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Messages - kashell

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General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: July 22, 2024, 09:26:52 am »
53. Slave Zero X

All that stuff I said about the game being awesome in the playthrough topic? Forget I wrote that. After my last post about the game, the gameplay took such a massive plummet it made my head spin. This was the WORST game I've played this year. Review below. If I recommended the game to you, then ignore said recommendation. Save your money and time and sanity.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: July 17, 2024, 12:01:28 pm »
52. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

It feels correct that I hit the 52nd game with such an epic RPG. I finally made it to the end after nearly 90 hours on the Canon of Vengeance route. Other than some navigation issues in the Taito and Shinjuku areas, this game was miles ahead of the original - which was a great game in its own right. The new content makes it feel like two-games-in-one. No matter which path is taken, there are tons of new demons, great QoL improvements, different language options, and probably more things I'm not thinking of. I'm really excited to get a review going for this game. Between this and Unicorn Overlord, I'm going to have a hard time picking a favorite new release of the year.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: July 16, 2024, 10:47:51 am »
51. Kirby Star Stacker

I can't believe that I took so long to play anything related to Kirby this year. Once again, I needed something quick. I didn't want to replay one of Kirby's recent adventures. I didn't want to play the original Dream Land, either. So, I figured a few levels of a puzzle game would do nicely. Star Stacker is one of those hidden gems of a puzzle game that follows the age old trend of easy to learn yet hard to master. I played it on my GBA SP so seeing a black and white game was a bit jarring at first. It was fun for what it was, but I'm going to try to get a more proper Kirby game in the books this year.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: July 14, 2024, 03:25:08 pm »
50. Mega Man 5

I needed a quick break from my current RPG. And what better way to do so than with my home-boy, Mega Man? I think this is the Mega Man I've played the least number of times. It's either this, 4, or 7. Either way, it was fun to revisit this (and abusive the hell out of save states) because the controls are still tight, the music still hits, and it was fun seeing the new look of the charged Mega Buster. I kind of want to play one of my favorites such as 3 or 8, but SMTV:V continues to pull me in.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: July 08, 2024, 10:30:40 am »
49. Robotron 2084

While driving home from the in-laws, we stopped at a rest area just outside Atlanta. Across the street was a Pizza Hut that had an arcade cab of Robotron 2084. I had to play it. I haven't played it in years. So, while the hubs ordered and tended to our pup, I was playing the robo-hell outta this one. I worked up a sweat moving those joysticks, so I counted it as my workout for the day. It was a good way to end a rather blah July 4th weekend.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: June 27, 2024, 02:58:55 pm »
48. Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

Before playing this, I gave Hundred Heroes a test run on Switch. It wasn't good because the load times were too much to deal with. So, I decided to swap it for the PlayStation 5 version. In the interim, I figured it would be good to play Rising so that I could get some more insight on the story and get some additional bonuses for when I restart. Rising itself was fine. It's a 2.5D action-RPG that, at first, reminded me of Valkyrie Profile. Once that veneer wore off, it was just another palette cleanser of a game that was easy to finish. There was plenty of clunking and junking, but nothing I couldn't handle. The platinum required less outside farming than I thought would be necessary. CJ, Isha, and Garoo ended up becoming a likable trio that I look forward to seeing down the road. Best of all, the loading times were non-existent. I hope that carries over into the main campaign, too.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: June 24, 2024, 10:06:16 am »
47. X-Men Arcade Game - Dazzler

Oh, Dazzler. Dazzler, Dazzler, Dazzler. Other than Cyclops, she's not as fun to play. I will say that she has a fun outfit that screams the early 90s. So there's that. It's easy to be reminded of why no one ever played as her. Her mutant power just isn't as useful as the others. Her power can be useful if timed right, but this is an arcade game where you're button mashing your way to victory. Ain't nobody got time for strategy. Still, it was my first time playing her through to the end. So, yay?

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: June 20, 2024, 08:42:25 am »
46. X-Men Arcade Game - Nightcrawler

It was my 40th a few days ago and this 1-Up cabinet was my big gift from the hubs. I finally broke in my new toy, and with my homie: Nightcrawler. He has always been my favorite character. I think he was my first X-Men figure, so there's a bit of history there. I find his mutant power to be the most entertaining. It was a lot of fun just spamming it near the end and watching the boss gauntlet fall to their knees. His jumpy-jumpy-jump on downed enemies is still a riot. I have no idea why the live movies turned him into some bible thumper but eh. The way I see it, that's a different universe than the one the game takes place in.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: June 15, 2024, 04:02:19 pm »
45. Skautfold: Usurper - A Ending

This is the second game in the Bloody Pack. This game is a Metroidvania. I use that term in the most liberal sense. Two crucial things were missing from this game to be considered part of that sub-genre. The first was a fast-travel feature. There were warp points that would send you back to the main area where you could do things like buy spells or re-spec your character, but that was it. This was a real nuisance because the interconnected world didn't feel very connected at all. Which, brings me to the second issue: the map. You can pull up a map, but unlike 99.99% of the Metroidvanias in existence, the map just showed an overall layout of the entire game. There was no way to tell where you actually were or how to get where you need to go. I need a word stronger than "useless" to explain just how bad that thing was. It's a shame that these two major issues, as well as some other minor ones, weren't looked at. This is because the game's setting, character art, and massive weapon supply are what captivated me. Sprinkle a ridiculous final boss (the only time I died in the game) that looks like something a five year old would draw when asked, "Draw a monster" and the game ended up being...I'm not sure. I need to think about this one before sitting down to review it.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: June 12, 2024, 09:32:20 pm »
44. Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2

