Author Topic: The Haunted VGCollect Thread  (Read 2100 times)


The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« on: October 26, 2016, 10:29:18 am »
So, actually I wanted to make this thread at the beginning of the month because the season is right, and I've put it off now until it's almost pointless, and it may be a stupid idea and will totally flop. But, I wanted to post this general "haunted" thread as a place where anyone can share their opinions and experiences with all things paranormal. Whether you think it's all a bunch of crap, or you are totally convinced.

Mostly, what it'd like to see here is if anyone has any personal stories about something possibly paranormal, or just weird and creepy. I doesn't necessarily have to be about yourself, but at least try and refrain from making up things, or posting about stuff that is known to be a hoax or not true. Discussion, or debate of any post is of course welcomed and encouraged, so that we can keep the thread interesting.

Myself, I'm not a hardcore believer, I think that a lot of people make things up for the entertainment value. Another part of me though, thinks that maybe some of it may have some truth behind it. I've never personally experienced anything that I would say is paranormal, although I've always wanted to. I've heard several stories before from friends and a few from family, and I actually do have one that I'll probably share in a bit, if the thread doesn't flop hard. It's a story about my great uncle who was involved in a mysterious incident in the 1960s, with police and medical records that actually back up the claims.

So, if anyone wants to jump in feel free to. It just seemed like the right time of year to be telling scary stories and giving one another the heebie-jeebies. Sometimes it can be fun, so I thought I'd see how this would go around here.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 10:37:17 am by Warmsignal »


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Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2016, 10:40:01 am »
I'm not a believer at all. Dead is dead. There is no undead.

Folks that see stuff want to see stuff. They're looking for it. Ghost and goblins is the best explanation for them.

Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2016, 10:46:39 am »
I believe in the possibility of ghosts but I have never experienced anything same thing with aliens.


Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2016, 10:59:48 am »
Paranormal, cryptids, aliens, I believe all could exist.


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Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2016, 11:55:31 am »
Aliens is way more possible. With the billions of stars and the possibility of an endless number of planets, it's extremely arrogant to think that we're the only life in the universe.

Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2016, 12:32:30 pm »
Ghosts, no. Aliens, yes.


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Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2016, 02:58:41 pm »
Me and a friend were walking one time at night through the city when we both at the same time were so scared.
We both saw, what we thought was a ghost orb, hovering around the top of a church, just once.
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Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2016, 03:51:45 pm »
I used to not believe in ghosts and stuff, but my wife and I had some experiences that made us question it. My wife is way more into this stuff than I am, but we've done a few ghost hunts, and I've seen and heard stuff I can't explain. The best hunt we've done is in an old hospital. The hospital was shut down years ago, and half was converted into a nursing home. The other half was purchased by a guy who wanted to turn it into a Halloween haunted house type of attraction. During their renovation, weird things started happening. They realized that they might have something real. They decided to proceed with their plans and operate it as a Halloween attraction during the season. The rest of the year, it is only used for investigations. It's been featured on Ghost Adventures and other shows like it.

So, the first experience happened to my wife. We were in the middle of an investigation and she was tired, so she sat down on an old hospital bed. All of the sudden, out of nowhere she starts crying. She was overcome with a profound sadness. She was totally aware of how weird it was, and told me she didn't know what was going on. She stood up and it stopped, one of the people who worked there said that it had happened twice before, always with a woman on that particular bed. It was in the old maternity ward. They think that a newborn or a new mother died there.

The second experience happened to everyone in our group, and nobody can explain it. There were five of us together in a different part of the hospital. We were using a digital voice recorder, trying to get an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon). Recorders can pick up things(voices, sounds, etc) that can't be heard by the human ear. We were asking questions and at one point, my daughter says "if anyone is here, say anything."  Nobody heard anything the entire night, but when we played it back later, right after she says that, two distinctly different voices say "anything".

I should also mention, I was brought along as the skeptic. I brought a bunch of gear and debunked a few things, but those two I can't explain.
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Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2016, 05:09:18 pm »
I'm a non-believer in the paranormal.  There's certainly some things that can't be explained normally, but I think the fault of people is that we are easily swayed by superstition, the story of others, and that our mind struggles to react to things properly sometimes, especially when frightened, and definitely when it comes to the environment we are in.  Anything related to recordings and video is slightly different and I'm actually somewhat interested in stuff like that to a degree, but I don't automatically believe it's just ghosts and what not, because I feel that opens up people to believing lots more ridiculous stuff like demons and such, which is pure bunk.  Can I better explain certain things that happen? Not really, but without more definitive stuff, I'll stay outside of it all.  I did like watching some ghost shows abit, when they would go to dark and interesting locations, like old hospitals, abandoned factories, etc.


Re: The Haunted VGCollect Thread
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2016, 11:33:02 pm »
We have weak brains made out of a bunch of water and gunk that are programmed to try to make sense out of things. Any kind of supernatural phenomenon is either the brain making sense of something without enough info from a person susceptible to stories they've heard, a person with legitimate mental problems with their brain doing more than just trying to fill in the blanks, or someone who is straight up lying for either attention or money. Most 'sightings' fall into the first category, and if they came from a society with no exposure to stories about ghosts they wouldn't react that way. It's the same reason near-death visions are almost always of the predominate religion of the region. I refuse to believe that such phenomena has not been recorded beyond word of mouth with how frequently people claim they've seen it.

Aliens almost certainly exist, with our own origins proving it possible. No matter how rare it is cells combine in the right way, and in the right environment, there is an unfathomable amount of universe and even if it happens only 1 in a centillion times, when there are infinite numbers of theoretical centillion-sided dice being rolled every second it's a certainty. Will we ever meet aliens? Probably not. Unless we can subvert our current understanding of energy & matter (or the aliens do to come to us) it's unlikely we'll ever be able to travel that far.
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