I'm a big fan of LoadingReadyRun, although it's worth noting they're comedy first and gaming second- so it's less 'funny videogame videos' and more 'funny videos that should appeal to gamer/nerdy types.'
Their weekly sketches have come to an end, but there's a decade-long backlog to poke around. Here's a couple favorites from the last season-
'Papers Please' (based on the game)
https://youtu.be/2ML-f34bmGw'Doctors Hate Her'
https://youtu.be/-9vuBiW7lfYCurrently, they're producing:
Checkpoint- weekly gaming news show (peppered with one-liners of course)
The Panalysts- recently launched improv panel debate show
Crapshots- Under 1-minute, often bizarre sketches
Qwerpline- Fake morning radio show. Sadly not updated often, it's one of my favorites.
Friday Nights- Magic: The Gathering based sketch show. Got picked up by Wizards and moved to the official MTG channel a few episodes in.
Now, this is just the pre-produced content. They also do a huge amount of
Twitch streaming. These shows do get archived on Youtube, usually under the
'Loading Ready Live' sister channel. They contain most of the actual gaming content. Shows include (but aren't limited to)-
Tinker Tailor Solder Fry- A show about making things, from homebrew beer to console mods and computer repair. Less educational and more 'join us as we may or may not do this right'.
Rythmn Cafe- Rythmn games
Matters of Import- Import games
Now Kiss!- Dating sims
Let's NOPE! 'Scary' games
Watch+Play Terrible games
Loading Ready LIVE- Bi-weekly live variety show
Basically where I'm going here is, if these guys appeal to you, you will have a METRIC ASS-TON of content to go through. I don't even try to keep up with their full output anymore!