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Topics - bobofatt

Pages: [1]
General / Ataribox
« on: July 17, 2017, 04:42:53 pm »

I didn't see another thread.  Hopefully I'm not duplicating one already started.

There are already a number of mini Ataris.  So what is this thing?  From what limited info I've read, it's supposed to have "classic and current" gaming connect  If it's going to a library of new games, I'm interested.

Marketplace / WTB list
« on: May 07, 2017, 12:34:52 pm »
Looking to help some fellow member get rid of their junk.  I'm looking for items in good shape.  Would like complete items (jewel cases, manuals, etc) if applicable.  Carts/CDs must be in good shape and in working order.    Some of the games listed are on multiple systems.  I don't need a copy for each system, just one.  Let me know what you have, thanks.

3DS   Kid Icarus Uprising
3DS   Luigis Mansion Dark Moon
3DS   Megaman Legacy Collection
3DS   New Super Mario Bros. 2
3DS   Star Wars Lego Clone Wars
3DS   Starfox 64 3D
3DS   Super Mario 3D Land
3DS   Super Mario Maker
Atari   Dodge Em
Atari   Haunted House
Atari   Joust
Atari   Ms. Pacman
Atari   Pong
DS   Star Wars Battlefront - Elite Squadron
DS   Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Jedi Alliance
GameCube   Luigis Mansion
GameCube   Mario Kart Double Dash
GameCube   Metriod Prime
GameCube   Metriod Prime 2
GameCube   Resident Evil 4
GameCube   Starfox Adventures
GameCube   Super Mario Sunshine
GameCube   Wave Racer
GB   Star Wars
GB   Yoda Stories (color plays on original GB?)
GBA   Episode 2 Attack of the Clones
N64   Bomberman 64
N64   Bomberman Hero
N64   Megaman 64
N64   Rayman 2
N64   Super Mario 64
NES   1942
NES   1943
NES   Blaster Master
NES   Castlevania
NES   Comando
NES   Contra
NES   Double Dragon
NES   Ducktales
NES   Elevator Action
NES   Excite Bike
NES   Megaman 2
NES   Megaman 3
NES   Metriod
NES   Mike Tyson's Punch Out
NES   Popeye
NES   Rampage
NES   Star Wars
NES   Super Mario
NES   Super Mario 2
NES   Super Mario 3
NES   Tetris
NES   TMNT Arcade
NES   Track and Field
NES   Wrecking Crew
NES   Xevious
NES   Zelda
PS2   Star Wars Battlefront
PS2   Star Wars Republic Hero
PS2   Star Wars Super Bombad Racing
PS3   Star Wars Lego Clone Wars
PS3   Star Wars Republic Hero
TG16   Alien Crush
TG16   Blazing Lazors
TG16   Bonk's Adveture
TG16   Keith Courage
TG16   R-Type
TG16   Splatter House
Wii   Star Wars Lego Clone Wars
Wii   Star Wars Republic Hero
XBOX   Star Wars Battlefront
XBOX   Star Wars Battlefront  2
XBOX   Star Wars Republic Comando
XBOX  360   Star Wars Lego Clone Wars
XBOX  360   Star Wars Republic Hero
Accessories    NES Advantage
Accessories    PS2 controller
Accessories    XBOX controller (2)
Accessories   Switch pro controller

General / BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« on: February 04, 2017, 12:27:59 am »
Hello everyone,

I hope this is the right place for this type of thread.  I actually don't really see any other threads like this on the site. 

Let me start off by introducing myself and explaining why I'm here.  I'm an 80's kid and have grown up gaming.  I've never not had some type of gaming device since I was four.  When I was younger, I'd "trade up" my systems.  I started keeping my systems at the N64.  For last few years I've thought about getting all the old gaming stuff I ever got rid of.  My goal is to be able to instantly play any game I've ever owned at any time.  Recently I stopped thinking about it and started doing it.  I've got the retro gaming bug pretty bad.  I've grown my collection quickly and I've been learning a lot about cleaning and repairing systems and games.  So that's why I'm here.  I'm looking forward to getting to know the community, learning some things, trading, etc.

Let me give you a quick tour of my collection...

Here are all my game consoles, controllers, periphials, and portable gaming systems. 

I have 15 consoles that are set up in the following order from left to right:
1. Atari 2600 - I originally had  6 switch woody growing up.  I bought this Vader that was modded with a power light and A/V ports.  I already own over 20 of the games I had as a kid.
2. TurboGrafx 16 - I picked this one up, along with a turbo booster, recently.
3. Nintendo Entertainment System - Even though I couldn't stand it, I picked up one recently with ROB like I had as a kid.  I never played with ROB back then and I won't play with him now, but it's come to have him as decore.
4. SNES - I got rid of this over 20 years ago.  My wife reminded me that I sold it to a friend of my.  I texted him recently and long story short, he still had the N64 I sold him and all 19 of my games.  I was pretty stocked that I was able to buy it back from him.
5. N64 - This and the rest of the systems were always mine as I finely wised up and kept them.
6. GameCube
7. Wii
8. WiiU
10. XBOX360
12. PS
13. PS2
14. PS3
15. PS4

1. Zaxxon mini cabinet
2. Donkey Kong mini cabinet
3. Gameboy
4. Gameboy advance - my oldest kid's
5. Nintendo DS - my youngest kid's
6. Electronic Baseball  (new retro version)
7. Electronic Basketball (new retro version)
8. Electronic Football (new retro version)

This is the set up in my basement.  The plan was always to finish the basement and have a game/collection room, but that never happened for reasons that I won't bore you with.

I've got two sets of drawers to hold my primary controllers for each system.  I custom cut foam order to give each controller a nice home.  Rechargeable controllers sit on top.

The systems:

With the all consoles, rechargeable controller docking stations, VR headset, headphones, etc, I had to have a lot of power.  So I bought two 16 outlet surge protectors.  I still had to use another six outlet surge due to all the fat plugs and sideways plugs.  You can see the mess in the back, but in the front, I have everything running through A/V and HDMI selectors to make switching systems quick and easy.  They are also labeled so my family knows what buttons to push when they want to play.

They're watching you!

No sooner did I buy the Vader Atari, my dad called me and said he found my original 6 switcher in his basement.  So not only did I get my original N64 back, I never actually got rid of my Atari (sears Tele-games system).  My next project is to clean that baby up.  The pics below will be my before pics.  So I'm the sole owner of everything pictured except for the TG16 and NES.  My dad also found my TG16 China Warrior game. 

Thanks for looking.  I'm going have questions and I'll update with new pictures as my collection grows.  So please stop by often.

Hardware and Tech / PS3 FAT YLOD
« on: January 26, 2017, 01:21:33 pm »
Hello all,

I'm going to attempt to fix my YLOD on my PS3.  I'm not a handy guy, but I figure I don't really have anything to loose. Plus the interwebs has already helped me fix my sink and my carpet cleaner.

There are a number of videos on youtube.  Is there one that's better than another?  Any tips or tricks anyone recommends?  I'm looking for fix that is easy, effective, and as cheap as possible so any advice from some more experienced members is much appreciated.  I don't want to buy equipment that I'm only going to use once if I can help it, but if it's needed I guess I will depending on the cost. 


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