I make up a list of ~$300 worth of stuff for the year, and as I get that list marked off, I +/- what I spent on it vs estimate, then use the gap to treat myself near the end of the year, since I find I can snag some good deals to round off the year as people are selling their old stuff to buy new things
I really like this idea! I find myself in the same position most of the time. Not a completionist, just looking to capture the games I loved, and the ones I thought I might.
I cap at $50 for the essentials, LOZ:LTTP, Super Metroid. Still looking for FFII & III under $50, but I have made some friends I think I can work with.
I don't trade so there's that.
New games, I try to save of survey coupons and Microsoft account points (though they stopped offering Gamestop certificates).
NES, DS, Genesis, N64, PS1 I shoot for under $25, and that's only if I really want it. I'm looking at you Dragon Quest VI...
SNES a little more, $35-50. GameCube I can run up this high as well on occasion.
I try to stick to $100 a month, which rolls over both ways, so $1,200 a year max.
But, as others here have said, Chrono Trigger and Earthbound are exceptions to any rule. If I could just find them in the wild!
Mitch, the Dharma Gamer