Sorry it took so long to get a reply to this, I read your post just as I was leaving work, then had a ton of stuff going on around the house. Hopefully this will help clear things up, and I may need to go though and rework the style guide again. Keep in mind we are still in "beta mode", so we can always tweak things to help them make more sense. And I'm all about having a guide that is easy to understand and follow.
(i) We are actually working on re-working the entire hardware and accessories sections, they've both been a total pile of poo from the get-go. And honestly we've never been happy with the way they are set up. Originally all hardware was also glommed into one giant listing, with all regions listed together, which is why I had the style guide listing regions in the titles. Hopefully we can get this straightened out asap.
(ii) Parenthesis "( )" are supposed to denote variations. So if a NES game was released with both a 5 screw cart or a 3 screw cart, it would be listed something like
Burgertime (3 Screw Cartridge) or
Burgertime (5 Screw Cartridge), or if a game has variant cart or disc labeling, like a lot of Atari games... such as
Adventure (Sears Picture Label) and
Adventure (Sears Text Label). Of course Atari games can have up to 5 or so variations, which means a separate listing for each one. The NES The Legend of Zelda games have 3 variations, one
Legend of Zelda, The (Gold Cartridge - 5 Screw Cartridge), One
Legend of Zelda, The (Gold Cartridge - 3 Screw Cartridge) and a re-release
Legend of Zelda, The - Classics Series (Grey Cartridge) we listed the Gray cart as a variation, because the label on the NES cart itself doesn't say "Classics Series" anywhere on it.
The Dash "-" is meant to show special releases, such as limited or collector's editions, greatest hits/ player's choice and any other special release or compliation. So They would look like:
Bioshock - Platinum Hits,
Devil May Cry - 5th Anniversary Collection,
Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition,
Fallout: New Vegas - Collector's Edition,
Super Smash Bros. - Player's Choice. Of course, I suppose if a game is a special release with variations it would look something like this. Chrono Cross - Greatest Hits or Chrono Cross - Greatest Hits (Silver Backed Disc)
(iii)It's prolly a good idea to stay away from the word "with" and replace it with "bundle", since most of the time that's what all the game companies call them. Also, I would list these like other special or limited edition releases. Like how Goldeneye 007 for Wii comes either bundled with the Wii's Classic Controller Pro or alone. So we have
Goldeneye 007 and
Goldeneye 007 - Gold Classic Controller Pro Bundle, or How Guitar Hero II comes either with or withour the guitar controller,
Guitar Hero II - Guitar Bundle or alone
Guitar Hero II. Of course I think every copy of
Animal Crossing for GameCube came bundled with a memory card, so it that case, just mention it in the Description field as a pack-in.
I hope this helps out, feel free to ask any other questions. Like I said I want to hammer out a Style Guide that is easy to follow and understand.