Off Topic / The little things..... that annoy the hell out of you.
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:02:01 am »
Long story short. My wife and I went to my parents place to drop some Genesis games off for my brother, and a micro SD card that had pictures of our daughter for my mom. Well my brother decided what games he wanted to borrow, and as we were getting ready to leave my wife realized that she left the case to the SD card in her purse, which was in the car. No worries right, she had an idea she took a piece of cella-tape and put on the card, and promptly slapped it across the label to my Shining in the Darkness game. I guess the back of the cart wasn't convenient or it was out to lunch or something, but geez. So I know ya'll got'em too. May as well raise thy voice.