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Messages - persona420

Pages: [1] 2 3
You can now find this game at retail and on Amazon. the actual release date for the NA physical version is October 11. My copy arrived yesterday

how about top five games id like to see a physical copy of lol?
mine would be:
1 Celeste
2 Fast RMX
3 Yooka Layle
4 Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
5 Owl Boy

      N64 Mini
   1   Super Mario 64
   2   Mario Kart 64
   3   Super Smash Bros. 64
   4   Legend of Zelda: OoT
   5   Golden Eye 007
   6   Star Fox 64
   7   Kirby 64
   8   F Zero X
   9   Donkey Kong 64
   10   Paper Mario
   11   Yoshi's Story
   12   Wave Race 64
   13   1080° Snowboarding
   14   Mario Party 2
   15   Legend of Zelda: MM

I'd say 15 games is the minimum. it'd be nice if they continue the bonus game tradition. in which case id love to see sin and punishment or ocarina master quest. i am also of the opinion that if they cant get golden eye on this, they shouldnt even bother. perfect dark is nice and all but golden eye or bust for was in my opinion THAT important to the n64 legacy

smackdown here comes the pain!!

sorry my contra 3 copy was sold. still have mgs:twin snakes if anyone is interested...

General / Re: Games that are too expensive
« on: June 05, 2014, 08:07:37 pm »
ugh, i got a few that are haunting me.

conkers bad fur day for n64 is reaching triple digit insanity.
i had action 52 back in the day and would love to get it again but not 300 want...
i have mega man 1-6 so you think id be able to round that out and get mega man 7, but F those prices

some one must be in need of these games. I see they are in a lot of peoples wish lists.
here is the games im looking for but I will also entertain a trade for anything Nintendo related

again these are dupes for me and im too lazy to sell on ebay so hit me up with any offer

Marketplace / Re: Looking for...
« on: October 27, 2013, 09:12:19 am »
i have a spare copy of metal gear solid twin snakes (Box, both discs missing manual) since its a spare id part with it easy. see anything in my want list youd want to trade for it?

Classic Video Games / Re: Easiest 16 bit games.
« on: May 12, 2013, 08:00:12 am »
yoshis story for n64. (actually any yoshi game now that i think about it)
kirbys dreamland for gameboy
chip n dales rescue rangers for nes

all really fun games that i wtfpwn'ed the first time i played them

i guess a list of stuff im after would help. basically im looking for anything nintendo really

Action 52
Blaster Master
Bubble Bobble
Contra Force
Final Fantasy
Life Force
Metal Storm
Monster Party
Super C

BattleToads / Double Dragon
Captain America and the Avengers
Final Fantasy III
King of the Dragons
Knights of the Round Table
Mega Man 7
Pilot Wings
R-Type 3
Spiderman & Venom: Maximum Carnage
Super Metroid
The Tick

Banjo Kazooie
Conkers Bad Fur Day
Dark Rift
Mario Party 2
Mega Man 64
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero
Paper Mario
War Gods

Chibi Robo
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Mega Man X Collection
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Skies of Arcadia
Star Fox Assault
Star Wars Rogue Leader II
Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs. New Generation

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Last Story
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Wii Music
Wii Party
Wii Sports Resort

Mega Man III
Mega Man IV
Mega Man V

999: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosey RupeeLand
Ghost Trick: Phantom Dectective
The World Ends with You

Zelda 2: Adventure of Link

i got an extra copy of contra 3: the alien wars for snes (loose) and a copy of metal gear solid twin snakes (Box but no instruction booklet) for gcn.

anybody have any interesting trade offers?

General / Re: the one item
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:08:15 am »
kinda a strange one, but im looking for an earthbound ness keychain. but one never seems to show up on ebay

Sweet im glad i get to add:

29. Ninja Five-0

Classic Video Games / Re: 3DO questions
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:51:10 am »
oh man, i had a lot of fun playing jurrasic park but for all the wrong reasons. its truly one of the worst games ive ever played but its so bad its good.
i also loved the cd screen saver. dont forget to throw a cd in there and trip out to the 3 different screen savers!

Modern Video Games / Re: Wii U launch titles
« on: October 25, 2012, 03:18:06 am »
i pre ordered the delux so im set with nintendo land. im definately going to get mario U and possibly zombieU but im quite curious to see what the reviews are like before i commit to that

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