I'm not sure what it was that compelled me to get back into this series. I know I liked the first Swordcraft Story (and could have sworn I wrote a review for it!), but that was over a decade ago. Twin Age was a bit more recent, but not by much. Regardless, I'm glad I returned to Lyndbaum. Swordcraft Story 2 feels like a mostly solid follow-up from the first game. The themes and narrative are a bit more mature. There are some good and not-so-good additions that I'll talk about in a review. One thing that really baffled me was the lack of suspend feature. The first game had this, so why did it go away in the second. There's something called Anywhere Diaries that let you make a hard save, but for a game that is meant for quick romps having an item on hand isn't a good look. All that to say I think I prefer the first game over the second, but the second is still fun.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: June 11, 2024, 09:05:15 am »
I got 100% in Blasphemous 2 last week.  Terrific Metroidvania.  Definitely superior to the first game, which I did like, but found clunky and awkward in some places.  The sequel had better combat and exploration, and more fun collectibles.  Big hearty recommend if this is a genre you like.  Shout out to Kashell for convincing me to pick it up when it was on sale.

Silent Hill: The Short Message is a decent walking simulator with awful dialogue and not great actual gameplay sections.  Dug the vibe, didn't care for the majority of the rest of it.

I'm so glad you liked it!

Agreed on The Short Message. I liked how modern day stuff (smart phones, social media, COVID) somehow got implemented in the Silent Hill universe but the game was so unfun to play. I'm glad it was free - even then it was still too much.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: June 11, 2024, 09:00:38 am »
I feel so burnt out from all of the Souls games and never liked open world style games, but all of the Elden Ring talk since it's initial release has me so damn curious about it.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: May 30, 2024, 09:51:46 am »
43. Tales of Eternia

This was a journey. To date, I've played through this five times. It's easy to forget how far the series has come since 2000. I want to talk about the bad, which isn't that bad given the game's history. First, the controls aren't as tight as I remember. I played on my PlayStation 3, which might have had something to do with what seemed like a slight delay. In a game where combat requires you to be up close and super personal with the enemy, that caused a lot of frustration. Speaking of combat, it's a shame that the game basically forces you to make Reid your main. Yes, he's the main character and has the most abilities but playing as Farah provided its own level of fun. That said, both Reid and Farah don't come into their own until you're passed the halfway point. Combat remains slightly cumbersome before that. It doesn't help that most of the enemies are small.

Taking it a step further, to get the most out of Farah, you have to really dedicate time to fight a certain number of battles (300!) with her and use her moves one too many times. I tried my hardest to stick with her for the entire journey but Reid's combos just flowed better. There's also a lack of a grade shop, a lack of new game plus, a lack of a warning that says "saving over this cleared file will start you over", tedious cooking, and close to zero story inclusion for Max and Chat. The lack of a new game plus is the biggest hit because there's some neat stuff that can only be unlocked on a clear file, but doing so means starting from ground zero.

All that to say, the game is still a solid entry in the series. The game still looks amazing. The art style is just *chef's kiss*. Mutsumi Inomata (RIP) toned down her character designs and the game is better as a result of it. Sakuraba's musical style is in full effect, too. The adage of "third time's a charm" really rings true. Funnily enough, this was my third game in the series, too. Tales of Eternia provided a lot of firsts for the series: cooking (it's still tedious, but man it's helpful), manual mode, spells that don't freeze the combat, Mystic Artes, combination skills, cameo fights, and probably more that I'm missing. It's easy to sink a good 40 to 50 hours in every playthrough. Once you get to a certain point, combat becomes fluid and addictive. I'd spend a good hour or so just running around a dungeon trying different set ups to see what did and didn't work. I remember the first time I played this I wandered into a hidden dungeon all on my own pre-GameFAQs. I felt damn proud of myself for doing so.

I still stand by the fact that this is the best entry in the series to start with. Others will recommend Symphonia. That's a fine choice, but to really see where the series got some good bedrock for what's to come, then I say Eternia. This is also the game that would benefit most from some sort of reimagining. There's a lot of potential here to fix the above mentioned flaws and make something even more epic.

General / Re: 52 Games Challenge 2024!!!!!
« on: May 24, 2024, 09:11:57 am »
42. Skautfold: Shrouded in Sanity - A Ending

I ran through this game again, knowing what and what not to do in order to get the best/true ending. Usurper takes place after this ending so I'm geared up to begin that whenever the time comes. What a surprise this game was. I was initially turned off by it being ANOTHER Souls-like but there was a lot more to it. I'm a sucker for the creepy and atmospheric settings so that was able to outweigh my misgivings. If anyone is looking for something quick, challenging, and imaginative then I recommend this.

General / Re: IGN just acquired a ton of their competitors
« on: May 22, 2024, 02:46:18 pm »
I don't have a horse in this race. I just wanted to point out that you can't spell ignorant without IGN.

That motto has always made me chuckle.

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