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Topics - godnightshade

Pages: [1] 2
Classic Video Games / Georg Mack Plays the Classics
« on: January 02, 2022, 05:04:42 pm »
Hey y'all, been a long time since I've stopped by, but I thought my latest project might be entertaining to some.

I'm doing a three pronged look at Nintendo and Sega's 8- and 16-bit catalog in chronological order.

I start with playing a game on Twitch.

Then I write up a review of the game and grade it on a 4.0 scale. These appear at

Then I make a YouTube video of the highlights with narration from the review.

It's been pretty fun and easy so far. Thanks to games that you get the full experience of for just playing for 30 minutes. I'm working on getting a backlog of reviews and videos set up for when the games get longer and more in depth.

Something that blows my mind is that I have an 8 month gap between the NES launch titles and the next batch of releases. That's nuts that there was such a long time between releases. I wonder what kind of effect that had on consumer confidence in the product.

Off Topic / I love Matt
« on: September 11, 2015, 02:49:24 pm »
That is all.

Classic Video Games / Did you love Ultima Oniline?
« on: November 30, 2012, 07:25:18 pm »
I played UO for many a year back in the late 90s, early 2000s. Well, I got all itchy wanting to play again, so I sniffed at a ton of free shards and settled on If you miss UO, come play with me. It's great fun.

UO = The Pinnacle of MMORPG

Classic Video Games / Shadowgate on NES
« on: November 30, 2012, 02:16:38 pm »
Were there two releases of Shadowgate? I see some auctions on ebay that come with a hint book and no manual, where others have the manual, and no hint book. My brother doesn't recall a hint book from when we were kids.

General / There's no greater gaming nirvana than...
« on: November 26, 2012, 04:04:36 pm »
Playing Dragon Quest. Any of them, really. Probably 5 most of all.

General / You know how I know we have a very narrow type of gamer here?
« on: November 24, 2012, 09:11:20 pm »
Only 10 people with Madden 08 and Madden 09 on 360 in their collections. With millions of copies of those titles sold, only about 10 of them are here. Speaks wonders to the demographics.

Any other oddities you've noticed?

Modern Video Games / TF2 & Minecraft
« on: November 24, 2012, 01:59:19 pm »
If anyone is looking for a server to play Team Fortress 2 or Minecraft on, check out my brother's site

I may start playing TF2 again.

User Feedback / stagecoachkid
« on: November 21, 2012, 11:21:01 pm »
Picked up a number of items from stagecoachkid. Items were priced reasonably, packaged wonderfully, and sent quickly. Everything was in the shape he said and I'm a happy camper.

Site Feedback / Default add to collection adds cart/disk
« on: November 09, 2012, 01:00:26 pm »
it would be good if when I add something to my collection it defaults to saying I have the cart/disk. That way, when I add a bunch of things from a series through the check boxes, I don't have to go back through and fix that.

Modern Video Games / JJ Abrams "Revolution" by Obsidian
« on: November 07, 2012, 11:18:52 am »
Wouldn't it be super awesome if JJ Abrams commissioned Obsidian to do a game based on the Revolution universe using the Skyrim engine?

All the sword fighting, and bow and arrows, and crossbows, and survival, etc. in a modern setting, but with no electricity! Add in muskets and militias, and parties of awesome folk, and we've got a game I could enjoy.

*Disclaimer: This game is not in the works... to my knowledge.*

Site Feedback / View Random Collection
« on: November 05, 2012, 06:46:09 pm »
I think it would be neat if there was a button to press to view a random collection. I will bring this up to you on our phone call tonight, Matty.

Classic Video Games / SimCity on SNES
« on: October 26, 2012, 06:21:37 pm »
I built a Megalopolis for the first time in my lengthy SimCity career. No cheats or questionable techniques were used in the creation of this city. In fact, I still have room for at least 30 more zones. I could probably hit the mythical 600,000 population mark if I were so inclined to.

Is anyone else a Megalopolis builder?

Marketplace / WTB: Dragon Quest/Warrior stuff
« on: October 24, 2012, 04:26:43 pm »
Hi folks,

I'm a big Dragon Quest/Warrior nut. I have all the games, but am looking for any other Dragon Quest related stuff, including but not limited to...

Boxes, manuals, guides for DW1-4 on NES.
Swag, like plushies, toys, and statues.
Soundtracks, orchestrated or otherwise.

Anything else you have that you don't want that is related to Dragon Quest/Warrior. Let me know!

Site Feedback / Played/Competed
« on: October 15, 2012, 03:36:46 pm »
To help us keep track of what we've played or completed on our list, there should be a checkbox we can click to tell us if we've played/completed the game.

Marketplace / WTB: X-Com UFO Defense (PSX)
« on: October 10, 2012, 04:06:38 pm »
I always look for PSX games complete. If you have it priced to sell, let me know and we can work it out!

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