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Messages - climhazard

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Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate List 2018
« on: May 21, 2018, 11:05:04 pm »
Mahou Gakuen Lunar!
Sega Saturn [JP]


Now if only there was a site like this for physical games.

There is - it's not 100% accurate but it is pretty close:

I know about price charting but I was thinking more along the lines of a site that tracks new game prices on sites like Amazon, Newegg, Best Buy, and the like, compared the current price to the list price and let you know of any specials and deals that where going on.

Looked around but I didn't see a topic for this site yet.

I found out about it about a week ago. They track prices on digital game downloads for various sites like Amazon, Steam, GOG, ect. and list any deals that are going on.

Now I know most people here are like me and are more into physical games, but I'll buy a digital copy for convenience sake and if I can get a good deal and this site is a big help for that.

Now if only there was a site like this for physical games.

Modern Video Games / Re: Akai Katana Shin
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:35:26 pm »
I'm always surprised to see shooters like this coming out on 360 instead of PS3 though, I wonder how well they sell on the system, if at all.

Cave must have some sort of deal with Microsoft to be releasing all their games exclusively on the 360. I can't imagine how well they sell over here with shot em ups being a pretty niche genre.

I might have to start buying buying these games before they start getting too expensive and hard to find, even though I don't have a 360.

Modern Video Games / Re: Which PSP should I buy?
« on: December 18, 2011, 12:50:54 am »
Yeah, the CFW stays active until you power off and the PSP boots into the OFW when you power back on.

It's actually not that big of a hassle running every time you want to use the CFW. It only takes a few seconds and it stays active in standby mode.
They do have a flasher that makes the installation permanent but it only works with compatible 1k and 2k models.

I've often toyed around with the idea of buying a second PSP that would be kept updated with the OFW but now I don't have to.
Having to wait a few extra seconds to boot into the CFW for that is worth it in my opinion.

Modern Video Games / Re: Which PSP should I buy?
« on: December 16, 2011, 07:48:45 pm »
If you plan on replacing the firmware then the 1000 is the only one that works 100%.  The 2000 models depend on the board version inside and it can be hard to tell.

My 1000 is already running custom firmware. I'll probably keep the new one updated through Sony since I don't really need 2 softmodded psps.

Actually the newest PRO custom firmware can run on any PSP model, even the 3000 and GO, and actually runs on top of the latest 6.60 official firmware. Your PSP boots into the official firmware first and then you run a program from the game menu to boot into the custom firmware. It stays on the CFW until you reset your PSP.

I've been running it for about a week and everything seems to work fine, all my emulators and game backups run great.

As for which one to buy I've owned both the 1000 and the 2000 and the 2000, in my opinion, is much better. It's smaller, much lighter, and has a better screen. While I haven't owned a 3000 I have played one and at least the early models had pretty noticeable ghosting when stuff moved around on screen.

Classic Video Games / Re: how long have you been collecting???
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:12:04 pm »
I've been a fan of video games all my life but I've only been seriously collecting for about 5 years. I got a job at a local used game retailer and several of the other employes where big into collecting so I was sort of inspired by them. Over time my collection went from a modest handful of PS1 and PS2 games to what I have today. Though I have slowed down lately. I only really buy something if I really want it and if I can get it at a good price.

Modern Video Games / Re: Rocksmith?
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:02:03 pm »
I've been trying out a copy on the PS3 for a little while and it seems pretty good.

The only problem I've had is the game seems to have problems detecting what note I'm playing on the E sting in one of the mini-games, I'm thinking I might have to adjust the pickup toggles until I find something that works. Other than that the only other real problem is there is a little bit of sound lag. The game actually recommends that you run your consoles sound output directly into your sound system to reduce the lag.

Be warned though, it is aimed more at beginners so if you're already an accomplished guitarist you're probably not going to have as much fun with it.

Modern Video Games / Re: The next few months of gaming...
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:36:04 pm »
Next month I'll probably get Dark Souls and Rage.
November it's gonna be Uncharted 3 and Skyrim.

I'm actually planing on upgrading my video card for Skyrim.
Hello brand new GTX 560 Ti, I'll probably keep my old 9800 GTX+ in my rig as a dedicated PhysX card.
And as a bonus the 560 comes with a free copy of Arkham City.

Off Topic / Re: Anime Recommendation?
« on: September 19, 2011, 09:22:58 pm »
If you like darker stuff I might also recommend Speed Grapher. I've only seen the first few episodes but what I watched of it was pretty dark but good.

Off Topic / Re: Anime Recommendation?
« on: September 19, 2011, 05:34:39 pm »
Pretty much everything @scott mentioned I would recomend. Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell are some of my all time favorites. Hellsing is quite good, the Ultimate OVAs are better and stick more to the manga's story than the original TV series but they are both good. Almost anything by Gainax is pretty good. Neon Genesis Evangelion is really good if you can manage to deal with the mind screw plot. As are FLCL, Gurren Lagann and Nadia and the Secret of Blue Water. There are a few more I could recommend but that should give you a pretty good start.

General / Re: Currently Playing?
« on: September 17, 2011, 07:33:13 pm »
And I own the first two Disgaea games but have never played one. I know they are time consuming and they just repeatedly get put on the back burner. Am I missing tons?

They're really good if you're a fan of SRPGs and they aren't really that time consuming if you're just playing through the main story line, at least no more that many other RPGs, I'd say 30-50 hours on average. It's really only when you get into all the extra stuff that it becomes a real time sink.

General / Re: Currently Playing?
« on: September 16, 2011, 11:17:16 pm »
I'm about 4 chapters in and so far I'm really enjoying it. They expanded on a few concepts they introduced in 3 so if you haven't played 3 they might seem a little weird at first.
The story is good and sprinkled with NIS's trademark humor. By far my favorite thing is the upgraded character sprites. All the sprites are now in HD and look fantastic (you can switch back to the classic low res sprites if you prefer the old style). They also added a few online features like custom maps and other things but I haven't messed with them much, I'll save that for the post game.

General / Re: Currently Playing?
« on: September 16, 2011, 06:03:08 pm »
I've been trying to play Disgaea 4 all week but haven't been able to find much time. I plan on remedying that by having a hardcore gaming marathon this weekend.

Modern Video Games / Re: FFX HD ps3 (and vita)
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:00:19 pm »
Blitzball wasn't that bad once you got the mechanics down. Although they never really give a clear explanation in the game.

Also, one thing I hope for with this HD release is that the characters look closer to the same in Cutscenes and the game play...

I'll second that. One thing I noticed when I last played it was that the low poly character models only have a thumb and index finger and the other fingers are fused together. I could never force myself to unsee it.

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