I have just added alot of fields to the N-Gage Videogame database and all edits were accepted except the 'Item Number'. Im confused as to why.
I literally took the numbers direct from the spine of the game case, where almost all Videogame Catalogue numbers are located. Below is an example of where the Item/Catalogue numbers are located on N-Gage games.

There is another (different) unique identifying number located on the cart itself, as shown in the image below. But this number would not be used as a catalogue number by the fact that the cart lives inside of the game case, therefore its impossible to use this number in the industry, as an identifier, due to the fact you cannot see this number when its 'on the shelf'. Its my understanding that all 'item numbers' are codes used in the games industry for stock identification purposes.

Can someone at VGCollect please confirm which catalogue/item/identifying number is the one you find acceptable on N-Gage games please.