Author Topic: Streaming/Recording a Panzer Dragoon Saga longplay with Framemeister/SCART/1080p  (Read 1215 times)

My friends and I are playing through PDS for the first time over the next couple of months and I thought I would capture the video in the highest quality possible for those interested in watching. We'll be streaming it live when we're playing, but afterwards I will upload our current progress onto Youtube. I'm using a Framemeister hooked up to a Saturn via SCART cable and am running it in 1080p. ATM we're almost 2 hours into the game, and I've uploaded our current progress onto Youtube in case anyone wants to catch up.

There's no set schedule to when we play other than it'll be late at night PST during the week, but I'll reply to this thread with any information.



PRO Supporter

Very cool! 8)

I'm planning to do a PDS longplay as well next year when my game room will be ready, always good to see more PDS content on Youtube, especially when there's an effort on the output quality!

Enjoy this awesome game, I wish I could play it again for the first time and discover everything like I did 15 years ago. :D


Very cool! 8)

I'm planning to do a PDS longplay as well next year when my game room will be ready, always good to see more PDS content on Youtube, especially when there's an effort on the output quality!

Enjoy this awesome game, I wish I could play it again for the first time and discover everything like I did 15 years ago. :D
You owned it when it was new? How much was it?


PRO Supporter

Very cool! 8)

I'm planning to do a PDS longplay as well next year when my game room will be ready, always good to see more PDS content on Youtube, especially when there's an effort on the output quality!

Enjoy this awesome game, I wish I could play it again for the first time and discover everything like I did 15 years ago. :D

You owned it when it was new? How much was it?

I don't remember exactly since it was around 1999 and we had a different currency back then - France passed from F to € in 2002 - Saturn games were very expensive as I remember since PS1 games could be found around 350~400F and Saturn first party games could often cost 500F which is around $70 if you convert without taking inflation in consideration.

At this time I didn't own a Saturn so I borrowed the console and some games to a friend, PDS was one of them, I really loved it to death. I played it on emulator since then, but I finally acquired my own copy a few months ago ^^

The game has held up amazingly well considering this is my first time playing it. Chrono Trigger is another major game that I first played in like 2010 and it blew me away despite being like 15 years old at the time.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 03:15:44 pm by csauce »