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Messages - atarileaf

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Interesting topic since I just happened to check this site out again after not really being here for months and posting for probably a lot longer. The main reason is, frankly, I found many of the topics "odd" and I'll leave it at that but I'm sure many can figure what I mean. I just got tired of scrolling through nonsense topics and questions.

I barely use the database and collection management either. The reason for that is that as many have noticed, collecting has gone down and I'm one of those who don't hunt anymore. The only thing I really buy are Atari homebrews and am on the pre-order list for the Collectorvision Phoenix and as such, have reacquired a few Colecovision games.  Other than that, I don't really buy anything gaming related.

As for forums in general being down in use, the only forum I still frequent is Atariage and it is still running strong with lots of new threads and discussions on a daily, even hourly basis. It has a very strong user base and the site is very well supported. One of the best gaming forums IMO. For me this forum and its members are mostly younger and lean more to consoles and games that aren't of interest to me. The only other forum I used to frequent was Digit Press and that really is a pretty much dead forum and I was never a fan of Nintendo Age so that only leaves Atariage for me but I also post and follow many gaming groups on facebook.

I can't think of a way to liven it up. These things have a natural ebb and flow. It's like trying to force a conversation - it just becomes awkward and uncomfortable.

If one of the topics I created made you feel uncomfortable I apologize, many have said I talk too much and plus I am a paranoid schizophrenic I mean no harm, occasionally I fly off the coop it's some kind of brain imbalance

LOL no you're fine, it's not you. I didn't mean it as a personal attack on anyone actually. I enjoy reading many points of view.

I should also mention that like many others, life just gets in the way, I don't have much time for gaming and gaming related activities like forums like I have in years past and when I do, it's very focused and brief so I don't post as much even though I may occasionally lurk and read. I will check out this site once in a while but I normally just stick to Atari related sites when mostly pre-crash systems and games are discussed. I'm gonna be 50 this year so I think I'm in a different demographic than most here which is fine. Everyone grew up with different systems in games. I just happen to come from that original group who were there near the beginning.

Interesting topic since I just happened to check this site out again after not really being here for months and posting for probably a lot longer. The main reason is, frankly, I found many of the topics "odd" and I'll leave it at that but I'm sure many can figure what I mean. I just got tired of scrolling through nonsense topics and questions.

I barely use the database and collection management either. The reason for that is that as many have noticed, collecting has gone down and I'm one of those who don't hunt anymore. The only thing I really buy are Atari homebrews and am on the pre-order list for the Collectorvision Phoenix and as such, have reacquired a few Colecovision games.  Other than that, I don't really buy anything gaming related.

As for forums in general being down in use, the only forum I still frequent is Atariage and it is still running strong with lots of new threads and discussions on a daily, even hourly basis. It has a very strong user base and the site is very well supported. One of the best gaming forums IMO. For me this forum and its members are mostly younger and lean more to consoles and games that aren't of interest to me. The only other forum I used to frequent was Digit Press and that really is a pretty much dead forum and I was never a fan of Nintendo Age so that only leaves Atariage for me but I also post and follow many gaming groups on facebook.

I can't think of a way to liven it up. These things have a natural ebb and flow. It's like trying to force a conversation - it just becomes awkward and uncomfortable.

General / Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« on: May 20, 2018, 06:55:48 pm »
I don't currently have any. I love that they are being made though. I just collect near the less expensive end of the scale <$5 so $80 for a single cartridge is a big ask. Not that I think they are not worth it, far from it, I just haven't reached the point where I have been willing to part with that much cash for a single cartridge yet. I think I am reaching the point though where I am satisfied with what I have and want to see what the modern programmers are doing on the old systems. It's amazing what some of the old systems are capable of when there are not executives insisting on building entire games in 2K of rom to increase profits.

I'm with you on price. As a Canadian buying homebrews from the US in American funds can add a lot to the cost of a homebrew. Some though I just have to bite the bullet as the games are simply THAT good. Draconian on the 2600 is a prime example. BUT as I mentioned above I send in donor carts to the Atariage store and I get store credit on those carts, usually enough to buy one homebrew so the game actually only costs me the cost of shipping.

General / Re: Do you prefer new games or retro games?
« on: May 20, 2018, 06:52:52 pm »
I prefer retro but I play both regularly. Today it was a mixture of PS4 and Atari 2600. Hell if I wanted to I could play Atari ON my PS4.

General / Re: Homebrews In The Collection Do You?
« on: May 19, 2018, 05:33:43 pm »
I currently do not own any homebrews that I'm aware of though I've seen plenty at shows I wouldn't mind having. I have typically refrained from purchasing them as I cannot justify the price and/or I see that they're made using sac carts. If homebrew makers used dedicated boards/shells for their games I'd probably be more inclined (if the price was right  ;)).

