PC games over the years, and felt the urge to go back and show off a number of classic, interesting, or notable games from the past (and try some oddities I never had the opportunity to play) - with the plan currently to do proper walkthroughs and reviews of them in 2018.


What do I Collect?
- Gaming-wise: Classic or Oddity RPGs & Strategy games are my primary focus, but I honestly collect from every genre (just saving sports for last or during a slow period due to how common they are). My current system focus is PS1, PS2, and Gamecube - and I will be expanding to PS3 and Wii/WiiU next year (focusing on RPGs and Strategy titles of course). I don't collect for value, but rather gameplay (and I favor games I can record so it can help fund expanding my collection). My goal is two-fold, preservation of the original medium, but also (and more importantly) preservation of the gameplay through video archives.

- Non-Gaming: Textbooks, Art Books, and Reference Books (smaller than my gaming collection, but it is something I make regular trips to Half-Price books for, since it's a cheap way to get old text books) - while most my books are related to Art, Psychology, and Photography - I'm at a point where I'm comfortable expanding it to include pretty much any subject that interests me (I'm thinking Electrical Engineering next lol). Due to collecting Art books, I also have small bits of comic book and graphic novel collecting floating about. (I'm sitting at a bit over 100 textbooks, out of about 200-300 books total, that have survived the last 3 moves intact)

I've also collected MtG cards twice in my life... each time getting fed up with it and abandoning it (even gave my old collection to a friend as a wedding gift since I couldn't take it in a move... wish I would've kept in touch with him - I'd have told him to get some specific cards in cases now since they've spiked in value)... my newer collection is still with me, but far less valuable. I think the main reason I keep falling out with it is that I don't feel the desire to play it enough to justify it - so it just collects dust and doesn't bring me joy. (and if you can't tell, I can't stand "collecting for value's sake" - the value to me is in the enjoyment of the pieces, not the shelf-count).

I'm waiting for the steam importer to really do my PC collection, since manually putting that in would be a nightmare (I need to put in most of my physical PC game collection still too, as of posting this, but I need to unpack it from storage to do so accurately) - my collection might also change after I get done going through some old family storage... since I might find more odd boxes in there with interesting stuff.


Why VGCollect? Community. Frankly, I could track my stuff on a spreadsheet if all I wanted to do was track what I had, but having a community to enjoy the hobby with makes it immensely better - and the community is what makes this stand out above other places.

General / Re: New nes and snes games
« on: December 24, 2017, 02:07:51 pm »
Hmm... on the collection front could be a niche that do it just for historical reasons or novelty reasons... that said - I don't see them accruing much value due to the fact that a similar product could crop up and fill the niche if there was ever a demand spike for these kind of odd deals. (that said, the demand spike is more likely just novelty collectors and non-collectors trying to buy random uninformed gifts for the collectors in their life - since there's already near complete libraries floating around of NES and SNES titles, both NH and GR style for people who just want to play them).

Though that is sort of Retrobit's shtick - basically profit off of casual nostalgia and uninformed purchases - they seem pretty straightforward about the fact that they're not positioning themselves towards a more serious market.

All that said, there's far better options for pretty much every niche than retrobit - for casual players of old physical games? Hyperkin (Retron5), For new collectors who don't have CRTs and don't want to worry as much about hardware failure? Analogue or RetroUSB (how I hope they eventually get around to doing this for the other Cartridge systems),  For people just looking to play old games? Raspberry Pi systems. For People wanting a "plug and play" option? The plethora of official and unofficial repro all-in-one systems of varying quality.

Overpaid? Absolutely. Regretted a purchase? Never.

Though maybe the fact that I'm having to start over from nearly scratch may make that opinion change :/

Though I "buy for function" - rather than buying for value or to flip - so I won't pay more than what I feel a game is worth to enjoy, that way I never feel that buyer's remorse if I see it cheaper later (may not have gotten "the best deal", but having gotten "my money's worth").

Honestly what I end up regretting more often are sales - not purchases :) (Trades are a weird spot, since I've had good and bad ones, but can't say I really "regret the trade", so much as regret having to hunt yet again for what I traded).

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