Hello all, I am new here, thank you for creating a website I can list and organise my collection.
Going out and bringing home a game I allready own was slowly wearing me down.
After this lockdown is lifted I can get back to visiting obsecure game shops and finding little gems.
Bring back the good old days of 2019.
Just finding my way around it is not clear to myself whom I should contact regarding uploading stuff.
When i started out, it was really fun, now its a job and becoming more and more of a chore as still have few more consoles to list. In my boredom i made a mistake and listed a game under the wrong heading and i can not change it. I am doing this all from my tablet and phone. Is there a way i can edit it myself? Who is the best people to contact when things go wrong.? The game was Who wants to be a millionaire 2nd edition on the Wii.
Be best to check listings from me in future.
Really sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.