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Topics - theretrovoyager

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Video Showcase / Castlevania 2 - Simons Quest to not blow a gasket
« on: March 17, 2019, 07:29:41 am »
So after a while, I have decided to start playing Castlevania 2 - Simons Quest. I heard about Arin (From Gamegrumps) hating on this game a bunch in one of their videos and I had no idea why. Starting the game, I could understand it, but I am kind of getting attached to this title. Sure, it's almost impossible to figure this stuff out without a walkthrough, but I do like it.
Castlevania 2 - Simons Quest

I have been playing video games since I was 3 years old. 30 years later, I'm still playing them, but the best game franchise I've ever had the honor of playing is still Mega Man. It is by far my favourite games to play and I even started a YouTube channel of me playing a bunch of the classic games from those days. My Mega Man Mondays is honestly the best series I have going at the moment and I'm glad it is. My plan is to play through every Mega Man game I can get my hands on :)

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