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Messages - eaglelord9814

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To explain due to censorships,censorship of what we love,wokeness,politically correctness & people who support censorships & people who support censorship of what we love I had to ask.

& like I said that I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff.

& yes I know I know that sooner or later they will make the games that I love & I still love & the games I want to play unplayable on new & modern pcs. So I acted like fine then if I have to I don't mind to build myself a retro gaming pc.

& sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & to end it here or at least for now don't worry I'm including mods too as well

I'm asking ahead of time your opinions since I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff & since some if not most of you guys do have a account at backloggery & I think I still have a account at backloggery too as well I don't know if I still have my account at backloggery or I deleted my account at backloggery.

& well due to my taste in gaming,anime & manga & due to my collection,my waifu collection,my visual novel collection,my vr collection & my hentai collection tbh I don't know if I should hide my taste in gaming on my account at backloggery or don't hide the extent of my power level & yes some will be in my backlogs & some won't be in my backlogs it depends if I choose to & yes I'm including to do 100% of the games & if I ever get/buy & added anymore to my collection,my waifu collection,my visual novel collection,my vr collection & my hentai collection & if I choose to.

I guess I will end it here or at least for now thanks & thanks again for sharing your opinions & from your experiences about backloggery site :).

especially from any of my favorite games?

To explain as 1 of many examples some reason I always pick 1 or more of my favorite games ost in dissidia final fantasy for psp as my fighting bgm if I choose to pick bgm & if I choose to pick any of my favorite songs & yes I'm including some of my favorite songs are from anime especially from any of my favorite anime too as well. & yes I will admit it that some of my favorite songs are from final fantasy series too as well crazy I know & what if  video games music CDs is in my collection mainly my favorites especially from any of my favorite games & any of my favorite anime they might think I'm weird or asking me why do I have a collection of video games ost CDs especially any of my favorite songs from ,any of my favorite games,any of my favorite anime & final fantasy series tbh I don't know yet how should I respond.

I might act like I don't care or act like saying what these are some of my favorite games,some of my favorite anime & some of my favorite songs what's wrong with that. I guess I will end it here or at least for now I apologize to added a side rant sometimes we do had to deal with bs & sometimes we do get judged from some if not most people like you guys sometimes it does annoyed & pissed me off too as well sometimes including censorships & don't worry rest assured I'm not seeking approvals :).

In your opinions do you guys think I should get/buy & added to my collection any of basketball games for pc?

Don't worry I don't mind to get/buy & added to my collection any hidden gems of any of sports games for different systems including for pc & if I choose to even though I'm not a sports fan & I'm not a massive sports fan like some of you guys. & yes I will admit it that I'm a fan of basketball & I'm a fan of volleyball even though I'm not a sports fan & I'm not a massive sports fan like some of you guys & 2 of my favorite sports both I like to play & to watch are basketball & volleyball even though I'm not a sports fan & I'm not a massive sports fan like some of you guys sorry.

& I apologize if this is a stupid questions about sports games for different systems including for pc I'm just asking ahead of time if basketball games for pc are worth get/buying as a fellow basketball fan myself or not thanks. & thanks again for sharing your opinions & from your experiences of playing basketball games for pc :).

General / Do Japanese gamers hate us American gamers
« on: February 25, 2021, 08:24:42 pm »
I'm asking your opinions & from your experiences because of Puritans,normies,sjws/npcs & feminists,the censors,people who support censorships,the mainstream & the mainstream media & I'm asking due to what us otakus,weebs,gamers,final fantasy fan/huge fans & hentai fans,our Japanese otaku brothers,our Japanese otaku sisters,our Japanese gamers & our communities going through,dealing with & had to deal with.

Just curious & yes I'm including due to what us fan/huge fans of Japanese games going through,dealing with & had to deal with I had to ask sorry. I guess I will end it here or at least for now & yes I'm mainly asking about us true fan/huge fans & true gamers if Japanese gamers hate us American gamers or not in your opinions & from your experiences :).

Sega Genesis has some good RPGs, not nearly as many as Nintendo, but the Phantasy Star series have some great storytelling.
Sega was definitely more mature than Nintendo, I don't know where you heard it was for a younger audience.  Nintendo didn't even allow blood in their Mortal Kombat port.

I can't help you on the Hentai angle, but there are some nice scantily clad women on a few covers...


Anyhoo, I recommend Sega Genesis, since it's games might be the most affordable

genesis ain't only the most affordable but in terms of quality it's by many considered the best. not to mention that the affordable games as in less than 20$ on other sega systems are usually far and few in between in terms of good.

If where talking scantily clad women, you'd definitely want to go japanese saturn tons of cheap games in that department to. japanese saturn lots are filled to the brim with these kinds of games it seems. I'm not to sure if I could call them games though.

also sometimes some actual decent games with those features such as steam hearts but that one is actually pretty pricy.

I don't know why the topic starter seeks out sega consoles for that kinda stuff it's there but i think some decent internet on pc might give way better results than going through the hassle with japanese saturn.

Don't worry sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & leave consoles & console censorships

Sega Genesis has some good RPGs, not nearly as many as Nintendo, but the Phantasy Star series have some great storytelling.
Sega was definitely more mature than Nintendo, I don't know where you heard it was for a younger audience.  Nintendo didn't even allow blood in their Mortal Kombat port.

I can't help you on the Hentai angle, but there are some nice scantily clad women on a few covers...


