Author Topic: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS)  (Read 4257 times)

« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2018, 10:50:58 am »
I'll give the analysis a look, but I don't expect it to change my view much.  What I like, I still like, which is more than what I don't like about the movie.  It is flawed for sure, but again, I'll never think of it worse than Episode 1 and 2.  Even if I admitted it was bad, it is still less of a bore and waste of my time than those miserable prequels.  That's a permanent, never shifting, take from me.

But that's all your opinion there and I can respect it.  I'll disagree for sure, but I think I've read enough to know we won't see eye to eye on this as I think the franchise will be fine.  Even if this trilogy doesn't pan out, there are still two other trilogies and whatever other spinoffs planned.  If the Prequels didn't kill Star Wars, then the Last Jedi won't kill Star Wars.

I feel like the prequels arguably failed in execution, but not overall in terms of story and relevance to the Star Wars universe. What I mean by this is behind Jar Jar, beyond farting CG animals, beyond crappy acting and cringy dialogue, there is an important and cohesive story that was told and adds to the overall narrative of Star Wars as a whole. We learn about Anakin's origins as well as how he came under the training of the Jedi and Obiwan. More importantly we see his progression to the dark side in a believable and well written way. We learn about the fall of the Republic and the rise of Palpatine and the Empire. We also learn a lot of useful info about many other characters in the franchise that either set up things in the original trilogy and enhance it. With the exception of Medichlorians the hanger bay busting (explained in the videos), they did little else to undermine the franchise or series as a whole. They respected it and I have a hard time seeing how even Attach of the Clones damaged any Star Wars movie outside itself.

This is the opposite of The Last Jedi that had good acting (mostly), cool action and CGI scenes, and characters we like (mostly), but not only undermined itself, but the entire series before it. The Last Jedi is like a bomb that went off and the closer in canon a Star Wars movie is to it, the more it damaged it. Ironically the only movies that appears unscathed were Rogue One and the prequels.

I am not trying to change your mind or anyone elses; I am not trying to evangelize people to the church of hate The Last Jedi and Disney's Star Wars, but rather just throw out some support for why I feel the way I do about this movie. This movie does bother me, a lot, and it really pisses me off that what could have been a dream come true (new Star Wars movies every year, Star Wars TV shows, having a well respected studio behind it) has been the downfall of Star Wars. Essentially I am emoting and using this thread as a place to explain how I feel. I'm past arguing with anyone about this movie or trying to change their mind about The Last Jedi, but that certainly doesn't mean I won't express how I feel in light of new content or information related to The Last Jedi and Star Wars.