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Topics - ffxik

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Off Topic / The little things..... that annoy the hell out of you.
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:02:01 am »
Long story short.  My wife and I went to my parents place to drop some Genesis games off for my brother, and a micro SD card that had pictures of our daughter for my mom.  Well my brother decided what games he wanted to borrow, and as we were getting ready to leave my wife realized that she left the case to the SD card in her purse, which was in the car.  ???  No worries right, she had an idea she took a piece of cella-tape and put on the card, and promptly slapped it across the label to my Shining in the Darkness game.  :o  I guess the back of the cart wasn't convenient or it was out to lunch or something, but geez.   So I know ya'll got'em too. May as well raise thy voice.    :D

Hardware and Tech / Intellivision help, please.
« on: February 28, 2012, 01:44:28 am »
I managed an Intellivision on ebay the other day.  It was said to not work but I took a chance.  It came I tried it out and got the soundless black screen of death.  After investigating I purchased a new power supply board, I hooked it up and it worked, sort of.  

First and foremost after powering on you get the black screen, after hitting the reset button does the game actually begin play.  Only for so long however, then back to the black screen.  My transformer is good it checks out with my multimeter.  the board (the new one) doesn't quite.  Reading on it should be +5, +12, +16, 0, -2 instead reads +5, +12, +19, 0, -2.  I don't know if the additional charge on that one post is overloading the logic board, or if my CPU is bad.

On an after thought though a tech forum would be kinda cool. ;p

General / New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« on: January 28, 2012, 04:35:19 am »
I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this, so yeah. ;>.>

The rumor mill is a buzz today over the prospect of the new Xbox having software in it to make used games completely inoperable.  I for one do not see this going very far for a number of reasons.  In no particular order.

1. Life of the console.   We're going to have hardware issues.  No if, and, or but about it.  New console it's pretty much inevitable.  Making any game purchased completely useless for the new console.  Time to buy them again.  People just aren't willing to cough up $60 for a game they already purchased, because the launch quality of the console is crap.

2.  We all know that games go out of print.  So unless they intend to print them for many years, even if demand is low overall.  It'll end up costing too much in the long run.

3.  Fanbase.  You tell a gamer that your system cannot play a used game and he/she will tell you where you can subsequintly shove said console as they buy a competitors system, that will play used games.

4.  Not everyone is made of money.  We can't plunk down the cash for a new game all the time.  

5. Gamestop does sell new games.  Albiet my definition of new and theirs is "slightly" different.  They would have to completely change their policies.  That is the only good that comes of this.

I know this is supposed to curb the empire that is used game sales.  Unless everything goes digital (heaven forbid) I don't see this happening.

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