Anyhoo, I recommend Sega Genesis, since it's games might be the most affordable

Its ok don't worry about it & I was only guessing about Sega systems at the moment for now & I know that Nintendo is only for little kids but now its in the reverse what Nintendoes what Soyny don't thanks to Regi in regards to censorships

Tbh there are some systems I never owned & I never played before & yes I'm including Sega systems too as well & for now I'm thinking of to get/buy & added to my collection a Sega Genesis or a Japanese Sega Saturn & lol I don't know if Sega systems is only for little kids since I'm in my 30's & I will admit it again that I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff too. & some of Sega games do looked fun & lol in a way some of you guys make me want to get into sega systems & funny thing is I never owned & I never played any of Sega systems before.

So I'm asking you guys your opinions & from your experiences which Sega systems do you guys think I should get/buy & added to my collection & my waifu collection & you guys think I might love? Thanks again for sharing your opinions & your experiences of owning Sega systems :).


If any of you guys don't know Sophie is from Texas was sexually abused by her mom's boyfriend while her own mom was watching Sophie was bleeding on panty & Sophie's 9 years old & her own mom & grandma deflect her saying she's crazy & only person who believed Sophie was her father #IstandwithSophie #saveSophie

,family court systems & divorce courts?

I'm asking since like some of you guys & Nick Rekieta I fucking hate family courts,family court systems & divorce courts they are biased against us men,they are always against us men,rewarded women with bad behaviors & bad choices as proof look at what happened to Sophie poor Sophie & only person who believed Sophie about her being sexually abused by mom's bf while her own mom was watching was her father. Fuck you judge for not letting people talking about it especially if anyone ever do want to help Sophie if any of you guys heard the judge's bs & if any of you guys saw Nick Rekieta's rant & if any of you guys saw what happened to Sophie & she's 9 years old you guys will understand my deep hatred for family courts,family court systems & divorce courts.

& I bet you guys the mainstream media will never talk about it & I hope Sophie gets saved & go live with her father & to end it here or at for now like some of you guys & Nick Rekieta sometimes family courts,family court systems & divorce courts pissed me off too :).

Since I'm a fan of foreign movies & I'm a fan of foreign shows even though I do have favorite movies & I do have favorite shows here in America too as well & yes I'm including adult foreign movies,adult foreign shows,cat3 movies,JAV & JAV movies & I know that some of import games for psp are region free but what about foreign movies & foreign shows on UMDs thanks. Thanks for sharing your opinions about UMDs & if any of you guys love import games,foreign movies & foreign shows like me you guys will understand what I mean :).

To explain this question about both the classics,retro games & modern games & sooner or later I might have to have to deal with any of my friends eventually when like some of you guys I'm mostly a offline gamer aka I'm gaming to keep myself gaming.  & I preferred offline single player games,local multiplayer games & local co-op games & I preferred physical media over digital any day,I hate the cloud,I hate DRM & I preferred DRM free.

& some people don't understand why or some people will eventually give me shit or treated me like shit all because of I'm a offline gamer when like some of you guys I preferred offline single player games,offline local multiplayer games & offline local co-op games. & I bet some people will call me old school or boomer & I know I know that some of us offline gamers will have the last laugh & I might have to deal with any of my friends,their questions,their nosey questions,their reactions,their bs & their shit.

So to end it here or at least for now this question is mainly asking you fellow offline gamers on tips on dealing with any of my friends & how to deal with any of my friends as a fellow offline gamer myself thanks :)?
They are not your friends if they treat you like shit.  Especially for such a trivial reason.

Thing is, his wording indicates this hasn't happened...just that he believes it someday will. I mean, some serious fishing here.

That said, I've never heard of anyone giving someone crap for not playing online. They might try to get you to buy a game and play online with them, but that's when you just say "no thanks, not planning on getting that game."

I never experience it either yet & well Raging Golden Eagle experience it from some of his friends or some of people he knows gave him shit for not playing live services games aka windows live versions & not supporting games as live services aka windows live versions well it opens the gates to something like ID check systems from China he predicted it would happened & they still gave him shit for not playing live services games & not supporting games as live services & brushed him off as paranoid conspiracy theorist :).

Wtf why ask for someone's opinion if your not interested in hearing it?

When I said don't worry I don't care what I mean was don't worry I don't care what people think of me

Your statements were kinda all over the place but if I understood what you said correctly, why should you care?

Unless you and your friends are all 13 which if so might be a different story, I don't know what sane adult would give shit to their own friends for playing an offline game rather than an online game. Like as adults, who cares.

If you want to play snes mario go have a blast, if they want to play fornite go have a blast. Then you can all go out for beer later, done.

Also side note, I've never met a single person call someone who plays retro game an old person or boomer. Just go to twitch and see all the 9 year olds streaming mario 64 with their parent's laptop if you want proof.

Don't worry I don't care & some of us offline gamers gets shit from some people just go away damn it

To explain this question about both the classics,retro games & modern games & sooner or later I might have to have to deal with any of my friends eventually when like some of you guys I'm mostly a offline gamer aka I'm gaming to keep myself gaming.  & I preferred offline single player games,local multiplayer games & local co-op games & I preferred physical media over digital any day,I hate the cloud,I hate DRM & I preferred DRM free.

& some people don't understand why or some people will eventually give me shit or treated me like shit all because of I'm a offline gamer when like some of you guys I preferred offline single player games,offline local multiplayer games & offline local co-op games. & I bet some people will call me old school or boomer & I know I know that some of us offline gamers will have the last laugh & I might have to deal with any of my friends,their questions,their nosey questions,their reactions,their bs & their shit.

So to end it here or at least for now this question is mainly asking you fellow offline gamers on tips on dealing with any of my friends & how to deal with any of my friends as a fellow offline gamer myself thanks :)?

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