Atariage uses new boards but repurposes shells. I just sent 30 carts myself to the AA store. As for new shells that's something they're working on but they're aren't there yet.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Error Listings 2018
« on: March 11, 2018, 07:48:08 am »
I was wondering why the Retron 5 is in Hardware (Other) while the other Retrons are just in "Hardware".

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate List 2017
« on: June 20, 2017, 05:57:07 pm »
Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 for Windows - Activision Classics CD -


Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 for Windows 95 - Activision Classics CD -

Not a dupe. They both exist. 90566 is real and says "Windows 95" on the front, whereas 90568 says "Windows". The reason there is no front image is because I was unable to find one that was usable for the entry.

Understood. Mine just says Windows. I recently acquired all three and have submitted new hi-res scans of all three as well

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate List 2017
« on: June 19, 2017, 07:51:18 pm »
Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 for Windows - Activision Classics CD -
Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 for Windows 95 - Activision Classics CD -

Is there anything more epic? Yes. About 890 Trillion other things I can think of off the top of my head.

Fresh air and friends are great and I heartily recommend both.

Why are you always so pessimistic and rude to me? What are you trying to gain? I don't get what you are so mad about.

i reccomend you get friends... i recommend you go outside and get fresh air....  How cliché, haven't heard that one before. From a fellow collector I wouldn't expect you to use overused garbage stereotypes of the gamer persona on a forum for collecting games labeling someone as isolated and introverted just because he likes Mr. Miyamoto's thumb trick and wanted to joke about it with others. The same stereotypes that can be easily applied to you. Anyone can sit here and label people stereotypical losers with no life because they love games or share Miyamoto memes. Maybe when I guy dedicates an entire youtube channel to video games and Atari. Maybe he could be labeled a certain way with stereotypes. But I don't know you. It takes a level of decency to avoid things like that.
To suggest I don't have friends or go outside enough because I found Mr. Miyamoto's thumb switch funny and epic is petty. Its low.  I expect you to go even lower eventually. Maybe bring mothers into it. Anything to try to get the response. Also, of course I don't think its the most epic thing ever.  Hyperbole is the word of the day. Google it. Its a question meant to discuss the epicness of the act.  Everyone got it, nobody was saying "Of course not, a Hyper nova and Haley's comet colliding and then collapsing on itself forming a black hole sucking the entire milky way galaxy into oblivion is far more epic than that"   Well, great work Sherlock. I didn't think of that. Not like the question was dead serious and not just a exaggerated statement or anything.  ::)

You are not forced to click on my threads.  You can have your fun disrespecting me all you like, or poking fun at everything I say  but I just made this one response to get it all out of the way moving forward that way I can address it and so maybe we can get the some sort of bottom of your hatred of me or maybe you can just stop bringing so much negativity into everything. That'd be great.  :)

Alright I apologize. No problem. You're right, it was harsh and uncalled for. Peace :)

I haven't found much but I don't hunt much anymore. I really only go if I'm out on other errands, I don't make special trips but I'm constantly amazed at what others are still able to find. I sub to a fellow who goes by BizzNes17 on youtube and his finds are amazing in both quality and quantity.

Is there anything more epic? Yes. About 890 Trillion other things I can think of off the top of my head.

Fresh air and friends are great and I heartily recommend both.

General / Re: What is your favorite console from each gaming era?
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:35:21 am »

1975-1980 - Atari 2600
1980-1985 - Tandy Color Computer
1985-1990- NES
1990-1995- SNES
1995- 2000- PC
2000-2005- PC
2005-2010- Atari 2600
2010-2015- Atari 2600
Now- Atari 2600
2017-2021- Atari 2600  ;D (I have faith)

Watch the Metal Jesus video on the 5200 it should give you a good idea as to what you can  look forward to

If you are going to buy the video game version of bashing your head against the wall, try the Atariage marketplace first. Ebay is a crapshoot and when a seller describes a 5200 as "working" it doesn't mean it's working well. I'm not going to bash the 5200 but I went with an 800XL computer over a 5200 as it had mostly the same games, plus several hundred more, and you could use standard 9 pin joysticks, a genesis pad, etc.

For you, I'd stick with the 2600. Unless you're really jonesing for a 5200 exclusive title to play, you're not really missing anything with the 5200 library and a console that will need more maintenance than a 20 year old car.

I think the answer is painfully obvious since only one of those are actually real. Any answer other than Axis is wrong. Hitler REALLY committed mass genocide.

well obviously but I thought the question was more fitting as a "if resident evil was the real world" or "if final fantasy 7 was the real world" type situation.

And the Empire blew up Alderaan and the First Order obliterated 5 planets in the Hosnian system. Problem is comparing real world horrors to make believe ones minimize the impact on real people in the real world. It's a stupid thread/question frankly.

Fun police! Everybody run!  :P

I love fun, show me fun.

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